Turn 4, Mill 600 Cards Please... [Primer]
SCORE: 123 | 27 COMMENTS | 16310 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS
BlockTheWok says... #2
hey so I did play test 4 games of it yeah we can still hit t3 panharmonicon 1 drop ally on t1 then druid on t2 then t3 we play the mill ally druid which now taps for 3 and we made our land drop and we have only spent 2 mana so we have 1 untap land plus the 3 mana from druid that takes us to four for panharmonicon.
KongMing says... #1
Thanks for the comment. You're forgetting the Druids are 2-drops BlockTheWok. Playtest the deck and you'll see the curve is spot on. Check the revisions and you'll see I used to run 22, but cut to 20 because I was getting flooded.
Good point about the Triomes, I'll make that upgrade.
September 15, 2024 1:45 a.m. Edited.