Turn 1 Destroy Land

Modern Rakasha

SCORE: 374 | 251 COMMENTS | 133585 VIEWS | IN 189 FOLDERS

-MisterJ- says... #1

Personally I would cut Searing Wind Chandra Ablaze and Vexing Devil most likely. And here is why.

Searing Wind is NEVER going to happen in Modern tournament. Ever. If the game lasts that long its purely because you failed to complete your LD goals. You have to use Chandra to really get the best out of it.

Same thing with Chandra. At the point that you can use her Ultimate to fire off the rest of your instants and sorcery spells it seems rather unnecessary for a 6 drop. Sure her -2 can kinda keep the cards coming but you have to discard your hand to do so. And again, the only card I can see you really wanting to discard is... Searing Wind.

Vexing Devil is a great one drop but it seems more pertinent to me to keep that one mana open for quick spot removal with Bolts or even Jets until you can start your LD.

That removes 10 spells from your deck leaving room to add 1, I would add in another Dragonmaster since that seems to be the most solid finisher, allowing you to quickly gain so many dragon tokens the game will be over before anything else happens and your opponent may be unable to respond.

Genju seems flimsy to me as well as you don't want to use the 6/1 to block with and risk losing land, it dies to everything, and that two mana is highly sought after post turn 3.

Just my thoughts.

March 2, 2014 6:58 a.m.

Rakasha says... #2

Thanks for the thoughts.. helping me to rethink a few ideas which is good. :-D

March 2, 2014 7:14 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #3

I always try to look at worst case scenario and it would really suck to have Searing Wind and Chandra opening hand with a few mana and lets say a burn spell. No LD, no wincon, and a long drawn out game in front of you. You mulligan to 6. That auto pain sucks because when you hit turn 3 you will be dropping at least one spell a turn. And if you're playing against something like USA Control I don't even know how this deck will hold up. Looks like fun. I like it. Gave you the +1 just for building something new. I hope to see some epic things like this in my meta.

March 2, 2014 7:29 a.m.

Zerpha says... #4

I'll completely agree with what -MisterJ- said.

Plus, since you're using a rather steep mana curve without any acceleration, yet a lot of spells for 4 mana, you definitely want to run more lands, else it's more than likely you'll miss a land drop up to turn 4.

23 or 24 if you want to keep those 16(!) 4cc+ spells. (Not even counting Searing Wind and the other 8 cards from your sideboard).

I personally also like Avalanche Riders more than Poison the Well , but that's up to you.Goblin Ruinblaster has similarities and will more often than not be able to find a target, and will in the very least be a hasty three-drop if nothing else is available.

Another LD for the sideboard would definitely be Boil (or the slower counterpart, Boiling Seas ).
There's also Cryoclasm and Peak Eruption , which has the advantage of only costing 2R.

Tectonic Rift can help Deus of Calamity to destroy another land in the lategame, but is yet another sorcery for four mana...

Unfortunately, LD is simply too slow in any competitive format since your opponent will already have cast (and still be able to cast) his most important spells by the time you destroy his first land (at least without mana accel, and most red rituals are banned in modern), since the majority of spells in those decks cost between one and three mana.

March 2, 2014 7:32 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #5

-4 Vexing Devil , -2 Chandra Ablaze , -4 Searing Wind , -4 Encroaching Wastes

These cards really don't help you hit your goal, they're slow and clunky when put into a deck like this. Burn is good, but not when you just don't want to give your opponent a chance at all. Otherwise you might just want to switch to a normal Red-Deck Wins.

Avalanche Riders and Goblin Ruinblaster are great because they are bodies that destroy land, giving you board presence, and you could just replace any 4-drop land destruction with those. Invader Parasite , is pretty good too, but more expensive.

Other cards I can see working in this deck and/or the sideboard are 2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , 4x Simian Spirit Guide (Is 100% a must), and 2x Young Pyromancer 4x Blood Moon .

March 2, 2014 11:34 a.m.

I would recommend Ghost Quarter or Tectonic Edge instead of Encroaching Wastes . Boom/Bust is also an interesting card to use.

March 2, 2014 5:28 p.m.

Elauron says... #7

Drop Chandra Ablaze and input Koth of the Hammer . He can help mono red mana ramp or deal 4 extra damage and his ultimate is much easier to pull off. Input Ghost Quarter for Encroaching Wastes because you could pull that off at any point in the game. Searing Blaze or Arc Trail could be viable burns to clear weenies and burn player. Brimstone Volley is awesome when you can hit for Morbid. And while it may not fit the flavor of the deck, Shrine of Burning Rage has always been in my mono burn decks, because it can just be that extra damage you need to get the job done and you'd be surprised how fast it gets counters in a mono red deck. That being said, that's a lot of suggestions for one deck. Choose what you will. +1 for a red deck with personality.

March 3, 2014 1:02 a.m.

Rakasha says... #8

Ghost Quarter seems bad to me... is it good in modern? like ... destroying one land that he can just search for seems pointless.. Tectonic Edge seems ok because its cheaper... but i dont want my opponent to have any lands.. let alone more than four... is Encroaching Wastes really that bad? i just thought it would be good to activate during one of those turns where u dont happen to draw a LD...

March 3, 2014 1:41 a.m.

Elauron says... #9

I like Ghost Quarter to blow up their nonbasic lands and it doesn't have a casting cost. Them getting a basic land may seem bad, but think about blowing up Eye of Ugin , Blinkmoth Nexus , Inkmoth Nexus , Glimmerpost , Celestial Colonnade , for example, a basic land is not a bad trade off.

March 3, 2014 2:04 a.m.

Elauron says... #10

Encroaching Wastes isn't bad, per se, but if you have to have 4 open mana to use it in response, you slow down your other spells in mid to late game.

March 3, 2014 2:05 a.m.

Rakasha says... #11

you've sold me on the Ghost Quarter :-)

March 3, 2014 3:14 a.m.

Caligula says... #12

March 3, 2014 4:12 a.m.

bjarkov says... #13

Lightning Strike is hardly even standard quality.. In modern it's baaad

March 3, 2014 4:48 a.m.

Rakasha says... #14

replacements?? magma jet?

March 3, 2014 5:37 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #15

I see Lightning Strike in standard a lot (I mean its just Searing Spear ), it just depends on the deck, the problem is that MUD and MBD are just so strong, but RW Burn is still great, and very very fast.

But yea, Magma Jet IS better because it allows you to set up.
Melt Terrain and Poison the Well are your weakest spells probably now. Icefall is SO much better just because you can get it back.

Icefall is in your grave, Swing with Fulminator Mage if it were to die or be blocked, you sac Ghost Quarter , they fetch a land, then sac Fullminator to blow up the new land, pay RR and get Icefall back. SO solid!

I recommend just proxying the deck and playing it against some friends and strong modern decks. Just to get a better feel.

March 3, 2014 12:41 p.m.

mmdw34 says... #16

you need 4 fulminator mage for easy land destruction and creatures

March 10, 2014 12:27 a.m.

mmdw34 says... #17

never mind I cant read lol

March 10, 2014 12:27 a.m.

chrispmatth says... #18

Have you tried mainboarding Sowing Salt ? I haven't run the deck, but it seems like removing one land, and the chance of them getting it again, especially for utility lands is better than the 2 extra damage off of Melt Terrain or Poison the Well .

March 11, 2014 10:29 p.m.

Rakasha says... #19

Done. Nice tip, thanks

March 12, 2014 1:42 a.m.

trulychaos says... #20

I would replace Ghost Quarter with Tectonic Edge , maybe add in a couple Surgical Extraction to eliminate colors

March 14, 2014 7:36 a.m.

Paradoxical says... #21

Avalanche Riders and Boom/Bust . You can run Try Shivan Wumpus as well. Also, you need some acceleration. You want to start dropping LD on turn 2 every time. You can dump Pyromancer's Ascension as you're playing plenty of LD already, you shouldn't be needing to double up. Also, I would suggest Tectonic Edge over Ghost Quarter . Yes, they have to have four land in play, but some decks will do that, and Ghost Quarter plays against your plan by giving them a free basic.

March 14, 2014 3:59 p.m.

Chanchan-s42 says... #22

I would look into the card Stone Rain . seems to fit your deck

March 14, 2014 5:15 p.m.

I'd make room for Peak Eruption in the sideboard.

March 14, 2014 5:58 p.m.

jonhydude says... #24

Ajani Vengeant for even more land destruction?

March 14, 2014 7:41 p.m.

Lotramus says... #25

I see a weakness against token-spam-people - try Anger of the Gods or Slagstorm or Pyroclasm .

If this deck was mine then I would exclude 1x Poison the Well and 1x Magma Jet and 1x Sowing Salt and 1x Roiling Terrain and 1x Vexing Devil .

And also please help me out with my Lost homes v1.2 PLEASE HELP.

March 15, 2014 11:49 a.m.

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