
Sram, Senior Edificer Full Altered Art

Mispring Sram, Sr. Edi Foil

An Equipment Oriented Commander Damage Deck

Mono any color for EDH is a hard choice but if you like it happens to be the perfect Voltron style color as it synergizes with equipments and auras better than any color. The main draw back with mono- is not having reliable mana acceleration or card draw. Sram actually fixes both of those issues at the same time. The key here is to focus on the synergy between colorless mana reduction, Sram, and equipments.

Reducing generic spells by mana effectively give you 30+ mana since we have that many equipments in the deck. This deck can reduce equipment casting costs up to ; Thats an effective 180 mana acceleration. Now you can play any of those 30+ equipments in the deck for free and draw a card when you cast them!

For white spells there is also reduction available which is more than most can use, and even Inspiring Statuary allows you tap all those 30+ equipments you played for free to help pay for your white spells.

The card draw on Sram is awesome, but once you start tuning the engine this deck can play 7-8 cards on a turn without trying, replenishing the hand as it plays through. Once you get enough mana fix the throttle goes wide open you combo off instantly and play your deck.

The reason I call this deck "Tutor Chain Option Sram" is because of 2 reasons:

Tutor Chain - A mechanic I built the creature list around for a tutor effect that pulls creatures from the library. It works off of Heirloom Blade, and even though most creatures do not directly share typings, there is at least one other creature who shares one with it.

In Example: Sram, Senior Edificer to Restoration Specialist to Stoneforge Mystic

The key logic here is two creatures that share one typing, dwarf, to "unlock" a second typing, dwarf artificer, that acts as a chain for a new creature type, kor artificer, which creates more bridges for more creatures to add to the chain.

Starting with Sram, who is always available since he is your commander, it will pull out every single creature in this deck forming the "Tutor Chain" for a 100% creature cycle.

The Tutor Chain style can have any one of multiple styles of chains each with their own lists of potential creatures which happen to be plentiful in mono-, so no two tutor chain decks have to be the same. There are plenty of ways to get more value from Heirloom Blade, and even I run two "side-chains" to pull out individual creatures. There are also plenty of cards which generate tokens to trade for real creatures as well.

This follows the idea of winning through card advantage. They played removal on your guy, you get a new one, thus still up a card. Lots of ETB's for tutors and some keep on giving if they are left alive. If not, more creatures to do more things. This leads into the main concept of the deck...

Option Sram

"Option Sram" style is equipment draw focus but unlike the Cheeris style, this style opts for more value per card. "Cheerios" decks play cards that have low value which are used to sacrifice to draw out for infinite mana/damage combos instead of helping Sram do damage. They thin the overall slots of the deck and thus do not have enough options reliably for dedicated hated.

This is why there are almost no low cost artifacts in this list. Sram wants every slot to be value, because we don't need cards to be cmc to cast them for , so why not let every card you have allow you as many options as possible while still keeping the end-game win con of drawing out available.

Everything you need you can find effects on equipment like Conqueror's Flail or Sword of Light and Shadow, cards like Ogre's Cleaver become value as you cheat equips, Heirloom Blade gives raw damage and even if they kill your creature you maintain tempo and possibly accelerate harder from the new free creature.

Option Sram is a well oiled, efficient tron engine that is reliable and durable, gaining maximum value from every card it plays. This style has plenty of ways to secure damage, keep your creatures alive with loads of redundancies, and even with some edge-case sprinkled in, all while Sram makes every card inherently more valuable so your opponents simply can not keep up.

By focusing on Sram's mechanic to its maximum value, you end up with more value from more cards than the board can deal with and you win through the most basic concept of just having more options available.

Heirloom Blade - By picking creatures that share one typing, I can find ones with a second typing to share with a different creature in my deck, eventually linking up every creature with each other through a series of chain tutor effects. Sram forces the tutor chain systematically down for a full 100% cycle of every creature in the deck.

Every creature means 4 more tutors for any equipment you need, and then 3 graveyard recursion effects for artifacts and creatures. That's not to discount the fact that all the heros you draw make great back-up tron champions and some can even cheat equip cost.

There are also multiple ways to break into the tutor chain, consisting of token generations through Kjeldoran Outpost and other effects like Trueheart Duelist using embalm from the graveyard.


I've laid out how the Heirloom Blade cycles through the list below. The steps are numbered in order as if you used Sram to start the chain, with the first typing the pair they share and the second typing is the new "unlocked" one.

Note: Entering with any other creature could send you up or down the chain.


Sram, Senior Edificer to Restoration Specialist

Starts here, with only one target to find


Tutor 2: Restoration Specialist to Stoneforge Mystic

Tutor 2 B: Nahiri, the Lithomancer to Stoneforge Mystic

Now there is still only one target to find, but we have another way to find her as well.


Tutor 3: Stoneforge Mystic to Kor Duelist

Tutor 3 B: Nahiri, the Lithomancer to Kor Duelist

Following procedure there is still only target as we follow along to be led out of kor and into:


Tutor 4: Kor Duelist to Relic Seeker

Tutor 4 B: Kjeldoran Outpost to Steelshaper Apprentice

Tutor 4 C: Nahiri, the Lithomancer to Recruiter of the Guard

Tutor 4 D: Elspeth, Knight-Errant to Auriok Steelshaper

This is where the chain gets denser. Lots of creatures to get, lots of ways to get them. All those one-creature-share only is great for getting specific creatures, but having a fatter middle section helps keep it more healthy as you play through the game and allow those combos to stay open as this is where a lot of the tokens break into the chain as well.


Tutor 5 C: Relic Seeker to Devoted Crop-Mate

Tutor 5 D: Relic Seeker to Trueheart Duelist

Focusing back down to two creatures we need to single out. One is great recursion, the other embalms from the graveyard so we can tutor sac her twice to really guarantee that giant warrior pull.


Tutor 6: Trueheart Duelist to Stonehewer Giant

Tutor 6 B: Devoted Crop-Mate to Stonehewer Giant

Its the next logical step, the giants are too value to let sit in the deck forever.


Tutor 7: Stonehewer Giant to Sun Titan

Sun titan is a beast in this deck, he can normally swing the turn you play him, and nearly everything in this deck is a target.


The potential to add side chains to this deck list is almost overwhelming, but every one reduces the consistency of the main chain. If the creatures you need are no longer in your deck, the chain breaks. This is why there are many humans and soldier, to keep the chain healthy.


Tutor 0: Puresteel Paladin to Balan, Wandering Knight

I would argue that Balan is worth a side-chain for two reasons:

1: If your super hero paladin dies he can act as a similar back-up tron hero that also cheats equip costs.

2: The paladin does not actually really help the tutor chain, since you end up going from kor soldier to human soldier to human warrior for the giant warrior. Puresteel is here because he is a hero for the deck, so removing him from the main tutor chain actually makes it more efficient.


Tutor 00: Kor Duelist to Etched Champion

Tutor 00 B: Relic Seeker to Etched Champion

Tutor 00 C: Kjeldoran Outpost to Etched Champion

Tutor 00 D: Steelshaper Apprentice to Etched Champion

Tutor 00 E: Nahiri, the Lithomancer to Etched Champion

This side chain is worth it simply because soldier is already so healthy with options that taking a side-chain to pick up Etched Champion is worth as he has built-in protection against so much removal. There are still ways to kill him, but hopefully with the rest of our equipment this guy is immune to most tricks your enemies have available.

Quick reference sheet for the mana fixing in the deck

Generic Cost Fix: Helm of Awakening + The Immortal Sun

Artifact Cost Fix:Semblance Anvil +Foundry Inspector +Cloud Key

Equipment Cost Mana Fix:Puresteel Paladin +Sigarda's Aid +Auriok Steelshaper +Balan, Wandering Knight + Hammer of Nazahn

White Cost Mana Fix:Inspiring Statuary +Pearl Medallion +Oketra's Monument

Main goals are to protect Sram while you build up your field to find the mana fix. Beyond that, just play what you have and make the most value you can.

The big learning curve is to get familiar with all the all the cards and how they play off each other. The innate draw from Sram does the heavy lifting, but the tutors find the missing pieces to make sure you lock in the damage.

The list is sorted by utility, like power, protection, and unblockable, so just find whichever piece you need.

Just watch out if you get slowed down early, it can be hard to get back up if you lost a bunch of cards. Protection should be priority.

The most broken type of card with sram is colorless mana reduction. Achieve this, you will have every other option available to you instantly.

Conqueror's Flail - It's like Grand Abolisher but harder to remove and we draw off it.

Flickering Ward - Protection from spells, unblockable, and helps you sustain the draw engine early on to get that mana fix.

Sword of the Animist - land accel in mono white on a sword, fits curve, thins the deck

Shielded by Faith - The value is that this card can be played before you need it, allowing you to attach it faster than anyone can respond, for free.

Ogre's Cleaver - Fits curve perfectly, helps get that lethal, and you can cheat the equip cost for max value.

Darksteel Axe - reliable damage that fuels the draw engine

O-Naginata - less reliable than the axe, but provides more damage and trample for dirt cheap.

Loxodon Warhammer - less cheap than the the sword, provides same damage and trample, also gives lifelink.

Hammer of Nazahn - Protection, equip cost cheat built-in for your deck, raw damage.

Cultivator's Caravan - A budget colored mana rock that draws you a card and comes in untapped

Etched Champion - Built in all-color protection that makes him a perfect back-up tron hero.

Darksteel Plate - this card is reliability, if you don't have it tutor it

Heirloom Blade - "Tutor Chain" - uses commander to systematically cycle through every creature in the deck list, can use tokens

Elspeth, Knight-Errant - hopefully makes our stuff indestructible, gets up free chump blockers or buffs our tron hero to get in more damage. also the tokens can be sac'd for tutor.

Nahiri, the Lithomancer - everything you could want, and we can even sac those tokens for even more value.

Devoted Crop-Mate - Human Warrior bridges the tutor chain to Giant Warrior, but also can bring back some of the best cards in this deck - Stoneforge Mystic or Puresteel Paladin

Kjeldoran Outpost - Perfect for mono-white, even better for Heirloom Blade.

Darksteel Forge - late game mana is not an issue, and having atleast one option I can tutor/graveyard any time is perfect

Mirror of Fate - exile is the only real answer to Sram, and this is a late-game last option if needed

Make sure to playtest this thing out, as even the first few turns are action packed



Tutor Chain Option Sram

Commander / EDH ezigrelnos



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96% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors UBRG
Splash colors W

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

34 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Kor Soldier 1/1 W, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Soldier 1/1 W, Stoneforged Blade, Trueheart Duelist 2/2 W, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
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