Tuvasa of the Eternal Aeon | Primer

Commander / EDH hkhssweiss

SCORE: 134 | 74 COMMENTS | 13388 VIEWS | IN 39 FOLDERS

KayneMarco says... #1

The only thing I would do to this deck is add in either Greater Auramancy or Privileged Position and Plea for Guidance. Use the Plea to tutor for either of these and your sterling grove to protect each other and protection to all enchantments or permanents depending on what you choose. And maybe a Mystical Tutor to find the Plea for Guidance.

December 6, 2018 2:02 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #2

KayneMarco Thanks for checking out my deck buddy! I used to run Greater Auramancy but the problem with that is that I can't target Tuvasa when that was on the field and it got a bit weird not able to voltron her. It's better in a Enchantment build version of her.

Privileged Position I also used to run this card, but it got cut out for lower CMC enchantments/aura on the turn I go nuts lol :P

Plea for Guidance, too high of a CMC although it is a tutor. What would you suggest cutting for it?

Mystical Tutor, considered running but don't know what slot to actually take out.

Sometimes I feel I need a Regrowth or a way to shuffle my library that's not based on a artifact/instant/sorcery. Ideally I want something like a Elixir of Immortality on an enchantment but to my knowledge there is nothing like it.

December 6, 2018 4:58 p.m.

nweiss1 says... #3

Hey, I like this list. I've been working on Tuvasa for a while myself. I find that she's susceptible to removal the turn she is put into play, so I tried to add some things like Blossoming Defense , Dive Down , Hapatra's Mark and a few others of the like. Do you have any suggestions to make her harder to remove early game?

February 6, 2019 2:10 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #4


That's always been a problem, especially when your meta knows full well she can be a problem. My go to protection has always been either Shielding Plax or Vanishing / Pemmin's Aura . I don't like instants in my current build due to the fact that I like the density of what I draw when I go "off" in drawing all the cards. There are times where you draw too many non-enchantments. If I add in those things I will be diluting the deck.

However there are alternatives, if you are afraid of people targeting Tuvasa than I would recommend first Devoted Caretaker she protects Tuvasa from all targeted spells, plus she is reuseable not to mention she protects not just Tuvasa but any permanents. The next one is Mother of Runes , the only downside to her is that when you call a color any enchantment of that color will fall off, and since most of Tuvasa's best enchantment colors are white most of them will fall off due to the targeted spell being a Swords to Plowshares or Path to Exile .

Other than that, run a lot more protection type auras or hold back mana. We do have haste in the form of Instill Energy so you can always hold back from casting certain spells until you have enough mana to do everything you need. Luckily she only costs , so if she gets removed once it isn't as bad as recasting her until her tax is 3x.

Hope that helps you buddy!

February 6, 2019 3:31 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #5

I tried to build a Tuvasa once . . . . . I gave up because the deck had over 200 cards before cuts :/

Have you ever thought of more tap cards like Frozen AEther and Authority of the Consuls to go with your Blind Obedience ?

Honestly, this is just me grasping at straws. The deck looks really good!

February 10, 2019 10:45 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #6


No worries buddy! It's already 90% refined already and I'm just min/max at the moment! For Authority of the Consuls , it's good but making creatures come in tapped doesn't provide me much benefits tbh. Frozen AEther however is just one CMC too high for me to consider adding it in, mostly due to the fact I do a 'pseudo-storm' on my turn and I value extremely low CMC to keep buffing Tuvasa.

I appreciate your insight and the upvote though! Thank you very much! I'm also fairly proud of this page, looks super aesthetically pleasing compared to my other ones!

February 10, 2019 5:19 p.m.

Decisive says... #7

AEther Barrier - While it doesn't help you further your voltron strategy, it does slow down your opponents, 1 mana every creature can be very detrimental to plenty decks, unless you find yourself facing other voltron decks.

Ana Sanctuary - A simple 3 mana enchantment that will buff Tuvasa, though the fact it triggers on upkeep might be a downside if you cast it the turn you plan to go off.

Ashes of the Abhorrent - A good graveyard-hate card.

Bonds of Mortality - If you find yourself having to deal with a lot of hexproof or indestructible creatures.

Chromatic Armor - Might be worthwhile to play

I don't fully understand why you run no Artifacts...there's some that are definitely worth playing like the staple, Sol Ring or Mana Crypt (If you've explained it in the primer, I must have missed it, in which case, my bad)

Counterbalance - If you're fighting stax, tell em to go shove it with this beauty

Hope this is of some use to you, +1

February 10, 2019 9:55 p.m. Edited.

hkhssweiss says... #8

Yo Byuante

Thank you for the suggestions! I will definitely consider AEther Barrier and Ashes of the Abhorrent those are really good flex card spots that I missed out on. The other one I was actually consider running is Energy Flux .

Counterbalance is in and out of the deck before, and is actually a flex spot. I value aura's a tad bit more in this build. If I was going a pure enchantress build I would actually consider adding this card along with Soothsaying .

Now there are actually a couple reasons why I chose not to run Mana Crypt and Sol Ring . Originally it was in the list, well at least Sol Ring was, I only have four Mana Crypts and they are in my cEDH decks. The times I did have it, it didn't benefit me when I was 'storming' off on my turns, it was a dead card almost all the time. I can't trigger off any of my enchantresses with it so it was cut. Alongside I run Stony Silence as well, I tutor for it pretty frequently due to my meta running plenty of artifacts. The list is tuned to pretty one shot people and outvalue people via attrition.

I hope that gives you my perspective!

February 11, 2019 9 a.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #9

Why not run Copy Enchantment and Estrid's Invocation to really get on the stacking of cards? Makes a soft lock with Sterling Grove possible, doubles the protection of your auras that protect your cards, and in dire situations, at least copies your lnd enchantments?

Also, if you’re running Sylvan Library , i would suggest running Abundance to really break the library!

February 14, 2019 3:23 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #10

Yo Noelqkazoo, appreciate the +1 upvote and your feedback!

I guess the only reason why I don't run Copy Enchantment is because I don't own one, however that being said I don't know what I would cut if I do run that card in. Actually I would probably run the functional reprint of it more since there can be cool interactions with it. The weakest card I can think of so far is actually Winds of Rath .

As for Abundance , it is useful but I'm not too keen on dropping a 4 CMC card, it bears playtesting as I do draw plenty of cards and I won't whiff as much. The same problem occurs though, what card can be cut for it?

February 15, 2019 3:13 p.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #11

Your list is solid but i would get rid of auras that don't offer more to tuvasa in terms of evasion or utility. Because of this, i’d consider cutting Blessing of the Nephilim .

Leyline of Anticipation is the same cost as Abundance —- i noted that you stated that whiffing on your draw engine can be a problem quite a bit. Just by having sylvan library out with abundance each turn though, you automatically +3 on YOUR choice of cards without the downside of having to pay the life, and thats only during the draw step. Once you have that single land for turn after the combo is established on your board, you can easily filter through your deck whenever you get the train rolling.

In my opinion, the leyline isn’t necessary because the table can—- like you’ve also stated— see tuvasa coming from a mile away, so there’s not really a need to be flashy (no pun intended) because you dont have any sorcery- speed tricks up your sleeve, so to speak.

I really like this list, and I’ve ordered a few cards to included into my own deck after seeing your explanation for some of them (i didnt know that phasing causes attached auras to also phase out with the card!)

February 17, 2019 10:35 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #12

It's cool lol Noelqkazoo, I am actually going to test out Abundance . However there is a reason why I still keep Leyline of Anticipation , it allows me to cast enchantment cards on other peoples turn netting value when Tuvasa is out on the field due to her only able to draw for the first enchantment per turn clause.

In addition, I only have Blessing of the Nephilim in here because the foil is really pretty but it's a one drop essentially +4/+4 buff for Tuvasa. My voltron style is almost akin to a Bant Storm list which is why I value the low drops. If you can think of a better low drop card please let me know and thanks for offering your input!

I'll actually probably test cutting out a land to see if Abundance can make it in due to my curve being at 2.38 CMC so the difference in missing a land won't be too bad.

February 17, 2019 3:37 p.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #13

Only other cards I would really consider cutting is either Treachery since it doesn’t really fall into the whole storm strategy you want to go for, or Nature's Claim , since its a one for one “destroy” spot removal, that again, doesn’t help you storm off.

I can see why Treachery can be a spicy tech, though, since you could essentially cast it for freesies at the right moment, but idk what kind of meta you’re up against that you’d need it.

February 18, 2019 10:32 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #14

Treachery has actually been super lit, in all the games I played with it, untapping either Serra's Sanctum , Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , any land that is enchanted with Wild Growth / Utopia Sprawl or any conjunction with it has allowed me to reach a unbeatable board state or able to one shot any one.

Nature's Claim is there for sheer efficiency, what else spells is there with no restriction that is pure artifact/enchantment removal spell for one CMC? In regards to my meta, we are pretty degenerate. I have cEDH pods as well as "casual" pods and than the jank pods. I bring this deck to my casual pods but even then I wipe the floor with them. This is also a 75% build so I'm not expecting to take this go against like Maximum tier decks.

February 18, 2019 1:22 p.m.

Noelqkazoo says... #15

Well try out Abundance in your testing at least and let me know how it goes!

February 18, 2019 1:40 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #16

hkhssweiss: I love everything from the background to the music. Good job, dude!! Honestly, my only suggestion was going to be perhaps an Eldrazi Conscription , but Idk if that's too jank, I just thought it would be a super cool thing to have in this context. I would recommend Bruna, Light of Alabaster , as a sort of back up in case Tuvasa became too expensive to cast, but your deck doesn't really seem to care about turning any of its creatures into a voltron.

I love it! and thank you for the time you put into making this guide an absolute delight to read. :D

February 18, 2019 2:23 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #17

@ Noelqkazoo Definitely will! I already added it into the deck and will be play testing it on Wednesday! I'll keep ya posted and let you know how it does, I am expecting good things as you said it does prevent me from whiffing, the only thing I don't care for is that it does cost 4 CMC which is quite high, but it's a card that will definitely prevent me from not drawing into more enchantments so that's always a plus and plus I don't care if they know what I grab because it is a pretty straight forward deck.

@ Inkmoth_ Thank you for your review buddy! I really appreciate your insight! I did have Bruna, Light of Alabaster in the deck before, but it was cut out due to the color requirements as well as CMC and whenever I did have it in hand it was already a "win more" card when Tuvasa or Kor Spiritdancer was being buffed.

Eldrazi Conscription was thought over many times, and in a general sense it's a great card since I am able to obtain mana quite easily however the biggest downfall is that it can be removed easily as well as tapping out when casting it. It's great overall but maybe if I was running Arcanum Wings or ways I can cheat it out more efficiently I'll reconsider it.

Makes my day seeing your comment!

February 18, 2019 7:48 p.m.

Decisive says... #18

Have you thought about making custom categories for your deck? to try and make the 40+ enchantments you have in it more readable?

Also, how did you change the font/colour of your accordions and make a custom background?

February 18, 2019 10:34 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #19

@ Byuante

I did for my other deck, Teneb if you click on the custom category. However to me it's easier to read, than by doing it by function or etcetera. I pretty much only use this site to post my decklist and gather ideas and perspective from other people to fine tune. Making it into a primer and such was actually on the side cuz I'm an aesthetic whore lolol.

If you want I can create it into custom category and order it by it's purpose. In regards to your other question you can use simple coding to add in stuff, it's listed in our T/O Formatting Tips in the comment box.

Here is the code I use listed in the code box, just copy and add it into your deck description to add it into your background.

Color Font HTML, use the code below: 


For adding in a image use the following code:

<img src="TYPE URL LINK HERE" style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:-1;"/>

Using a host site like imgur.com or dropbox for your images are a good way so it doesn't dissapear.

Hope that helps!

February 19, 2019 4:08 a.m. Edited.

Decisive says... #20

How did you do opacity? to make the boxes see through I checked the formatting page and didn't see anything on it

February 19, 2019 4:29 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #21

@ Byuante

I used a CSS styling sheet, scotchtapedsleeves created one for me and I adjusted it to suit my pages. I played around with it a lot to adjust the settings and coding. I'm not an expert at all at CSS but you can ask them for tips.

Try asking one of these members as they are the professionals at it:

Cloudius - scotchtapedsleeves - Matrixxx999

February 19, 2019 5:39 p.m.

Byuante Hey hey hey, what's up! Here to help

February 19, 2019 7:14 p.m.

Cloudius says... #23

Byuante You're in safe hands with scotchtapedsleeves helping you.

hkhssweiss Thank you for your kind words!

I was inspired by scotchtapedsleeves and Matrixxx999 before I started exploring CSS (I knew nothing about it prior) so I'm no expert here for sure. Matrixxx999 helped me with my coding too!

Will be happy to share if anyone is interested in what I did for my deck pages though. Cheers!

February 19, 2019 7:52 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #24

Hello to all, and thank you for your kind words friends!

As always, happy to help in coding, deck building... anything!

February 19, 2019 8:24 p.m.

Tarwyn says... #25

Bling Obedience is not in bant colours.

March 10, 2019 6:32 a.m.

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