
Deck Motto : Create a voltron creature with Aura's and Enchantments while also refuelling your hand after each cast with Enchatresses.

Tuvasa, Wilderness' Power

Tuvasa has created a sanctuary for those seeking refuge. With her powers she protects the weak and vulnerable from the dangers of the multiverse. If you are wanting to enter Tuvasa's realm, you must be pure of heart, otherwise you may find yourself overwhelmed by dangers yourself.

Tuvasa, Wilderness' Power is a deck focused around the power of Enchantments and Enchantresses. The inspiration for this deck comes from Melissa DeTora's Karametra deck from Command Zone - Game Knights episode #5.

When piloting this deck, it is important to make sure you have Tuvasa and other Enchantresses in order to restock cards you play. As the game progresses, your goal is to build up Tuvasa's power and play enchantments which will deter players from swinging at you. By the end of the game Tuvasa should be swinging with massive power and unblockable to take opponents out with large damage or commander damage.

Enctantresses refer to cards that allow you to draw cards whenever casting an enchantment or having one enter the battlefield. The name comes from the original enchantress ; Verduran Enchantress

Within the Enchantress deck there are a number of enchantresses, including some that give benefits other than card draw.

Card Draw



Due to Tuvasa being a voltron style deck with all other creatures being more support than stand alone creatures, the deck has found other ways to protect your side of the board.


Hard Swings

Hard Casts


Removal in this deck may not mean taking something off the board, instead it refers to removal as 'Removing something as a threat'.

Finally, seeing as Tuvasa will want to be swinging and swinging by herself, this deck has many cards to enhance her even more as she attacks.

Attacking Alone

Can't Block

Plain HUGE

Like my other favourite deck : Hapatra, Vizier of Plagues, this deck is special based on a number of cards I have pulled from booster packs and deck types interesting to me.

When I first watched Game Knights Episode #5 I was greatly impressed with Melissa Detora's Karametra deck: Karametra Enchantress - Melissa | Game Knights #5. This became a deck concept for a long while, where I didn't want to recreate the same deck, but wanted an Enchantress deck of my own.

When the 2018 Commander decks were released I noticed Tuvasa the Sunlit would be a good Commander, but just needed that little push to begin building. Soon after, I managed to pull a Flooded Strand from an Oath of the Gatewatch booster and wanted to put it into a deck. I started toying with Tuvasa as a commander and played around with some decks on tappedout. Later on when Ultimate Masters came out, my first pack was a legendary pull with;

This was the final push I needed to make this deck a reality.

Lastly I managed to secure a commission with the talented MSJ Alters for Tuvasa which made this deck become very close to my heart very quickly.


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97% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

54 - 6 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Copy Clone
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