✶Twilight Sparkle's Hug✶【Group Hug Primer】
Commander / EDH*
A little update —Nov. 10, 2019
Sylvan Tutor out
Coward_Token suggested me to add Gideon here to have another combo piece. I was thinking about what to cut and funally I cut Sylvan Tutor because it is a sorcery, and somtimes that can be problematic, or just you waste a turn you could combo-off.
TheSimikBOat says... #2
Thanks for the suggestions, but really the only (and main) wincon that I want for winning is the combo, and for the combo I need the pieces, tutors, and recursion, and i dont want to add more cards that don't help all the people, because then I will not be able to call this deck "Group Hug".
October 10, 2019 12:29 p.m.
Sorin_Markov_1947 says... #3
Never heard of a group hug deck before, but I love it. I'll never be a neighsayer again.
I like games that have politics in them, so if I ever get into commander, this'll be the kind of deck I'll do it with. Problem is, this only works once, because after the first time people will be like "Okay, this guy really is a threat, let's kill him". Guess that's why you have things like Ghostly Prison .
October 17, 2019 12:22 p.m.
TheSimikBOat says... #5
Yes, you are right, but sometimes this will work 2 or 3 times if you can win and you seems that you aren't playing to win.
Also note that Ghostly Prison effects also can be effective against decks like Group Slug, because that kind of decks want to put "a clock" in the game with things like Havoc Festival , and what Group Hug does is the opposite, and because of that Group Slug players will want to kill us fast.
Thanks for the Upvote! For the power of hugs!
October 17, 2019 4:13 p.m.
Love it! Absolutely love the idea of using tutors too. Great Deck!
October 17, 2019 6:35 p.m.
ashnekoboy says... #7
Did you think of using Rite of Replication ? You have a lot of ramp so it wouldn't be too costly I'd think.
November 4, 2019 10:39 a.m.
TheSimikBOat says... #8
I thought the same, when I start to build the deck, but I don't like it, because you need a lot of mana to cast it kicked, what means that probably you can't active the abilities to win the same turn, and then if only 1 of your tokens die you will need something more to combo off. The other options that I play to do the combo also can be disrupted by removal, but are more cheap.
November 4, 2019 12:47 p.m.
Coward_Token says... #9
Funny wincon there. Have you considered Gideon of the Trials ? Not a whole lot of utility otherwise but cheaper than P-Angel at least
November 4, 2019 4:50 p.m.
TheSimikBOat says... #10
Thanks! Gideon is a nice idea, but he has one problem: You need to protet him. Things like Ghostly Prison can seem useful to protect planeswalkers, but really they aren't, they are good to protect a player with 20-40 lives, because your opponent deal damage to you but not a lot. But it's true that if your Gideon gets killed you can use the recursion spells. For the moment I will keep Gid in the maybeboard, but I will try to add it soon.
November 4, 2019 5:01 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #11
First off, I'd just like to say that I am repulsed by these My Little Ponies being made into Magic cards. Makes me sick. I get why Hasbro has done it, but I'm over it.
So, onwards. I think a solid route to victory would be to run cards like Jarad's Orders , Final Parting , and Buried Alive to tutor the Ponies into the graveyard, and then win by casting something like Twilight's Call , Living Death , or Primevals' Glorious Rebirth to get them all onto the battlefield at the same time, then activate and win. I like this route, because it puts a sick twist on the happiness that the Ponies exude, and turns these happy Ponies into zombie Ponies, really.
Anyways, in all seriousness, I think this would be a solid way to set up your wincon. If you can afford one, Defense of the Heart could also help you with pulling out the last few creatures to pull off the win.
November 5, 2019 7:18 p.m.
Coward_Token says... #12
AFAIK not all of the Ponies have been printed yet so you can't make Twilight Sparkle's ability work without name shenanigans
November 6, 2019 1:19 a.m.
TheSimikBOat says... #13
Hey bushido_man96, The ponies to win with that commander don't exist (that is the funny part of the card), and that is the reason why the deck needs ____ to win (as Coward_Token said)
November 6, 2019 10:38 a.m.
bushido_man96 says... #14
Are they going to be printed? Nevermind, I don't think I care...
cascadien says... #1
lol i was thinking of trying something like this my self but im brewing a chulane deck currently...maybe when i finish. that said i really like this deck but im a little surprised you are not running Storm Herd it fits your theme and it combos well with Inspiring Unicorn .
October 9, 2019 8:10 p.m.