

[work in progress]

Really simple aggro/auras deck. It use 2 win condition: Edge of the Divinity on a double color creature, and I run 15 of them, or beat with Nightsky Mimic , which from turn 3 can become a flying 4-dmg-in-your-face creature; this is true for most of the turns, as I run 26 bicolor spells.

This deck can have a great advantage in life point, as I have 8 creatures with lifelink and 3 creature with extort (plus 4 lands, but 4 lp doesn't matter so much), so I usually win the damage exchange. Is not so difficult to have a 4/4 lifelink on turn 2 or 3, maybe with flying. Not to mention the Nightsky Mimic , which can became, if transformed and enchanted, a flying 7/7: but I rarely do it, is usually better to keep separate your win conditions.



Deftblade Elite : I love this soldier. A turn one creature with 2 abilities, and pretty useful ones. With provoke you can dismantle the opponent's strategy from the second turn, make him block creatures not supposed to (bye bye, Delver of Secrets   or Mother of Runes). And your deftblade should survive the battle, if you enchant it with an aura, better if Hyena Umbra . The second ability is a defensive one, and can block nasty creatures with infect, pretty common in pauper.

Nip Gwyllion : not so much to say: do you want a 2nd turn 4/4 lifelink? Enjoy.

Edge of the Divinity : bread and butter. Your main source of damage, use it carefully. Is better to use it on a nip gwillion or a Mourning Thrull . Why? Well, cause the weak point of an aura deck without hexproof creatures is that is too easy to do a 2x1 destroying one enchanted creature. So if I have to lost a creature, I prefer this 2, not the bigger ones.

Hyena Umbra : 3 bonus for just one ? Nice. First strike is always good, especially on deftblade, same for +1/+1, but totem armor is really good: it can limit the card advantage loss of the aura deck weakness. And help you protecting your Nightsky Mimic . It doesn't work with card like Cruel Edict , true, but I will cover it later on.


Chainer's Edict: pretty the same as Cruel Edict or Diabolic Edict (this one is better, being an instant), as I never arrive to 7 land with this deck, if I do not flood. And I don't want to. Nice removal, can't properly target but a couple in mainboard is always good. It's never a useless card and is really strong vs low creatures deck, like aura with the hexproof creatures, infect, Kiln Fiend.

Mourning Thrull : the same of nip gwillion, but it flies.

Brilliant Halo : pretty nice aura. Only a +1/+2, but the hand recurrence is a wonderful skill. If your creature dies, you lose only that, as the aura will always return to hand like Rancor does. Many of my creatures are pretty low in constitution, so is good to have a reusable aura.

Castigate : amazing card. You choose among all the opponent's cards and exile it. Can remove some big threat, and give you vision of the opponent's hand.

Nightsky Mimic : your bigger source of damage. Doesn't matter who your opponent is, having an attacking 4/4 flying is always bad. For them.


Auramancer : don't understimate this creature. She has a decent body, and allow you to take an enchantment from your graveyard, which is always good. Basically she is a 2x1 at decent cost.

Kingpin's Pet : really strong, a 2/2 flying that allow you to start to extort, increasing the gap in life point with your opponent. And enchanted become a really nice beater.

Unmake: 3 is pretty expensive for a removal, but this is really good. The exile is really strong in pauper, it prevent grave recurrence, pass indestructible creature and is a multicolored spell, so kill Guardian of the Guildpact and the hybrid cost make it easy to pay. The instant speed allow you to transform the Nightsky Mimic in the opponent's turn, which can be helpful.

Read the Bones: just a couple, as is always good to draw, and our hand become empty pretty fast. I prefer this over Sign in Blood cause first of all it allow me to scry 2, than cause I already have many cards at 2 cmc and at turn 2 I prefer to cast a creature, not a sorcery.


Not so much to say, but anyway: I tested many mana bases, and I prefere right now to run 19-20 lands, with more focus on the white ones. Justa a couple of Swamp, 6-7 double color lands like Scoured Barrens and Orzhov Basilica, which can help the recurrence of the first (for a life point... ) or better of Bojuka Bog. Regarding the least, I think is good to keep a couple of it in the main deck, cause is always good vs monoB, fog, flashbacks etc... This means that you can't use Secluded Steppe. This is cause in an aggro deck you can't be too slow, and I already have 8 lands that come into play tapped. So I can't afford other 2 slow lands. Eventually, chose among Secluded Steppe and Bojuka Bog accordingly to your meta.


Beckon Apparition : great istant. Split color and instant, so activate Nightsky Mimic , specific grave removal vs flashback cards and Unearth , it give us a multicolored flying spirit ready to become a 4/4 with Edge of the Divinity , and counter Cruel Edict and Chainer's Edict.I'm actually thinking to run a couple of it in main.

Rune of Protection: Green and Rune of Protection: Red : not so much to say, right? The green one help us vs infect, stompy or auras, the red one vs burn and Kiln Fiend. I prefer the runes over the circle just for the cycling ability, so I can cycle the second one that I draw, and as my mana source are basically mono I don't care the colored cost.

Holy Light : I love this instant. It doesn't kill any of my creatures, and is so strong vs fairies, goblin, tokens, the stupid hexproof creatures (before they got enchanted/pumped, of course) and some monoB decks.

Disenchant: I don't have to explain it, do I? If you run a version with more enchantment and Ethereal Armor use Seal of Cleansing. If your meta is full of affinity, go with Dust to Dust .


I use this deck from a while, tested it on cockatrice and in real, and I must say is pretty stable. I can work a little bit with the cards that I put in the maybeboard, wich I analized in the previous section, but is just a matter of taste and meta, I think. Not a tier 1, but I think it can be considered a tier 1.5/2,




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After a lot of games with the extort version of this deck, Extort your life, I started wondering if the Kingpin's Pet is actually worth it in this deck. I mean, it is definitely strong, but here? This is basically an aggro deck, and if I really want to aggro, extort is not the way. And if I really want a flyer, there are better options. So I put in a couple Harvest Gwyllion. Decent body, not too expensive in mana cost, bicolor, and with a Hyena Umbra they can beat down literally any creature in pauper format, as wither and first strike is a really nice combo. Just a couple, and the other slot will go to another edict. Still testing, of course.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Spirit 1/1 WB
Folders Competitive, Pauper, bw, Pauper League Brews, Budget, Pauper , Decks I Like, pauper
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