Tymaret and The Aristocrat Gang

Standard* Cranthis


Arcangel266 says... #1

I would add some Abhorrent Overlord , and take down Boros Charm , as double strike would only benefit Underworld Cerberus , indistructible is somewhat nice, but somewhat useless on this deck, as creatures to die would feed your "eaters",and the damage is always nice, but is not needed on this kind of deck. Dreadbore is more useful than Orzhov Charm , as you have one creature with converted mana cost 1, and returning a card to your hand wont benefit you a lot. Maybe, consider it moving it to your slideboard, but idk. Cheers :D

September 24, 2013 6:06 p.m.

joedude420 says... #2

considering akroan is pretty lackluster... and assemble the legion quickly turns into a game ender even in huge edh matches...

September 24, 2013 6:30 p.m.

Cranthis says... #3

Advice taken and used. I dropped magmajet from 3 to 2 (Because lets be honest, its there for scrying) and Boros Charm from 4 to 3, and put in 2 Abhorrent Overlord

September 25, 2013 5:30 a.m.

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