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Tymna and Kraum's Divergence

Commander / EDH Competitive



Welcome to Midrange Tymna and Kraum Divergent Transformations!

What is midrange in cEDH?

Midrange decks comprise value and card advantage, disruption, and a (compact) way to threaten to win. The focus is on card quality, where each card has an individually maximized impact and fits in lockstep with other card choices, synergies, and functions.

The goal of midrange decks is to do the following in order of priority (though not necessarily in this exact order as games often involve flexibly adapting to the game state) :

  1. Develop and establish mana and card advantage via repeating turn-after-turn sources (aka engines) and card quality.
  2. Disrupt opponents, slowing down the game early on.
  3. Win in a swift and efficient manner.

These goals are supported by having several draw engines in addition to the double-general powerhouse. About 1/3 of the deck is Instants and we include a comprehensive suite of 25 pieces of interaction via targeted and mass removal (12), disrupting stax (2), and countermagic (11).

A robust suite of artifact ramp complements the draw and disruption engines, with a focus on wrecking havoc on each opponent's mana dorks and creatures.

Threatening to win via a single card combo is a powerful element of the deck that forces opponents to adjust their play styles.

After initial disruption, opponents are often forced on their back-foot, torn between trying to recover and holding up their own disruption as the midrange deck threatens to win.

Meanwhile, we can invest in mana and card advantage engines at will while still holding disruption and/or threatening one of several winning lines.

Why the choice of generals, you ask?

  1. Having partners means we can have a one-card combo in Divergent Transformations for Niv Mizzet Parun (NivMP) and Tandem Lookout with only our two generals. More on this later.
  2. Tymna and Kraum both generate turn-after-turn no-mana card advantage or force opponents to play around their abilities. Incidentally, they speed up topdeck tutors, mitigating any downside.
  3. Kraum hastily follows up Tymna and can eat up big chunks of an opponent's life total or block and preserve our own.

These features support the card advantage core of midrange strategies discussed above.

DT (Divergent Transformations) can be played as an instant-speed win for 3R. Ultimately, this is the reason to play and craft a deck around the card and strategy.

However, DT has serious limitations:

  1. Requires 2 creatures to "transform" away
  2. You only get to put 2 creatures into play on resolving this spell
  3. You can't play any other creatures or you are gambling every time you cast it

To enable DT, we have a combination of partner generals, Blinkmoth Nexus, Smuggler's Copter, token-producing utility cards, Mnemonic Betrayal and Reanimate (for your opponent's creatures). These also provide (mostly evasion) bodies to generate card draw with Tymna.

More on our specific creatures to Transform into below.

Our targets are NivMP and Tandem Lookout. Once soulbonded they create the following loop, triggered any time their controller draws a card -OR- when any player casts an instant or sorcery spell.

Draw --> Ping opponent --> Draw... and so on until opponents are dead (with ways to refresh your library as needed).

Several reasons that we play these over other pairings like Notion Thief + Whirlpool Warrior include:

  1. Compactness - only two cards required to win without dedicating any more card slots to win conditions.
  2. Efficiency - the two cards often win without even needing additional mana via our draw step.
  3. Utility - Tandem Lookout is virtually a second Tymna and has great synergy with her and tokens.
  4. Flexibility - NivMP is also an outlet for Isochron Scepter wins and while very difficult to cast NivMP also produces a lot of card advantage and represemts a way to clear out small creatures even without Tandem Lookout.

Powerful card draw, mana, and repeatable control in the form of Ad Nauseam, Paradox Engine and Isochron Scepter respectively also provides another axis on which to play and win.

Ad Nauseam plus a generally low mana curve, lots of mana positive rocks and spells (Dark Ritual and Dramatic Reversal) often allows us to cobble together one of the following wins:

  1. Paradox Engine with mana rocks and either Isochron Scepter + any 1-2 CMC instant for infinite casting and mana -OR- Sensei's Divining Top + Scroll Rack for infinite mana.
  2. Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal + Outlet (e.g. Top or Copy Artifact for a second Scepter)
  3. Manual assembly of NivMP and Tandem Lookout -OR- Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal

We have many options to stick on Isochron Scepter as outlets, such as Brainstorm/Tainted Pact for infinite draws or Swan Song/Winds of Rebuke to win with.

It is worth noting that unlike Thrasios decks, producing infinite mana does not deterministically win. Often, those combos pair up with or follow Ad Nauseam or another turor/draw/combo piece. This fits into the strategy of having many card draw engines and focusing on disruption while creating a consistent flow of card draw.

  1. Dark Petition - can find and mostly pay for a win condition (DT), draw engine (Necro), or combo piece (Scepter or Paradox). Any tutor that increases consistency for our one card win is worth testing and in this case including.
  2. Counterbalance - a synergistic stax piece, it works extremely well with topdeck tutors, Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Necro, and even draw engines like Mystic Remora and Kraum. High density of 1-2 cmc cards makes it very strong, and unpredictability leads to many more shots to free-counter spells when opponents have seen the top card previously and try to play around it.
  3. Scroll Rack - a powerful synergy card that works well with shuffle effects, lots of draw, Counterbalance, and refreshes the library for Niv Mizzet.

Current shortlist of cards under consideration: Impulse, Rolling Earthquake, Bitterblossom

Credit and acknowledgement to LilBrudder who has been an amazing collaborator, tirelessly testing many individual cards and builds for DT MAN decks. Thanks also to Sigi and the LabManiacs for experimenting with and building BUGR Divergent Control that inspired my deck idea.

Please check out LilBrudder's decks, LilBrudder's Tymna's Transformative Fleet for a faster and more combo oriented version and LilBrudder's Tymna's Transformative Thief for a wheel-centric version that harnesses the synergy of wheels, Notion Thief, and the new Smothering Tithe to devastating effect.

Credit to Reltats for his idea and building the shell for the wheel-centric DT MAN deck Manly Transformations

Thanks to the Midrange Ad Nauseam (MAN) discord for your engagement, feedback, tweaking and testing both this version and my/our other crazy ideas.

Currently testing and making significant updates for powerful WAR additions.

Stay tuned!


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #39 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.96
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB, Treasure
Folders EDH, Primers, cEDH Primer decks, cEDH Reference
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