Tymna & Sidar Kombo Hulkbears

I really liked the idea of drawing cards off Tymna the Weaver (and Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa ) while not being dependent on my commander to win. On top of this, Abzan is a beautiful color-combination. The first iteration was a pure hatebear plan which was aiming to win via Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Living Plane or beatdown. Recently I implemented a Protean Hulk -plan with several Hulk-lines as well as Razaketh, the Foulblooded . Now, I will need some testing to refine the list further.

The list would be somewhat better with access to blue, particularly Flash , also Spellseeker and Intuition are huge, but I kind of dislike Thrasios, Triton Hero as my commander and then, this deck would be one of many.

Game Plan

Simplified Plan: Get Protean Hulk in play and sac it e.g. Apprentice Necromancer or Necromancy or you already have a sac-outlet in play. Another possibility is to win via Razaketh, the Foulblooded . On your way to victory, you have access to a decent amount of Stax-pieces to slow down the game, as well as some interaction. In the event of massive gravehate, the deck should be capable of winning through Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and beatdown resp. Elesh Norn + Living Plane / Linvala, Keeper of Silence


Here are the main lines I found for Abzan colors, assuming the Hulk died:

  1. Fetch a sac-outlet such as Viscera Seer or Carrion Feeder as well as Karmic Guide
  2. Karmic Guide recurs Hulk, sac Hulk to Seer or Feeder
  3. Fetch Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat , Saffi Eriksdotter and random 2 CMC, or Grand Abolisher if you're afraid of removal at this point.
  4. Sac Saffi to herself targeting Karmic guide, Sac Karmic Guide to Seer/Feeder.
  5. Return Karmic Guide from Saffi's ability, return Saffi via Karmic Guide.
  6. Drain opponents to death
  1. Fetch Academy Rector , Viscera Seer / Carrion Feeder and let's say Llanowar Elves (any random dork will do)
  2. Sac Rector to fetch Pattern of Rebirth , enchant the dork
  3. Sac the dork in order to put Razaketh, the Foulblooded onto the battlefield
  4. Win with one of the Razaketh-lines below
Here we will need a sac-outlet on the battlefield before
  1. Fetch Academy Rector + Grand Abolisher
  2. Sac Rector to find enchantment-based reanimation such as Animate Dead which will recur the Hulk
  3. Sac Hulk in order to find Karmic Guide which will recur Hulk. Proceed with the Karmic-line
Assuming we have Leonin Relic-Warder in hand an we are somehow able to cast it:
  1. Fetch Academy Rector + Viscera Seer / Carrion Feeder + random 1CMC creature
  2. Sac Rector to find enchantment-based reanimation such as Animate Dead which will recur the Hulk
  3. Play LRW targeting Animate Dead which will kill the hulk
  4. Fetch Blood Artist / Zulaport Cutthroat and random 4CMC creatures.
  5. Sac LRW to assemble a loop with Animate Dead


Also there is Razaketh, the Foulblooded . There are maybe more lines to win, but the Razaketh-lines become quite convoluted real quick. So here is what I found for this deck:

Here we assume that we have two other creatures in play
  1. Sac a creature to find Lion's Eye Diamond , crack LED for
  2. Sac the other creature to find Eternal Witness getting back LED which we crack for
  3. Sac Ewit for Reanimate
  4. Reanimate Ewit recurring Reanimate, in pool
  5. Sac Ewit again to find Protean Hulk
  6. Reanimate Ewit, getting back LED, in pool
  7. Play LED, crack for any color, discarding Hulk, in pool
  8. Sac Ewit for let's say Animate Dead or another random reanimator effect. By going with white mana and a 2CMC reanimator effect, we also can tutor for Grand Abolisher if we have a third creature before we kill the hulk
  9. Sac Hulk, proceed to win via Karmic Guide -line
Here, we need a boardstate of 3 other creatures and Razaketh in play
  1. Sac a creature for Leonin Relic-Warder
  2. Sac another creature for Lion's Eye Diamond , crack for , discarding LRW
  3. Sac the third creature for Animate Dead / Dance of the Dead
  4. Play the reanimation-enchantment to loop LRW infinitely
  5. LRW exiles Animate Dead which causes the sac trigger. Respond to the trigger by saccing to Razaketh
  6. resolve Razaketh-tutor first, then LRW's death trigger will bring back Animate Dead
  7. tutor things

A Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat in play will end the game

Life / Death is a huge card in this deck. Assuming we have Razaketh in play and at least one other creature:
  1. Sac creature to find Life, cast Life
  2. Sac a land to find Gaea's Cradle
  3. proceed to win with one of the other lines
Boardstate: 2 other creature, 4 untapped Lands, landdrop OR: 1 other creature, 4 untapped lands, 1 land (tapped or untapped), landdrop. The line described here is the latter:
  1. Sac creature to find Living Plane , cast it
  2. Sac a land to find Gaea's Cradle , play it
  3. Sac another land to find Lion's Eye Diamond , cast it, crack it for . Boardstate: Razaketh, 3 Lands Cradle producing
  4. Sac another land to find Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , cast it, blow up lands

We could also go for Living Plane into Linvala, Keeper of Silence , which requires only 4 untapped lands and a creature.

If you know further lines either with Hulk or with Razaketh, please let me know.


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99% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.13
Ignored suggestions
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