I know there is a bunch of similiar decks floating around utilizing the same cards but here is my version. I pretty much made this deck just to get in on the Kiora action, I thought she may be fun to use for a bit. So here is my run down,
Kiora, the Crashing Wave- Win-con, she just seemed really appealing to me and again, the reason I built this deck
Archangel of Thune- Always seems to be a strong card for me. I just love her, I wanna have her babies
Horizon Chimera- Sturdy flying creature and compliments Sphinx's Revelation well
Fathom Mage- 1of just for the off chance of pulling off the Horizon Chimera+Archangel of Thune combo
Prophet of Kruphix- Almost like getting 2 turns at a time. Also cuts out the stress of saving mana for Dissolve
Judge's Familiar- Chump blocker and makes opponents sweat that little counter
Fleecemane Lion- Great 2drop and easily made Monstrous in the deck because I never seem to run short of mana
Elvish Mystic- 1drop. Ramp.
Sylvan Caryatid- Ramp as well a nice blocker. Also provides a means for casting the Willing half of Ready / Willing
Azorius Charm- Great utility, gotta love the charms
Dissolve- Control. I know a lot of people would prefer detention sphere is this spot but I prefer this, suites the ways I like to play better
[[Sphinx's Revelation- Although it's a great card, this is the first time I have ever had the desire to use it. I seem to be able to utilize it well in this deck
Fog- Gives me the opportunity to lauch a full attack without worry against aggro decks
Revoke Existence- Control for Gods, Detention Sphere, etc.
Selesnya Charm- Great utility as always with charms, most likely side in for large creature control or trample affect
Dispel- Cheap counter, usually catches people off guard
Ready / Willing- Indestructibility to prevent board wipes accompanied by a forth Sylvan Caryatid for the the Willing half
Thank you for taking the time to look at my deck. Comments are always welcome. +1 if you like!