Two Girls, One Bogle

Modern InnerFlame


Slycne says... #1

As someone that ran Bogles for a while to some decent success in smaller events like GPTs and such, a few suggestions.

  • Hyena Umbra vs Spider Umbra counts. I find this to be a very common mistake. Everyone thinks first strike is more important than reach, but it really isn't. There's already 8 other sources of first strike in the deck and the reach is a lot more relevant in modern than you might think. For instance, Inkmoth Nexus is often an out to Bogle's plan and two popular decks run it.

  • Spirit Mantle. Four of these is way overkill. While it's nice to have another source of evasion and it further trumps fair match-ups, it's not that important since you're already so favored in them. You're also using up a few slots usually dedicated towards interaction cards. While Bogles is fast, it's not quite as fast as many of the combo decks. You want at least 2 Path to Exile, Suppression Field, etc in the main. These are doubly important with the increased amount of play that Spellskite is seeing.

  • Lands. Way to many basics. Bogles is deceptive because of its cheap casting costs, but it's precisely because of that that it's a hugely color hungry deck. You want to be able to play T1 G into T2 GG into T3 WWW. Also you want to be able to keep one mana hands, so I don't think you can afford both 2 Dryad Arbor and 2 Sunpetal Grove. More fetches, Razorverge Thicket, and Horizon Canopy would be ideal. The other alternative plan is the all in GW and rainbow lands plan that runs all 4 Suppression Field, which gets to randomly hose the fetch land mana bases in Modern.

  • Guttural Response. I think this is a waste of 3 good sideboard slots. You don't need to fight this match-up that hard, Bogles is already like 90-10 against the UWR, and similar, decks.

March 3, 2015 9:14 p.m.

Slycne says... #2

Oh wow, I also missed the whole Silhana Ledgewalker vs Kor Spiritdancer, and I'd like to explain why I think this is wrong.

While sometimes you will lose games where you never find evasion and lifelink and they get to make enough chump blocks, these are pretty few and fair between. Either your creatures are way bigger or you've found trample or unblockable sources from the deck.

However, Kor Spiritdancer brings a different dynamic to the deck. It gets to shine in two separate situations. For starters, its needed for some of the combo decks like storm. Storm can race a lot of Bogle's draws, but suiting a Kor Spiritdancer basically guarantees T4-T5 kills since it makes even the worst auras so big. Kor Spiritdancer also gets to shine in the grindy match-ups. Keen Sense helps, but it's not a proper substitute since it's really only doing its job when you're already crashing in.

March 3, 2015 9:23 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #3

So, there's a problem with your current card draw suite. You have 2 Keen Sense, and that's it. Bogles sometimes runs out of steam (Liliana of the Veil is a big reason for this), and card draw is the key to recovering. Without Horizon Canopy, you really need Kor Spiritdancer so you can get value out of every card. It may not come with built-in evasion, but the card draw will find you a Spirit Mantle or Rancor to get over blockers, and it's a lot easier to grow than any other creature in the deck (you don't really want to enchant it, but it is a valid line of play).

Basically: Kor Spiritdancer is the only way you can get consistent value out of everything, so you need 4.

July 9, 2015 9:03 p.m.

Scorprix says... #4

I swear to god, why did you just put that image into my head?

July 12, 2015 7:05 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #5

lol Scorprix, it seemed to perfect to let go unsaid.

July 12, 2015 7:17 p.m.

giesemo says... #6

Ever conesider Eidolon of Blossoms. I play it in my version for card draw.

July 12, 2015 8:15 p.m.

DeathriteSquid says... #7

I would highly recommend running the Horizon Canopy over the Brushland. The utility it provides far outweighs the the ability to tap pain free for coloured mana. Also have you considered running 1-2 Spirit Link? It provides lifegain (on top of lifelink auras) for you unkillable monster as well as providing an answer to big threats such as Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Tarmogoyf and can also negate the damage from Eidolon of the Great Revel.

July 12, 2015 8:27 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #8

giesemo: It just cost too much mana. On turn 4 or 5 the deck wants to win, not to mention the inconsistency of reaching 4 lands in that amount of time. The deck likes draw, but it needs it to be faster. Kor Spiritdancer does almost the same thing but it does a lot more and can quickly become a quick kill scenario. Then there's Keen Sense. The only other card out there that's quick enough for the deck that gives draw and is useful in the deck is Horizon Canopy. But I don't have the money for it right now :/. If another draw card would be viable it would have to be an aura(the creature slot is pretty full) and do something else than just draw. Unless, however, it's a one cost creature that has hexproof and lets you draw everytime an aura is played.In short, it simply cost too much mana and doesn't do enough like Kor Spiritdancer does to make up for the lack of hexproof.

DeathriteSquid: In the description of the deck I go over why I am running Brushland over Horizon Canopy. I simply do not have the money for them at the moment. While I do lose a lot of power from the draw option, it is a nice budget piece since you still get the dual mana and don't have to spend life if you don't need it. As far as Spirit Link goes, I use to run it and stopped. The deck runs pretty smoothly with 7 sources of liflink already. The card draw of of Keen Sense(what i replaced it with) proves to be a lot more valuable overall. Turn 2 you could easily get an extra draw from it, it is always useful unlike Spirit Link which might become obsolete if another source of lifegain is drawn, and like you pointed out earlier I don't run Horizon Canopy. Keen Sense is so much of a better option that Reid Duke ran 4 of them ontop of 4 Kor Spiritdancers and 4 Horizon Canopys in his 2nd place finish in 2013. In the deck, draw is just a lot more important since you empty your hand quickly, really just want enchantments after the first creature is laid, and if that creature is lost you need to reload quickly.

July 12, 2015 8:38 p.m.

DeathriteSquid says... #9

InnerFlame Oh the budget constraints I totally get! I definitely agree that the Keen Sense is fantastic an would run 4 all the time. The only reason I still run Spirit Link in my list is due to it's versatility. When I said you can use it to deal with Tarmogoyf and Eidolon of the Great Revel I meant enchanting you opponents creatures rather than your own hexproofer. As the controller of the aura you gain the life if they attack or block and gain 2 life on Eidolon triggers (essentially making it serve double duty as a removal spell). Maybe try trimming back 1 Spider Umbra or Unflinching Courage and giving it a go.

One other thing I run is 2 Suppression Field in the main (which I saw you mentioned) if I expect there to be a lot of Twin in the Meta as it shuts off their combo and swings the game in our favour. It is also amazing against Living End (turning off their cycling creatures for a few more turns and giving us enough time to shut the finish them off) which is usually an un-winnable match up.

July 12, 2015 8:54 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #10

DeathriteSquid: I actually never thought about'd be hilarious to do haha. But I think rather try and race them then play defense...I'm a very aggressive player haha. I have actually put a lot of thought into putting it in the sideboard against burn but my sideboard is just so cramped I don't have the room. Yeah I actually was running Suppression Field for a while and it worked well. Then I ran into Spellskite haha. So it lost it's place to Stony Silence. I figured between 3 Path to Exile and 3 Nature's Claim I'd have a decent chance against stuff like twin. Most players at my local store side out the combo anyways game 2. Other abilities are still a problem but I kind of just hope for the best and pray I can throw a path or claim at them.

July 12, 2015 9:05 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #11

To add onto the above DeathriteSquid, what do you cut out for 4 Keen Senses? Spirit Mantle?

July 12, 2015 9:08 p.m.

InnerFlame: Yeah the Spirit Link trick isn't the main plan, but it's nice to have the option. Spellskite can be a beating! The Suppression Fields help out by making him cost 2 more to active but nothing is as good as Stony Silence!

Yeah, I don't run the Spirit Mantle. I don't think that it pulls it's weight though I do think the effect is good. I run a 1 of Ajani, Caller of the Pride for a similar effect. I get that it costs more but it generally wins the game on the spot too. I also prefer Ray of Revelation over Nature's Claim as you get to use it again from from flashback, essentially drawing 2 copies with every one and freeing up more sideboard space. My list is as follows:


4x Daybreak Coronet

4x Ethereal Armor

4x Hyena Umbra

4x Keen Sense

4x Rancor

3x Spider Umbra

1x Spirit Link

2x Unflinching Courage

2x Suppression Field


4x Horizon Canopy

1x Dryad Arbor

1x Forest

4x Razorverge Thicket

4x Temple Garden

4x Windswept Heath

2x Misty Rainforest

1x Wooded Bastion


4x Gladecover Scout

2x Kor Spiritdancer

4x Slippery Bogle


1x Ajani, Caller of the Pride


4x Leyline of Sanctity

2x Dismember

2x Path to Exile

2x Stony Silence

2x Ray of Revelation

2x Rest in Peace

1x Spellskite

July 12, 2015 10:19 p.m.

InnerFlame says... #13

The Thing I don't like about Ray of Revelation is that it doesn't hit artifacts too, DeathriteSquid. Extra protection against Spellskite.

July 12, 2015 10:24 p.m.

JohnOHM says... #14

Doesn't Liliana of the Veil just wreck this deck out?

July 15, 2015 11:56 a.m.

InnerFlame says... #15

That's why you run fetches with Dryad Arbor and Leyline of Sanctity, JohnOHM

July 15, 2015 11:59 a.m.

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