U R Double teamed

Standard KnightFire


gomer5002 says... #1

izzet charm would be a great answer for this deck. if your on a budget hypersonic is pretty good, else stormbreath dragon would be my answer. other considerations on a budget would e niv mizzet dracogenius, or mercurial chemister. but I like explosive impact over lava axe due to its instant speed in a deck like this acting on opponents turn is very relevant.

March 31, 2014 3:28 p.m.

ARandomGuy says... #2

The walls are no where as good as Young Puromancer or Guttersnipe. Dissolve is great counterspell. Steam Augury is great. and Hypersonic Dragon isnt that good with the fact that you are running 7 sorceries, with lava axe not even being that good.

March 31, 2014 3:29 p.m.

KnightFire says... #3

Thanks for the suggestions, I like Dissolve Izzet Charm Thoughtflare and Guttersnipe is going on the sideboard for now. I know Lava Axe isn't great value, but my objective is to hit it with Chandra, Pyromaster ultimate for 15 damage.

March 31, 2014 4:21 p.m.

ARandomGuy says... #4

That just isnt consistent. I still think a playset of Young Pyromancer is important

March 31, 2014 7:09 p.m.

Avatar828 says... #5

If you want to increase card draw, I would recommend Quicken , Uncovered Clues , and Steam Augury , I would replace Thoughtflare with these cards because they fit your mana curve better. Nice deck

April 5, 2014 9:07 p.m.

You'll probably want some Turn / Burn to take care of big creatures and Gods that slip by your counterspells. I'm not a big fan if Disperse so that's probably where I would cut to make room.

May 30, 2014 1:12 p.m.

KnightFire says... #7

Turn / Burn is a good shout, and I opened one the other day, so will start putting them in. Disperse does double duty as removing large creatures so I can get a second shot at dispelling them, or to save a Guttersnipe or Young Pyromancer from a board wipe.

June 2, 2014 7:12 a.m.

TheBawzz says... #8

Keranos, God of Storms , Turn / Burn and Cyclonic Rift . Worth considering these within your deck, they would make a world of difference when the board is swamped and you need to deal with multiple threats at once.

June 13, 2014 10:43 a.m.

TheBawzz says... #9

Cyclonic rift rather then disperse, Keranos rather then pyromancer, and Turn/Burn rather then shock since you'll likely not want to use it on turn 1 anyway :)

June 13, 2014 10:55 a.m.

TheBawzz says... #10

Chander pyromancer that is sorry, might have sounded confusing

June 13, 2014 10:56 a.m.

KnightFire says... #11

I actually have Keranos, God of Storms in my latest version, and am looking to acquire 3 more copies of Turn / Burn to put that in.

I quite like chandra in there though, she has won a lot of games in ways that my opponents don't expect.

June 13, 2014 12:01 p.m.

TheBawzz says... #12

Chandra's quite good in your deck, your deck seems to have more of a early/mid-game focus then mine. My deck is basically aiming to make it to turn 7 to field out an etherling, where as your deck is aiming to control the game and deal counter burn and attacks.

I think we're be getting quite a few goodies in M15 to replace the one's we're losing post rotation - Which is pretty cool. Not many spoilers released but I think Izzet colour's might be seeing some much needed love.

Loving siege dragon and the 0/5 pump wall.


Definitely worth considering replacing the disperses with a Cyclonic Rift though. They're a few quid each but if you wait to case on your opponents turn and he cast's creatures pre combat you can seal the game there and then and return his entire board presence to his hand in one go.

June 13, 2014 12:14 p.m.

TheBawzz says... #13

Nivix Cyclops worth considering, trying to think of anything you might think is useful.

June 13, 2014 12:19 p.m.

blackpoc says... #14

Act of Treason and Goblin Electromancer can be a strong addition to this deck. And maybe Portent of Betrayal.

June 7, 2015 12:05 p.m.

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