Plan is to control the board long enough to win with either Prognostic Sphinx, Master of the Feast, or something cool stolen with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver.
agent of fates
: Good blocker and value removal with Triton Tactics. Weak to all removal...
Annul: Pretty much an Essence Scatter in Block format with value.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver: Good chance of hitting creatures against popular Naya deck. Card advantage and ramp in the right situation. Also enters as a 5 making her clear of most removal. Underwhelming ultimate.
Bile Blight: Good cheap effective removal
Dissolve: Double U... may be tricky to cast but will be very useful late game.
Divination, Read the Bones: Read the Bones scry/draw is strictly better the Divination. Needs to be mixed due to the lack of lifegain in the deck and a full playset of Thoughtseize and 2xMana Confluence.
Hero's Downfall: Great removal. Double black shouldn't be too hard to cast.
Kiora's Dismissal: Not the enchantment interaction I wanted, but the enchantment interaction I deserver. Could be a board bounce agains the right deck. Hopefully line un something for Annul
Master of the Feast: Disreguarding the obvious drawback of the card draw swinging for 5 in the air will hurt. Probably strictly late game finisher or multiple mulligan all in attack mode. Sided out against removal heavy deck.
Prognostic Sphinx: Flying, hexproof, future predicting, beater! Whats not to love! Most consistent win condition in the deck.
Silence the Believers: Expensive situational removal. But in that situation I will be very happy to have on of these in my hand! May be an end game board wipe...
Thoughtseize: Great removal and effective against control decks in the early game. Also works well with Kiora's Dismissal. Will probably get discarded late game to the Sphinx.