U/B control

Standard* Lord007



September 23, 2013 7:36 p.m.

Lord007 says... #2

GeneticArtificer what's your point? Urban Evolution does nothing for this deck (wrong colors) and I can counter it if my opponent plays it.

September 23, 2013 10:35 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #3

Id recommend some walls! Check out Mill Monstrosity its my current Dimir deck, you may find a card or two or even get an idea for other cards! +1 from me, looks good but id recommend Hover Barrier + Wall of Frost and I really am considering Desecration Demon for mine as well, such a good 4 drop.

September 30, 2013 10:43 p.m.

Tamerlein says... #4

The only thing that really comes to mind is to put Duress on sideboard for against control. Besides that, it looks pretty solid.

While play testing I did have a bit of trouble of consistently getting the BB I needed on turn three for Hero's Downfall , so you might want to fiddle with the mana base a bit more. Of course, the big thing is to just test it a lot, and if that problem doesn't come up very much it is probably fine.

October 5, 2013 1:31 p.m.

Lord007 says... #5

Thanks for testing! I'll put Duress in the sideboard. I hadn't even thought of that. As for the BB I think for this deck it's more important to have UU by turn 3 but I'll play around with it to see if I can't get both.

October 5, 2013 1:36 p.m.

Lord007 says... #6

Current debate: Inspiration or Fate Foretold ?

October 6, 2013 12:52 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #7

I say neither Read the Bones much better card draw, you get to interact with the possibility of 4 cards.

October 6, 2013 2:10 p.m.

Lord007 says... #8

Vindemiatrixx I'm not sure I can deal with the lose life and the sorcery speed aspect of Read the Bones I agree that it is an amazing card but I don't think it fits in well here. I need to be able to have mana up for counters and a lot of my games end pretty close with me at 5 or less when I actually win. That's why currently Inspiration is in and I think it will probably stay in.

October 6, 2013 2:16 p.m.

alulien says... #9

If you don't want to run the far superior Read the Bones because of sorcery speed and shock (you only have 1 shock land and no Thoughtseize so I'm not sure why you're worried about it) why would you consider Fate Foretold ?

I would also highly recommend adding more wincons: as it is if someone plays Pithing Needle naming AEtherling you're gonna have a bad time.

October 6, 2013 3:23 p.m.

TheBeerGuard says... #10

I'm pretty sure Divination is a better draw spell than Inspiration .

October 6, 2013 3:34 p.m.

Lord007 says... #11

alulien I was considering Fate Foretold because it's so cheap (2 mana draw 2 cards) but I think I'm going just keep Inspiration . As to your other concern, do you have any suggestions? Keep in mind that it needs to be budget.

TheBeerGuard for strictly CMC your right. But Inspiration is more playable in control because I can cast it on the endstep of my opponents turn if I left the mana open for counters and didn't need to counter anything. Divination I have to cast on my turn which means I can't leave mana open for counters.

October 6, 2013 3:42 p.m.

TheBeerGuard says... #12

I would hesitate to say that about all control decks just cause I know Divination see's some professional play in control shells (fringe play but still play) but considering how many counter spells you are running Inspiration may be the better card for this deck.

October 6, 2013 3:56 p.m.

alulien says... #13

I'm not sure what your budget is or what you consider budget so I'm not really sure what to recommend for alt wincons.

I would highly, highly recommend Read the Bones over Inspiration - I was wary about running a sorcery speed draw after Think Twice rotated out but I've been loving RtB. With the prevalence of scry you're able to filter your draws so they're relevant and RtB is used more as fuel to keep going rather than an early cantrip for card advantage. I've got 3x Dissolve , 3x Omenspeaker and 4x Temple of Deceit for my scry engine, and I'm running a 2x Read the Bones .

October 7, 2013 1:56 p.m.

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