U/B Dimir Mill

Standard* facewizard13


ukwilkie says... #1

Crypt Incursion seems counter intuitive if you're trying to make Wight of Precinct Six and Consuming Aberration Big. Breaking is also a nice card along with Mind Grind .

September 30, 2013 3:25 a.m.

facewizard13 says... #2

i have Deathcult Rogue in there to pair with Paranoid Delusions (in order to cypher) but i was thinking about taking those out for a playset of Breaking

September 30, 2013 3:32 a.m.

Highchu says... #3

I've been working to make a viable mill deck. I'd change out the following cards:


2-4 Breaking / Entering (More expensive than Tome Scour , but with more milling. Highly recommend you find space for at least 2 of these.)

2-4 Dimir Keyrune (Creates an unblockable 2/2, great for attaching cipher cards like Paranoid Delusions )

2-4 Far / Away (Versatile control card for either sending back creatures to your opponents hand, or forcing them to sac something you can't hit.) Similar alternatives being Cyclonic Rift and Devour Flesh .

I'd also recommend including ALOT of removal. The biggest problem with milling is that its slow. If you don't have a way to deal with early game aggression you will lose. Cards like Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , and Hero's Downfall .

September 30, 2013 3:41 a.m.

facewizard13 says... #4

im going to have to agree with you highchu. I've been playtesting against myself against an aggro deck and this deck really suffers against aggro. what tends to happen is that im praying to draw a Crypt Incursion and hope i milled enough to get enough life back. I'm probably going to take out a ton of the mill and put in control/removal to help in the early game

September 30, 2013 4 a.m.

Extra_Krispyyy says... #5

Far //Away , Traumatize , Tome Scour , Cyclonic Rift , if you do use Paranoid Delusions , i would run Phantom Warrior , completely unblockable. Those are some of the cards i use and it works wonders. Ratchet Bomb also works wonders.

September 30, 2013 1:42 p.m.

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