U/B Eldrazi Intergest | Budget |

Standard rekcik15


rekcik15 says... #1

Early game try to feed the drones, Sludge Crawler, Fathom Feeder, and Mist Intruder with Slip Through Space and counters/removals like Spell Shrivel and Complete Disregard. Then processing continue's the game plan with Wasteland Strangler and Murk Strider creature removals, creature tapping with Cryptic Cruiser and more counters with Ulamog's Nullifier. Ulamog's Despoiler will hopefully hit for mid/late game lethal hopefully being unblockable or enemy creatures being tapped.

February 8, 2016 2:50 p.m.

AzureMage says... #2

This is a pretty cute deck, for less than 3 Tix. I think if you're looking for cheap pump early there are better options, especially since Bone Saw becomes a dead draw late in the game.

I love the inclusion of Slip Through Space. Making an Ingester or a pumped Despoiler unblockable is great, and it replaces itself.

Have you playtested this? Do you have any details, problems, notable matchups?

February 17, 2016 10:03 p.m.

rekcik15 says... #3

AzureMage I did some initial testing against AI in Xmage and it ran very very well, all went as planned.

But once I got into some real world decks it was a different story. One is my buddies Kalitas wants FOOD and the other I played last night on MTGO against a G/U deck with Harbinger of the Tides, Bounding Krasis and a number of two cost removal/bounce/counter spells. It didnt stand a chance against either of those decks unfortunately.

After these two decks its easy to say creature removal is an achilles heel to the deck. The other main issue is getting early game going. Currently I have a 26% chance to have a creature out Turn 1 and 51% chance to have a creature out turn 2, which is pivotal to get ingest off early. The disrupt in my decks tempo really just throws it off and I cant scale into late game well at all.

This thing is super cheap and I love to try and create an effective deck thats very affordable, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the interest!

February 18, 2016 9:40 a.m.

rekcik15 says... #4

Small Update/Notekeeping:

Ran some more matches on MTGO and won both, fairly handily.

One was a R/W and I won by turn 6 or so both times, so I could barely tell what deck it was. Creature removal and early creature buffing kicked it perfectly.

The second match was against a G/B Elf/Landfall. The deck misfired and I went in with 5 cards and lost the first game, but the second two were won pretty easily. One was with a 11/9 unblockable Ulamog's Despoiler (with a Slip Through Space, Ruination Guide and Bone Saw)

I need to find a couple cards to sideboard to deal with the creature removal/countering that the decks cant seem to deal with. Also I want to find more exile outlets instead of return to hands. It would be much more fluid.

February 19, 2016 8:14 a.m.

AzureMage says... #5

Maybe Spell Shrivel or Void Shatter for counterspells? And Transgress the Mind for some hand disruption. You could take out Disperse and Send to Sleep to have even more ways to exile for your Processors.

February 19, 2016 10:19 a.m.

rekcik15 says... #6

AzureMage I was on my way to taking out the creature bounces/taps since they didnt fit the mold very well, and putting in more counter/exile. I like the Transgress the Mind and Void Shatter, I've had them in my 'maybe' pile, I'll give them a shot. Hopefully that will be enough in the 'spell counter race' in the decks I've had troubles with.

I'm looking for a solid sideboard card to deal with them. Maybe some board removal like Reality Shift or Flaying Tendrils?

Since this deck is pretty new and Im making changes almost daily, if your interested I'll hook you up with a couple TIX in MTGO if you want to give it a shot and give me some more ideas.

February 19, 2016 1:21 p.m.

AzureMage says... #7

I've got the tickets to afford it, thanks, though. I have a lot of the parts from another deck I've been helping someone out with. Reality Shift is underrated, I can't tell you how many times I've used it to manifest a key non-creature spell. It's pretty good, especially if they get a scry off with something like Oath of Jace, Titan's Strength, Calculated Dismissal with Spell Mastery, Catacomb Sifter, or Read the Bones. And since turning a Manifested creature face-up doesn't use the stack, you can dodge Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger's and Kozilek, the Great Distortion's on-cast abilities.

Flaying Tendrils definitely deserves a Sideboard slot, at least. In a lot of the decks I've played against, I've usually wanted it in the Mainboard, but it all depends on your local meta. I really like the card. It hoses tokens and almost everything that Four-Color Rally spews out with Collected Company, both of which I've had a problem with and just don't like playing against.

February 19, 2016 2:03 p.m.

AzureMage says... #8

Played a few games with the deck, swapped out a few cards here and there. I decided to run Fathom Feeder and Dimensional Infiltrator over Mist Intruder, along with 2 Endbringer and Blight Herder.

The Feeder was an all star in one of my games against Mono-Green Eldrazi. My opponent had two Jaddi Offshoot in play and was gaining ridiculous life off of them through Nissa's Pilgrimage, Nissa's Renewal, and Explosive Vegetation. He didn't want to give them up as I attacked turn after turn with the Feeder, and he ended up Ingesting 3 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and 2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. There were several turns where he just couldn't play anything after using all those ramp spells, and I kept attacking and Ingesting his threats. Eventually, though, he was able to draw and cast a Kozilek, the Great Distortion combined with two Kozilek's Return in his graveyard that he cast to wipe my board and win. That was a close game, and it was a lot of fun.

Another game was against Mono-Black Control, I think? He was running Remorseless Punishment, Ruinous Path, Languish, and he played some Shambling Goblin and Risen Executioner. He was able to get some early damage in with the Goblins until I played a Ruination Guide T3. On his T4 he got out a Risen Executioner and after two swings got me down to 4 life, but I was able to Ingest a few cards and removed the Executioner with Wasteland Strangler. After that, he had a hard time keeping pace with just the Goblins. He used some removal on my creatures, but I just kept playing cards with value and got a Sire of Stagnation out on T6. He didn't play any lands after that and denied me the card draw and extra exiled cards, but I had two Ruination Guides out and was swinging for big damage, and I got him down to 7 life. He used a Languish to wipe away everything but the Sire, played a creature to block with on my next turn, but I guess he thought that he couldn't come back after that and he conceded.

Another game was against a RG Ramp deck that used the same ramp spells, Dragon Fodder, Dragonlord Atarka, and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. I was able to keep pace for a while, disrupting his hand with Duress and Transgress the Mind to get rid of the Ulamog and another card, but he eventually ramped up and overran me.

Overall, I like the way the deck plays. I play aggressive early and try to chip in some early damage and get off those Ingests with Salvage Drone and Fathom Feeder. The opponent usually seems a little put off at the chance of me looting off of the Drone or their creatures dying early against the Feeder. I put 2 Clash of Wills in the deck to help with early turn counterspells, and those combined with the Ulamog's Nullifier makes for great responses on the opponent's turn. The Nullifier rocks. I've countered Ulamogs and some other great stuff with it, and the body is big enough to avoid things like Radiant Flames, on top of having Flying.

For me, a big problem is the manabase and running out of cards. I put in Foundry of the Consuls, Blighted Fen, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, and Ruins of Oran-Rief. They're in there because I was looking at some other Eldrazi Control decks from past SCG events, and the Consuls + Tombs seemed like a good idea to have in a control deck. Sac the Consul for Thopters as chump blockers and gain life to stabilize with the Tomb. There are only two of each, and neither them nor the Ruins have really been performing that great. The Fen did work a good little number in one game, so I'll keep those in for now, but I think I'll take out the Ruins and Foundry. The Ruins aren't that great if I'm only playing one creature per turn, anyway, and the Foundry is only really good for the synergy with Tomb and to produce Colorless mana for Endbringer, but I have the Fens and Tombs for that. I'll put in a few more basics, which I've found that I've really needed in those crucial early game turns to play the Drones and Feeders to get the Ingest going.

Here's a link to the deck I'm running. Sorry for the wall of text! :P

February 20, 2016 10:47 p.m. Edited.

rekcik15 says... #9


Wow man thanks for the testing and feedback, Im glad you enjoyed it. Your modified deck is definitely where I was looking to go with this. I didn't even think about the Dimensional Infiltrator for 2 cost ingest, which makes Fathom Feeder > Mist Intruder (Which was a change I was trying out).

In the very first version of this deck I had colorless mana but I couldn't seem to get it to work so I simplified it and removed it to simple U/B, but it looks like you've fit it in beautifully. I got a little lazy and didn't really think through the non basic lands as much as I should have. and HEY you managed to keep the thing as wallet friendly as I had it.

Much appreciated man, Im going to go and give your version a shot now!

February 22, 2016 1:14 a.m.

AzureMage says... #10

Yeah, Dimensional Infiltrator is a great way to get in there for some early damage. You can play him at the end of your opponent's T2 and swing for 2 next turn. He can also protect himself while Ingesting, which can be pretty useful if you just need to chip in some damage later in the game.

I do love Fathom Feeder, but I've been thinking there might be a place for all three of the 2-drops in the deck, I'm just not sure on the numbers yet. Infiltrator can protect himself with his activated ability, but that costs mana and you're not always going to be able to activate it early in the game. Mist Intruder has Flying and Ingest, so you can reliably swing on T3. Fathom Feeder has Ingest and Deathtouch, which is another great combination because it makes him great on offense or defense, and you can draw cards (albeit for a hefty price) later in the game, which is always useful. They're a great trio of cheap cards that do what you want them to early in the game, and the Infiltrator and Feeder are also useful later in the game. I'll test some more and see how effective it is to have all three of them in the deck.

The deck has been fun to mess around with, but I know it can always be improved. I'll keep testing and seeing what works and what doesn't. I'd love to have this be a competitive budget deck!

February 22, 2016 3:42 p.m.

AzureMage says... #11

Okay, so a huge problem for this deck is removal. The only creature that survives a Radiant Flames, Languish, or even Flaying Tendrils is Ulamog's Despoiler (I removed Sire of Stagnation because most games are won by the time he enters the battlefield and is really just a win more kind of card). I looked through every // Eldrazi and there aren't any that really help the core of the deck that survive against those cards, which sucks because they, at least the first two, are staples in many, many decks.

I thought about adding Tide Drifter as a control-ish kind of wall that could tank hits and help our other Eldrazi survive, but the +0/+1 doesn't really help at all. Transgress the Mind is good, but what would we do against a Jeskai Black deck that runs both Flames and Languish? Or a Mono-Black Control deck that runs Languish and Tendrils? Maybe add Duress in the Side?

In the best situations, we can get some chip damage in turns two and three and be able to cast Nullifier and counter a boardwipe, but those instances don't happen very often, so maybe Negate in the Side, as well? All three of those cards are Sorceries, so we wouldn't need Dispel, which is good because Negate counters so much more for just one more mana.

I guess one of the main problems of the deck is that once we get past the early game and they stop caring about our cheap, puny Ingesters, we don't have anything that enters the board and just takes control. The Despoiler can't attack as soon as he comes in as a 9/9, Sire doesn't do anything unless they play a land, and a lot of aggro decks don't really need lands after T6. Blight Herder passes the test but the Scions don't, and all three of these creatures die to removal.

Maybe Duress and Negate will be good enough. Mindmelter sounds cool, but giving your opponent the choice on what to discard isn't very advantageous, not for 4 mana, at least. I'll keep testing and see if there's anything within budget range that can answer this problem.

February 22, 2016 11:08 p.m.

rekcik15 says... #12

Your right, the gap between T2 ingest and Ulamog's Despoiler coming into play is too big. As fun as it is to have 9/9 coming through with Slip Through Space it has only happened a couple times for me. The deck does a great job of ingesting, I just don't know that there are strong enough early game processors to capitalize on it.

I also think it's important to keep the counter spells that exile cards that play into the deck i.e Void Shatter Spell Shrivel. Maybe some mana ramp would help to make these cards more readily available to play. Not sure how doable that would be in this deck however.

Ghostfire Blade is a perfect +2/+2 for and to equip that would make for a 3/4 flying Mist Intruder or 3/3 Fathom Feeder w/ deathtouch swinging T3. Sadly it will be out of standard come April.

February 23, 2016 9:44 a.m.

rekcik15 says... #13

Thoughts on Thought Harvester? It could be good for mid game ingest taking pressure off early game and might bridge well into bigger guys late game.

February 23, 2016 10:58 a.m.

AzureMage says... #14

Ghostfire Blade is a great card that I just don't want to pay 1 Tix per copy for. It sucks that it's going to rotate, it's so good in decks that just swing with cheap Eldrazi and a mass of Scions.

The for Void Shatter isn't too hard to pull off. It really hurts when you don't have the colors you need for it available on T3, though. I feel like counterspells should be saved for the mid-late game, when we start having trouble getting in there for chip damage and Ingests to set up late-game Processors. I already have Transgress the Mind in the Main, so I'll test out Void Shatter and Spell Shrivel, so I don't have to resort to Duress and Negate in the Side. I'm sure there's a healthy balance between copies of the two in the Main and Side.

I've been thinking pretty hard about this, but I'm warming up to the idea of Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger in the deck to replace Ulamog's Despoiler and Sire of Stagnation. On cast he exiles the top 20, which is absolutely amazing, and exiling two permanents per swing is just awesome. The for the mana cost shouldn't be too hard late in the game, so maybe just one copy or two, or put more Scion producers like Eldrazi Skyspawner and Blight Herder in the deck. He's a pretty great win-con, and controlling the board and getting in early for damage and Ingest to power stuff like Ulamog's Nullifier and Blight Herder could be the early to mid transition the deck needs, and Processing with multiple Blight Herders gets him out faster and does something with all the cards we've Ingested. It sucks that he's so expensive, that's the one thing keeping me from buying him.

And Thought Harvester would be good with all of our other cheap Eldrazi. Running a high number of one and two drop Eldrazi, along with relatively cheap counter and removal could make him pretty good, if we're able to consistently cast colorless spells. Thought Harvester along with Mindmelter could be a good combination, if we could protect both of them while playing colorless spells. Maybe Cultivator Drone and Kozilek's Translator could help with casting and paying for Colorless creatures and abilities?

February 23, 2016 8:08 p.m.

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