U/B Exploit Machine

Standard TheFirst


ockhamsrazor says... #1

Welcome to MTG!

The very best advice I always give to new players is that consistency is king.

You want to draw as close to the same hand as possible every game, so that you can get the things you need done ... well, done.

How many copies of a given card you outght to run is determined by both Mana Cost as well as how early in the game you plan on playing that card and how often you plan on playing it: the lower the CMC, the more copies of a card you can usually afford to play since you will want them early. On the other hand, 5-8 CMC cards are not going to be useful early, so you want to minimize their presence by only running 1-2 copies at most in a deck (unless you are cheating them into play a la Show and Tell etc).

The next step in making a deck consistent is lowering the number of different cards which appear in the deck (which is done bu upping the counts of those cards which you need for the deck to work).

Things in your deck like Accursed Spirit, Sengir Vampire, Youthful Scholar, Disdainful Stroke, Deathbringer Regent and Silumgar Monument are all cards which can easily be cut, since they don't help the deck's main goal in any major way, and this will allow you to increase the number of copies of other cards which you will make better use of, such as Sidisi's Faithful and Fleshbag Marauder.

I strongly suggest the addition of these two cards specifically:

Bloodsoaked Champion as an exploit target which can return freely from the graveyard.

Profaner of the Dead in order to clear the board of chump blockers and get you some hits in on the opponent

SO basically, take out cards which are not key to your strategy and up the count of those which are key, especially those which are low mana cost and that you want to play early. Hope this helps!

July 30, 2015 12:29 a.m.

TheFirst says... #2

ockhamsrazor, thanks so much for the advise! I really like the Bloodsoaked Champion and will do my best to get my hands on a few! Profaner of the Dead doesn't seem as useful to me, although that may just be my lack of experience, but it seems like it would really only be useful against some kind of early aggro when their creatures aren't very expensive yet. So perhaps he is more of a sideboard against token decks and the like?

Honestly, the Sengir Vampire and Accursed Spirit are only in my deck because I couldn't think of anything else (keep in mind I don't have a big collection xD).

As always, any advice is extremely appreciated! :)

July 30, 2015 12:45 a.m.

ixiduffixi says... #3

Some non-game advice, if you are a big collector and end up with cards you don't want/use, check out pucatrade.com. It's a site you can use to trade by mail and a great way to get your hands on cards you may have trouble getting. I've put together an almost $300 deck for very little money.

August 1, 2015 7:39 p.m.

TheFirst says... #4

Thanks saturn999! I really like Corpseweft and will try it out with 2 wefts and no jace or necro dragon and see how I like it.

I'll be sure to check our your advantage of exploitation as well!

August 10, 2015 6:36 p.m.

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