This is my heartless architect deck. In essence you use the power of the Heartless and the Architects to play some big guys early and crush your opponent before they have a chance to respond.
Currently I am only planning to play in FNM.
Some of the nice interactions:Heartless and Myr Superion - Free 4/6 from turn 2.
Heartless and Treasure Mage - tutor for a fatty for U
Architect and Myr Superion - Cast superion if heartless is absent.
Heartless and wurmcoil/Hellkite - play fatties for 4. If you have Architect out you can tap blue creatures for mana instead or turn an artifact blue for U and then tap it for 2 colourless.
A word on some of the other cards.Buried Ruin will get back any critters you lose, imagine losing a wurmcoil in combat, gaining the tokens then nabbing him back and recasting. Painful.Tezzeret helps search out big guys and can turn anything small into something a bit bigger (Wurm coil tokens).Metamorph lets you copy your own big guys or as has been the case for me in the past copy one of your opponents to help tip the balance.
Elbrus is in there for pure lols. You can fetch one up turn 4 and equip and transform it. That's pretty funny.
The unlikely but ultimate move is play heartless turn 2, play an architect turn 3 for UU, assuming the B you payed for the heartless came from a multicolour land tap your last U for a treasure mage, search for a wurmcoil or hellkite, tap the architect and mage for 4 colourless and play what you just tutored. Facing a 5/5 turn 3 is pretty hard to combat, especially if he is backed up by Superions and maybe another Wurmcoil or hellkite or 2 on turn 4. And if you had a hellkite in hand treasure mage up the Elbrus, play it turn 4 with Architect and Mage for mana, use the last land to equip it. Unlikely but possible.
Spellskite was there to draw heat away from the bigger players (doom blade and the like) and with a heartless costs 0 to play. It is now sideboard for decks that need it.
As hilarious as Elbrus was when I got him out it was pretty much over anyways so he has been swapped for a Blightsteel Colossus this guy can come out on about turn 4-5 and when that happens my opponent has a very hard time dealing with it. It gets worse if I metamorph it.
All comments/suggestions/opinions are welcome.