U/B - Librarians, Squids, Thieves and Demons

Modern* sockhead29


neosapien says... #1

Are you really trying to mill your opponent? I would take out jace's erasure for 2 Kami of the Crescent Moon if you want a low cmc card. If you aren't worried about that there is Thought Gorger and Aeon Chronicler . You also gotta have Sign in Blood . With notion thief you can target them so they lose the two life and you still get the cards

October 28, 2014 6:26 a.m.

sockhead29 says... #2

I feel that by combining Jace's Erasure with the Jace's Archivist + Notion Thief gives me another win condition than just straight damage.With a full hand, I can be milling at minimum 14 cards a turn (more with more copies), which is pretty nice. However, 4 may be too many in this deck.

I might switch two out for either the Sign in Blood or possibly Dream Fracture for the 2x card draw and counter spell. I like the Kami of the Crescent Moon , but I don't have any sitting around at the moment to add them.

October 28, 2014 2:56 p.m.

neosapien says... #3

I see, I build my decks on here exactly how I like them then work towards that. Either way, here is my notion thief deck I recently made. squidies

October 28, 2014 4:54 p.m.

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