UB Life Roulette

Standard foo_chow


Calavon says... #1

Played our main-deck setup three games. The result was one of us won 3-0. More protection is in order. I maindeck Pithing Needle though, and even let you drop PW until I used, to be fair =) Shipwreck Singer appears to be garbage... what else you got? and jace and the specter are not enough card advantage, what else can we work with? Read the Bones is good, but not good enough, and you choose Cyclonic Rift main deck... I used to do that, it does not even warrant a SB spot unless I have trouble with removal and need to stall ONE TIME in the late game... You can mill them out, but that takes time, and you got the wrong Jace for that anyhow. maybe run both? You need the devotion, and there is that lame-ass Shipwreck Singer to be dealt with...

Thoughtseize is awesome, add Duress to the SB, 8 of those screw my whole plan up almost always... I would not use Curse of the Swine in your deck, you will likely have to use 2 cards to fulfill the goal of destroying their stuff, when you already have decent removal, prevention, and some control... major control post board with 8 1-drop hand peek + deny me my best junk cards... =) then you start that annoying dimir charm, which I will not counter because I need to save the counter for a threat, and lady luck has the next few cards anyhow, so bleh...

My two cents... +1

November 2, 2013 9:59 p.m.

foo_chow says... #2

Thanks for the review. As for Shipwreck Singer , I have found it has worked quite well in some situations, however in others it is not the best man for the job. For example, any deck with weenies or 1/1 tokens is effectively neutered. The only other card Ive considered so far is Judge's Familiar .

Cyclonic Rift has proved to be less useful than expected so far, it might be time to take it out. I do enjoy your suggestion of Duress , I have toyed with the idea and it would give killer combo destruction.

Curse of the Swine is a total experiment, I have a couple on hand and have been wanting to try new stuff with the deck. It has had particularly large trouble with Aggro decks so far. Again I think that your suggestion of Duress can solve this, as then there is a massive amount of removal available.

Im really not looking to mill, so if anything I would just increase the current Jace by one or two.

Finally, as for Thassa and devotion, I have not seemed to have any issues. Between Nightveil Specter , Bident of Thassa and Jace, Architect of Thought it has never been more than a turn or two before she is a creature.

November 2, 2013 11:05 p.m.

Calavon says... #3

November 2, 2013 11:19 p.m.

foo_chow says... #4

Hmm... Gray Merchant of Asphodel is clearly a sweet card, hadnt really considered it before since the deck used to be a mill deck and I had some other high CMC creatures in it. Now though, with Thassa and the Specter Im almost leaning towards placing the Desecration Demon in the MB. Likely worth it to give the Merchant a shot at that point since there will be an abundance of Black devo.

November 2, 2013 11:32 p.m.

Calavon says... #5

Have you not seen the current ton of mono black in standard right now?

November 2, 2013 11:35 p.m.

foo_chow says... #6

Well that is why I can relate to such a "seemingly" ordinary common being so powerful. Devotion is of course a winning mechanic these days.

November 2, 2013 11:39 p.m.

MummaLisk says... #7

Psychic Intrusion is really quite slow and hurts you bad with Duskmantle Seer perhaps replace it with Omenspeaker the sky is very handy especially if you have the seer out.

December 10, 2013 4 a.m.

MummaLisk says... #8

scry sorry

December 10, 2013 4:02 a.m.

foo_chow says... #9

A valid point that I ran into a couple nights ago. I actually had that exact card pop up for the Seer and it hurt. The Duskmantle Seer is newer to the deck and I am rather fond of it, an Omenspeaker might be a good rout to go, also considering Dissolve . I think moving one Psychic Intrusion to the SB for a total of 2 is best since Psychic Int is awesome vs other control decks.

Anyhow, thanks for the review. Looks like i'll have to check into some more scry options.

December 11, 2013 4:14 p.m.

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