
This is a mean little deck meant to play around with breaking how processing works. It's the spiritual successor to Just a Little Bit of Pyxis Dust, but I expect it to be far more effective.

The basic idea of this deck is to use the combination of Uba Mask and Oracle of Dust to prevent your opponent from ever drawing cards. As soon as they "draw" (exile) a card you can process it into their graveyard, "drawing" (exiling) a card yourself. Because you only have a turn to play any cards you "draw" with Uba Mask, I have as many flash cards as possible in the deck.

Right now the biggest weakness of the deck is what to do turns 1-4 while you wait to play Uba Mask and Oracle of Dust. I have some blockers right now, but most of my counter-magic is ineffective until after the combo is assembled. (Which is when I don't really need it) Any suggestions for early creatures? I'd like to avoid playing non-flash creatures, but I don't mind it.

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So my biggest concern with this deck has been the amount of time it takes to get Uba Mask and Oracle of Dust out. Now, Etherium Sculptor can make Uba cheaper, with the possibility of casting it on turn 3. Better, but not fantastic.

However, that got me looking at artifacts that could cause discard effects to combo with Uba. Enter Teferi's Puzzle Box. Now, it's a little more expensive (actual cost) than I normally like to go. However, it'll fit into the deck pretty well, allowing me to cycle through my deck for combo pieces. Once I have both it and Uba down, it'll instantly remove my opponents hand.

I'm now seriously considering putting in flash artifact creatures such as Shimmer Myr and the like. There's also a real possibility of removing black as a color in this deck - it only remains because of Ulamog's Nullifier, and frankly he's not worth it.

Getting Oracle of Dust out sooner remains an issue. I think that I'll just have to settle with casting it normally.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.78
Folders Wastebasket
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