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UG Air Defence




Creature (3)

Artifact (4)

Instant (8)

=== The Deck ===The idea of this deck is based on the fact that in general Pauper removal is relatively inefficient and almost always conditional. I am trying to use green removal cards like Plummet and Aerial Predation. They are also conditional, but are really efficient compared to other avaliable removal spells. Also, we can relatively easily fulfill this condition by giving enemy creatures flying (if they don't already have it) with Skygames. Commune with the Gods is added as a way to find Skygames and maybe some creatures later in the game. We also have Frilled Oculus and Beetleform Mage as early defence which can also be useful in late game. Scroll Thief can also act as defence and benefit from Skygames to provide card advantage. Further there are powerful green creatures that should end the game, possibly flying above any remaining blockers.

=== Sideboarding ===

Against Mill we can just put the whole sideboard into main deck, so that they have more cards to mill. Most useful cards should be Razortip Whip and Negate

Against WW we bring in 2 Negate and 4 Naturalize to deal with their enchantments. Take out Scroll Thiefs, 1 Skygames and 1 Commune with the Gods (they have some creatures with flying by themselves)

Against other types of aggro replace Scroll Thiefs with Brindle Boars for more early defence and life gain.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
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