Testing vs R/G matchup - siding in tactics and scavenging ooze
someone suggested running 12 mana dorks 4 garruks, more sylvan primordials. taking out thassa horizon chimera and prophets.
Prophets can be terrible topdecks... maybeboard the prophets putting in another broodmaster and a sylvan
VS mono black
desecration demon - arbor colosus, fighting, kiora,
gray merchant - life gain/keep devotion down through fighting
nightveil specter - arbor colossus, chimera, pooky, kiora, fighting
pack rat - burning tree holds it off for first turn, pooky, ooze tactics
bile blight/devour flesh/hero's downfall - dispel, hexproof, big creatures, nylea/mortal's resolve, ooze targets
thoughtseize -
underworld - can be hit with primordial and aether
whip - scavenging ooze - over power with big creatures/trample/ aether
dark betrayal - non factor
doom blade - hexproof and mortal's resolve
durress - low instant/art/planeswalker, can be hit with dispel
erebos - aether
lifebane zombie - can be fought easily
pherica's cure - kills satyr, burning, chimera can be dispelled
drown in sorrow - could screw up fighting - can be dispelled - I have big creatures
mutavault can be chumped by everything
aetherling - Gainsay????
elspeth - trample anti destroy fight pithing needle
azorius charm
detention sphere - punishes multi on board - ench removal
dissolve - counter for 3 - mist cutter
doom blade - dispel
elixer - eh
last breath - hits all dorks, potentially prime speaker
sphinx's revelation - gain x draw x - dispelled lulz
supreme verdict - anti destory protection from blue/white
syncopate - have mana to counter this
thoughtseize - draw cards or have nothing in hand
VS blue white, mass ench removal would be nice... strive doesn't help vs gods. how much are gods a factor?