Hey! this is my finalized deck ive been working on for a while. Ive been undefeated at fnm against standard staples ala abzan midrange, U/W control, jeskai burn, etc. Thoughts? :)
1-elvish mystic: ramp.
- Icefeather aven: 2/2 flyer that can bounce in a tempo deck? yes please.
3.Boon satyr: put it on anything like an aven or sphinx or mauler, or just attack with it.
4.nylea's disciple: decent body and stabalize against damage.
5.Prognostic Sphinx- big flier, scry, boon satyr it.
- sagu mauler-- have fun trying to kill it as it murders you. murder murder murder.
yisan and prophet can make a fun combo if drawn (hence tembo----tempo+combo) and plays well with a certain spell.
1 kiora--- good one of that can give advantage and ultimates pretty easy.
3 negate: damned planeswalkers thats why. and removals and wrath.
4 dissolve: counter and scry in a tempo deck. boom. done.
4 voyages end.--- bounce a big creature for a tempo swing and then scry? yeah. duh.
2 icy blast: other than pushing damage, if the board is getting flooded, this is an alt win con to just shut them down later or even earlier if my draws smooth out well enough. has won me many a game and is unexpected. seriously undervalued.
for sideboard, nylea to eat vampire tokens and aggro, mistcutters for blue and haste, colossus for just more dudes, windstorm because hornet queen is a thing, titanic growth pushes so much damage early, and 1 more of respective larger creatures for the sake of consistency if one is clearly better against a deck.