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UG Voltron for Cheap

Standard Enchant GU (Simic) Hexproof



A low curve deck isn't my thing but wanted to look closer at this list.

Ideally you assemble a voltron onto a Stormchaser Drake. Make it unblockable with Security Bypass or just land a Hard-Hitting Question to get blockers out of the way. Make it hard to kill with Saiba Cryptomancer hexproof or Slip Out the Back phasing tricks or equip a Armguard Familiar ward onto it. Pump it up with connives or Audacity or Repulsive Mutation or even Behind the Mask or Water Wings. Or just counter hostile spells with the Mutation or Reasonable Doubt that adds a bonus Menace onto the Drake.

Everything you're putting on the Drake draws you more cards. Everything is cheap to cast and to own. If you can flurry out all your cards in the first three turns you've got a good shot to just win.

I splurged on some Venerated Rotpriest as an alt-win condition if you can't get a Drake going. Maybe the Toadstool Admirer as a cheap Ward 2 can be something to build a voltron on in a pinch, but I'm not confident.

I want to keep the land basic, but it's too easy to clump on the wrong color without some sort of fixing. I'm hoping Captivating Cave and/or Promising Vein can give color flexibility for maximum cheapness yet minimum curve penalty. Maybe the Captivating can help voltron and the Promising can help card selection a bit.


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92% Competitive

Date added 11 months
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.50
Tokens Copy Clone
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