My concern about your land base is this: Gr tron runs 21ish land because it cantips so much. Mishra's Bauble, Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star all cost little to no mana while replacing themselves, effectively making a tron deck less than 60 cards. Without that cycling, you may stall out before you can assemble tron. And as long as we are blue, Gitaxian Probe is nice too.
January 20, 2015 12:28 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #4
Interesting... I don't like having so many Ugin's in the deck though. I know that's sort of the point, but... it seems problematic. I would consider having a Cyclonic Rift main board though. It's a powerful sweeper when running Tron.
January 20, 2015 2:27 p.m.
cannon_Spectacle says... #5
In my opinion, Ugin is a lot better in a GR Tron build than he is in mono-blue Tron.
Then again, I don't play Tron.
January 20, 2015 7:54 p.m.
awesomeguy37 - thank you for the feedback. i'm still toying with the land base. as of now i have some issues with getting green on turn one which the hurts me greatly as the optimal play out would be turn one Ancient Stirrings into turn 2 Sylvan Scrying. right now not working very well.
Twanicus - understood. i won't over the base a few times trying to get a balance of cantrips vs control magic etc. I decided that Gitaxian Probe was the perfect additon to balance that out.
Nigeltastic - thank you sir. I'm honestly not sure i like Karn in this honestly. getting him out early is amazing. like getting tron on turn 3 and exiling one of my opponents lands is just so crippling. but late game he loses a little flare. but if i get a Wurmcoil Engine on lets say turn 3 and then Ugin the following turn it basically spells good game. My opponent just can't get around the potential board wipe/direct damage and if i ult him asap i find myself usually drawing another Ugin to immediately drop to replace the one now sitting at (usually) one counter. It's just beautiful.
CanadianShinobi - i am looking at all angles to make this deck as efficient/resilient as possible. Cyclonic Rift is definitely worth testing for me here. Thank you.
cannon_Spectacle - Thank you for the feedback. I've honestly never seen an actual /
Tron build. Ugin not withstanding.
Skulloelegy - well thank you sir. much appreciated.
January 21, 2015 10:40 a.m.
cannon_Spectacle says... #8
Mono-blue Tron (which this build is pretty close to) runs Treasure Mage, using it to grab Mindslaver, Platinum Angel, and Wurmcoil Engine. You might consider adding those.
January 21, 2015 12:11 p.m.
Fabricate can grab those and has the added benefit of nabbing O stone. Treasure Mage DOES leave a body behind, tho, which has value, and the promote art is so sweet...
January 22, 2015 10:23 a.m.
Twanicus ~ I use ugin in place of o-stone. I have found ugin to be more than up to the task. Very few decks in modern (I actually think tron might be the only one) run any permanents with cmc higher than 4 maybe 5 so ugin becomes an 8 mana, one sided board exile at worst andcat best does that plus sticks around for more after.
I got someone on untap who said I should run Chromatic Star in place of Talisman of Dominance. I know talisman isn't actually on color but that's because I might run black cards in the side. Cards like Surgical Extraction could go a long way to protecting my stuff.
January 22, 2015 4:12 p.m.
I think Simic Signet would be better than the talisman. It provides necessary colors And ramps. Extraction is usually paid for with life anyway.
January 22, 2015 11:52 p.m.
I think it's questionable Bellock86. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is better than Oblivion Stone in some cases, and worse in others. First of all, Oblivion Stone can be casted in a turn, for reasonable 3 mana, and be activated later for 5 mana. The total cost is the same, but if for some reason you aren't able to assemble Tron, Oblivion Stone can be very useful. In that scenario, Ugin would be just a dead card in your hand, waiting for you to assemble Tron. Another advantage of O-Stone, and a very good one, is that it destroys artifacts and colorless permanents. This makes it a very good option against Affinity or another Tron decks.
On the other hand, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon stays on the battlefield after wiping the board for up to 6. And than, he still is very powerful and is a win condition on his own. A very good one. He has Lightning Bolt for +2 and can work as a finisher or just spot removal. His ultimate is gamebreaking. And, he has the advantage of exiling the board once he wipes. That is very useful against creatures that have die effects, or Dredgevine decks that keep bringing back his creatures from graveyard.
January 23, 2015 11:07 a.m.
Dhominus ~ you bring up valid points for o-stone. The benefits (at least for now) out weigh the risks for me.
It's mostly a meta call here. There is only one other tron list at my LGS and it's mono blue. Because I can accelerate with the green splash in my deck, that list has a very hard time standing its ground against me. (It's a friend of mine and weve been testing for the last few days). I still can pull off the turn three karn to exile lands and really destroy him so as to prevent him from assembling tron, until I can counter his stuff. My sideboard will include a few cards that allow me to get around a mirror as well.
But again your points are valid. I'm still testing atm but Ugin has been a major workhorse for me and thanks to Ancient Stirrings I tend to get tron up by turn 3 or 4 about 4 out of 5 games.
Appreciate your feedback and and critique.
January 23, 2015 12:39 p.m.
Painter's Servant + Ugin, the Spirit Dragon ? You sir, veritably are a madman. Keep up the insanity.
February 1, 2015 10:16 a.m.
kameenook - lol. yeah. i saw that in a thread talking about the "combo" (misquoted in the thread) and went "Huh. So if noone has any lands but i can hit them for 3 every other turn and then wipe lands some more and then ult him that would mean........"
so yeah it went in. lol. haven't gotten to really test it yet but i'm honestly considering adding up to make it a 2 or 3 of just to see if people can deal with it.
February 2, 2015 11:01 a.m.
ninjagod5092 says... #17
Karn Liberated isn't not usually what you want in blue tron because we aren't trying to just slam a walker on 3 usually. From all my testing though Ugin, the Spirit Dragon seems like the real deal. Also Spell Snare has been doing a great job of slowing down aggressive decks and shutting down opposing Remands and Mana Leaks
Hjaltrohir says... #1
Mindslaver with Academy Ruins? Also, Chromatic Star, Chromatic Sphere and Relic of Progenitus are all popular so maybe they are includes?
PLaytesting went pretty well, maybe add Misty Rainforest and bring the land count up 1 possibly, I am not an expert on tron...
January 20, 2015 11:31 a.m.