OBS* (I've Changing The Deck, so Look At Updates to Understand :D)
Hi Guys, This is the 2.0 version of The Deck, it is more Solid now, we suport Aggros, mid Range, and wqe are trying stop controls Too, the main deck, is the same, (Maybe) Starting With the Star Arbos Elf, to pump our forests with the Sweetness
Verdant Haven
, if wee do this on turn 2, we have a 5-6 mana in turn 3, suficient, to Overcharged Mizzium Mortars, hard Cast Urban Evolution,
Unexpected Results
(it is here only Becouse is FUN), Or the Secret Weapon of The Deck,
Blast of Genius
, with this powerfull spell we can discard our FAT cards, and do a LOTS of Damage, but is is dangerous, so be careful, in turn 4 or more, we have the 2nd kill condition, Borborygmus Enraged, he is Big, and kills in only one swing if you have luck, but if you dont, realise you put him, strike, take 2 lands, discart, put Prime Speaker Zegana Draw 8, discart MORE lands, INSANE ?, noooo, only Friend Ship rsrsrs, in later games, we will nedd reaction, mostly of times, vs aggros, we need slow down it, so Cyclonic Rift will help, Glided Lotus Will provid an extra mana, to borborigmus, or Enter the Infinite (That works with Borborygmus too), Plasm Capture Will Help, we Reach, the mana we need, later in game, or in the start, by taking Farseek On turn 2 and borborigmos turn 4 Countering the Hellrider or Aristocrat, Olivia, and others :D, The other Kill Condition we Have is the Aweasome and SUPER FUN, Epic Experiment (this card is my Precious rsrsrs) Realise, you have 8 mana, call for X = 6 and cast 1 Urban Evolution, 1 Blast of Genius, 1 Farseek, 1 Mizzium, 1 Cyclonic and 1 watever !! it will be LUCK but, can REALY happen, rsrs.
For Side Cards, we have most of Counters controls, and life gain, Devil's Play is good, to point removal, and BURN for large amonts,
Predator's Rapport
is good, when zegana or Borbo, enters the game, becouse this is instant, and make you happy with 13 or 16 life,
Gruul Charm
is for Creature Takers like Zealous Concripts and others, couse, if you have a borbo, you do not want him strike you, BELIVE that, for the Rest, whe Have
, and Negate Foir controls,
Mystic Genesis
For aggros, or mid ranges (like Thragtusk) and the Urban is here as 15th card, rsrs
Its all for now, i hope yopu enjoyed, if you like, or apreciate the idea, plz, give +1, if you dont, tell me what youi dont, like, and together, we can make the best Rug for FUN ever made in magic History !! :D