Flooremoji says... #2
SO many time i've been hit by a 3/3 on turn 2, Ku's shaper with the lord.
April 6, 2018 7:45 p.m.
AsuraDorian says... #3
I'm trying a similiar build but with the kopala in the main , the tribe could se more play with the rotation deck looks nice.
August 30, 2018 1:29 a.m.
joaoguaxinim says... #4
Hey Shoku, I've been testing some stuff, and Sleep has shown it's value against many matches, that I think it deserves main deck slots, It works as a two turns Tempest Caller. You should try it man :D
September 9, 2018 10:14 a.m.
joaoguaxinim says... #5
Nice to see that you updated the deck and the description buddy. I have some suggestions for you!
Dive Down while not adding power to our creatures also grants hexproof so Kumena/Misty/Elite can survive longer, also being able to block some bigger creatures.
Might of the Masses will be a great finisher to our deck. Swarming the board with a lot of tokens and giving a MCH +a lot/+a lot and being unblockable(Kumena fit's this idea too) is something to consider.
I'm planning on testing Enter the Unknown as it works as a filter and ramp for our deck while helping our fish to grow bigger.
For sideboard against RDW, I'm planning on using Wildgrowth Walker the combination of it + branchwalker and enter the unknown will lead to good lifegain and good body, that would be perfect to deal with the ammount of damage that deck has. not to mention that a 1/3 body for 2 will block their creatures for days.
I'm not planning on running tempest caller on maindeck as I think that Trickster will do the job. If any go wide strategy starts to show up, it can get my attention back. Though, sleep fits the same idea while doing it for two turns.
Hope it helps buddy, if you can take a look at my list and give suggestions! I appreciate so much your comments! :D Cya.
September 21, 2018 12:04 a.m.
toastySmorc says... #6
Hiya. Really cool deck, and I love the price tag as a cheap way into standard. Have you considered Herald of Secret Streams as a possible replacement for Tempest Caller? They're very similar, but I feel repeated unblockable damage has some value.
September 30, 2018 5:15 p.m.
Hi, toastySmorc I've said it before but when updated the deck I must have removed it, but Herald of Secret Streams relies heavily on +1/+1 counters, and currently they are just an up side to the deck with Deeproot Elite and Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca being the only cards that give +1/+1 counters outside of Merfolk Branchwalker exploring when it etbs. The other reason I like Tempest Caller over Herald is because the opponent can remove Herald after you've declared attacks, making for some very awkward blocks from your opponent. Once you play Tempest Caller on a good enough board, it will usually win you the game outright.
September 30, 2018 5:57 p.m.
Sleep has been extremely useful to me. Really surprised you didn't mention it here.
October 3, 2018 1:19 a.m.
Hi, FFA. While Sleep does tap your opponent's creatures for 2 turns, you usually only need them tapped for one. As well, Tempest Caller can do more by: Giving you a +1/+1 counter from Deeproot Elite, can be cast from Unclaimed Territory , can help draw you a card from Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca or give all your merfolk +1/+1, and can give you a token from Deeproot Waters . I think all of those reasons make Tempest Caller a much better option than Sleep.
October 3, 2018 11:20 a.m.
tonsilWizard says... #10
Great deck. I've built something similar to our but I'll definitely add Expel from Orazca and Tempest Caller. That were the cards I was looking for.
October 17, 2018 8:36 a.m.
34 creatures isnt to much? you dont have any card to draw, if you lose tour creatures you'll dont have that many creatures to cast, this list need more protection to merfolks, dont you think?
October 19, 2018 10:31 a.m.
Hey Nardoto, while the deck doesn't have any instants or sorceries that draw cards, silvergill adept, merfolk branchwalker, and kumena, tyrant of orazca are all creatures that draw cards. They create board presence while also refilling your hand. As for protection, the deck lost a few very important cards in blossoming defense and heroic intervention. The sideboard does some have protection in the form of kopala and counterspells, but largely the deck is lacking in a few areas because guilds of ravnica had no u/g cards in it. Come January, the deck is going to receive a boost in the form of breeding pool and hopefully some strong fuse cards like the 5 guilds got in the most recent set, and because the leader of the Simic guild is a Merfolk, hopefully some strong creatures to boost the decks power.
October 19, 2018 12:32 p.m.
Which cards would be taken out of this deck first in order to swap for the sideboard in between games without impacting the deck too negatively?
November 5, 2018 5:04 p.m.
Hi, Gambiit
That depends a lot on what you're siding in, but I can give a few examples. If the game is going to go long you might take out some of the 1 drops. If they've brought in enchantment removal or you think they will, drop the deeproot waters. If they aren't running creatures, drop the tempest callers. Sometimes it's right to drop a land if you want to outrace your opponent and aren't too reliant on getting to 4 mana.
Hopefully that helps a bit, if you have any questions about specific cards I can try to answer them.
November 5, 2018 7:05 p.m.
AbsolutePlum says... #18
Hi, Shoku
I recently built a merfolk deck that's really similar to this list and was wondering what you thought about the value of River Sneak
November 7, 2018 9:20 a.m.
Hi, AbsolutePlum
I think River Sneak is a fine card, before Rivals of Ixalan it was one of the better cards in the deck. Now however there are too many 2 drops for Merfolk that it doesn't quite make the cut. Maybe in the next set of Ravnica, there might be a card that makes River Sneak viable again. I think it is still playable, just not up to par with some of the other 2 drops.
November 7, 2018 10:58 a.m.
For me Disdainful Stroke has been better than essence scatter, being able to counter Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and other control finishers while also being able to deal with Lyra Dawnbringer and other cards from the Boros midrange deck, whick is a bad matchup.
November 10, 2018 12:56 p.m.
Thanks, merflock
I havn't played or tested very much since Guilds of Ravnica came out, but am still interested in keeping the list up to date.
November 10, 2018 7:13 p.m.
kenkepeople says... #23
Consider adding Song of Freyalise im playing 3 and it makes an insane combo with kumena for a brutal vigilance blow + counter generation
November 14, 2018 12:54 p.m.
Hi, kenkepeople
Song of Freyalise is a card that seems really good for the deck. I've played around with it a bit, and on paper it seemed really good, but I couldn't make it work the way I wanted it to.
November 19, 2018 2:50 p.m.
Thank you shoku i just played this deck in FNM for the first time since Innistrad block and took 3rd overall with a 6-2 finish. Great deck
davcot says... #1
Nice Deck !
I'vr had some good results with Herald of Secret Streams in simic merfolk. Once you've had a lot of counters with Deeproot Elite, Hadana's Climb, Jade Bearer or exploring merfolks, you're in for some serious damage ! The only downside I see is that since your opponent can't block them, they won't damage their creatures ... Which kinda sucks.
Can't wait to test out Song of Freyalise too ... I think it'll be a solid saga for simic merfolk
April 6, 2018 1:40 p.m.