
Big Eldrazi is the name of the game here! It's a big ol' titan bash led by Hangry Boi. After his release from being imprisoned for millennia, Ulamog wasn't very happy and he was very, very hungry. So now he (g)razes the land to sate his ceaseless hunger.

Disclaimer: I build my decks with the main goal of having a good time while playing and not necessarily optimizing them to win. Regardless of what you are looking for I hope you enjoy the deck!

Part 2: Because I only play casually, no group I play with uses commander damage as a win condition. Please keep that in mind while looking at the deck.

Part 3: This deck is by far the most expensive of my decks and is the one I give the most attention to foiling/upgrading. Typically, you will not see this of my decks.

After learning what color identity meant when I was first getting into commander, the idea of a colorless commander greatly appealed to me. But at that point, I didn't want to build and artifact-based deck and Eldrazi did not have as much support yet as BFZ had not come out. Once it did however, I got lucky enough to unpack Hangry Boi and thus the deck was born. At this point I could potentially swap out commanders for one of the other Eldrazi titans (likely either Kozilek for the card draw), but I like to have double spot removal on commander cast and the nostalgia of Ulamog and the deck name mean I won't be swapping out Hangry Boi. As a personal playstyle, I enjoy going all in on a theme; with that said, the goal here is to stay true to the Eldrazi tribal theme and the fact that this deck is colorless and my opponents likely are not (All is Dust, Commander's Plate, and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon). I will sacrifice deck efficiency to keep the theme because I just wanna have fun so you may not see things like Metalworker; while it would be great for this deck, it isn't an Eldrazi.

I like to keep things simple so here it is:

1) Ramp

2) Big angry bois

3) Value and profit (if you haven't already won)

There is more behind it to support and enable but when it comes to it, go big fast. This deck has a high average CMC so there is lots of ramp in this deck starting early and progressing (Eldrazi Temple, Basalt Monolith, Sol Ring ==> Thran Dynamo, Forsaken Monument) with some cost reduction to help (Eye of Ugin, Conduit of Ruin, Ugin, the Ineffable). It's not uncommon to be able to start casting your + cost Eldrazi on turn 4 or 5. (I play casual multiplayer EDH so games can go far past this point.) By this point your hand can become quicky depleted, which is why we've got cards like Mystic Forge or The One Ring to help get through our library. Since my goal here is Eldrazi destruction, I'm not necessarily trying to hard lock my opponents. However, I do have some cards to help slow them down and allow me to get my expensive Eldrazi onto the battlefield. Those include Defense Grid and Chimil, the Inner Sun to combat counters and Winter Orb to force my opponents to prioritize their decisions. Other than some select cards for dealing with opponents, the Eldrazi's innate abilities are usually more than enough to deal with whatever my opponents have going on. Then it's off to the buffet to sate Ulamog's hunger!

Personal choices:

  • Tutors: I get that tutors are good, I very occasionally use them however because it feels cheaty to me and I prefer the randomness of drawing off the top, uncertainty is all part of the fun for me!

  • Infinite Combos: They are allowed in my playgroup and it varies how often they show up in my decks. Winning with one is kinda boring though so I prefer to limit them (another reason I don't prefer tutors - sometimes they just say "grab a combo piece and win the game")

Urza's Lands below are self explanatory:

The original version of this deck was created in early 2019

Thanks for checking out the deck! Y'all can check out my other decks here! Draw well!


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Revision 68 See all

(2 hours ago)

-1 Blinkmoth Well maybe
-1 Mirrorpool maybe
-1 Rings of Brighthearth maybe
-1 The Irencrag maybe
-1 Unwinding Clock maybe
Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 hours
Exclude colors WUBRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 5.48
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Spirit 2/2 C, Start Your Engines!, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks
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