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Ultimate Street Fighter 6: Super Tabletop Edition

Commander / EDH Jank RUW (Jeskai, America) Theme/Gimmick



Removal/Revival: DLC (1)

Support Equipment: DLC (1)


Welcome, Fighters, to the Ultimate Super Ultra Street Fighter 6: Showdown (Extended Tabletop Edition)!

Or, in simpler and less convoluted terms: My Street Fighter Showdown Deck. After seeing the Secret Lair revealed with the Street Fighter cards, I decided that I wanted to build a deck with some of them. Not some super-powerful combo-hungry monster of a deck, but a fun-filled flavor-blasted deck. Sure, the deck should and could be a force to be reckoned with, but at the end of the day, it's just a fun deck.

Your goal in your fight is to utilize your Fighters. All four of them, as they are the only ones allowed. Assemble your squad of Street Fighters and utilize their abilities to bring your opponents to their knees in surrender.

It's Street Fighter and it's time to choose your Fighter... Kinda...

The Commander (Fighter Selected) is Guile, Sonic Soldier, a Major in the United States Air Force, and a champion at combat. With him at the helm, no opponent can stand in your way. With the ability to charge up through combat, and use that charge to gain benefits, he'll almost always want to be attacking. As such, there are plenty of combat tricks, equipment, and enchantments to help him along the way, with a few way to proliferate or increase his charges more quickly. But, what is a Fighter without a Squad, or backup? And thus, Guile has called for aid to three of his friendly rivals/friends. How many will answer the call and who answers is up to fate, chance, luck, and the tutor effects in the deck.

  1. Chun-Li, Countless Kicks, a Chinese Interpol Officer can answer the call for help. When she enters the Arena, she can secure previously used combat tricks to use and abuse repeatedly as the Fight progresses. She, too, wants to be attacking constantly, and with her fearsome kicks, no opponent can stand up to her might. A close friend and partner to Guile, she'll likely answer his call.

  2. Ryu, World Warrior, a Japanese Martial Artist, can answer the call for help. Aiming to be the strongest and training constantly, Ryu gets stronger as he fights with others. His signature Hadouken! can be used to defeat some opponents in combat, and net an advantage with new knowledge. He can grow to become a very dangerous threat to his enemies, mastering his skills. A friend and rival to Guile, and greatly respectful towards the man, he'll likely answer his call.

  3. Ken, Burning Brawler, a Japanese martial artist from America, can answer the call for help. With combat tricks and spells strengthening him temporarily, he can be a real threat to his enemies, and a source of strength for his friends. Bringing powerful abilities for free during combat can be helpful, too. A brother-in-law to Guild, he'll likely answer his call.

Now that your Fighter is selected, it is time to choose your Battlefield. Your Arena. Your Stage! You have a plethora to choose from, all set in a variety of locations throughout the Multiverse.

  1. Arena, the best land! Alright, maybe it's not the best, but theme-wise, it's perfect. Put up a champion and make an opponent choose one, too. Then, they FIGHT! Who will emerge victorious? Who knows?

  2. Castle Ardenvale, a Castle-based Stage, full of light on the Plane of Eldraine. It can create Humans to aid in the fight if you pay the cost.

  3. Academy Ruins, a stage set in the Ruins of Tolarian Academy on the Plane of Dominaria. It can help you rebuild some of your equipment, recovering from ruin.

  4. Stormcarved Coast, Sundown Pass, and Deserted Beach are a small collection of Stages set in the wild, dreary landscape of the Plane of Innistrad . Utilize their locations and backdrops to gather appropriate resources.

  5. Temple of Triumph, Temple of Enlightenment, and Temple of Epiphany are a small collection of Stages set on the Greek Plane of Theros. Seek enlightenment in these temples to help foresee possible futures.

  6. Riverglide Pathway  and Needleverge Pathway   are Stages set amongst the mysterious hedrons of the Plane of Zendikar. In a similar fashion, Hengegate Pathway   is a Stage set on the Viking Plane of Kaldheim. These three Stages are morphing arenas, that change to fit the needs of the Fighters. Choose wisely!

  7. Axgard Armory is also a Stage set on the Plane of Kaldheim, in an armory filled with equipment. Use the Stage as it is for its resources, or utilize it one last time to loot the equipment for exactly what you need.

  8. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, Otawara, Soaring City, and Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance are stages set within the expansive Cyberpunk Plane of Kamigawa. Each offers specific resources as Stages, but are unique in the fact that you can discard them for various effects. From dealing with creatures in combat, saving/getting rid of permanents, or calling for help from the native Spirits, they can all be helpful in your fight. Which stage is right for you, and do you Fight upon them, or use them once instead? It's up to you!

  9. Karn's Bastion is a Stronghold on the Plane of Ravnica. A place of power built by a powerful Planeswalker, it can be used to help strengthen your Fighter(s), so long as they've already begun to grow and charge-up previously.

  10. Rogue's Passage, continuing on the Plane of Ravnica, consists of back alleyways allowing you to sneakily attack your opponents, bypassing their defenses. Or, you could even allow other Fighters to utilize it, all for your benefit, of course.

  11. Slayers' Stronghold is a stronghold located on Innistrad. Here, training occurs, and one of your Fighters can be strengthened temporarily if need be.

  12. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea is another Stage set on the Plane of Kamigawa. A Shrine hidden in the middle of the ocean, it brings knowledge to all who seek it. Be warned, this Stage aids all in their seek of knowledge, not just you.

  13. Mystic Monastery, located on the Plane of Tarkir, starts off as a slow Stage, but can give you any resource you need in this temple.

  14. Command Tower is much like Mystic Monastery, but a bit faster. It gives you any resource you need within this large, tall tower.

  15. Command Beacon is a towering Lighthouse in an unspecified location. Here, you can utilize it once to bring Guile in a bit more easily.

  16. Path of Ancestry, a well-worn path in an unspecified location, it may start on a slow path, but can be used to help aid your Fighters along the way as they enter the Fight.

  17. Field of Ruin, a prior battlefield on the Plain of Ixalan, it is here that any other stage can be reduced to its basic, original form.

  18. Fabled Passage is an expansive location, morphing and twisting to lead you to a Basic Stage of your choice.

  19. Basic Stages, from the high-topped Mountains, to the beautiful seaside Islands, to even the flat and expansive Plains, there's much to see and enjoy. Utilize these Basic Stages as best as you can. You can never go wrong with these.

  20. Thespian's Stage, a literal Stage staged on Ravnica. It tells stories, both old and new, and can be whatever is needed for you.

During a Fight, more goes into it than simple, weak punches and kicks. Combos are performed, powerups are used, and advantages are taken. Here, while the fight goes on, and while on the Offensive, you can use these tricks and spells to help you. And with Chun-Li, Countless Kicks, most of these can be reused, along with the other instants in the deck.

  1. Artful Dodge isn't instant-speed, but allows your attack to go unblocked. Dodging through the blocking Fighters controlled by your opponents, this spell can even be reused by itself with its flashback cost.

  2. Fists of Flame is like a special move. Worst-case scenario, on your turn, you'll draw a card and get +2/+0. Comboing with other cards and card draw, this can make your Fighter devastating.

  3. Go for Blood allows you to do something that you really want to do: FIGHT! Make one of your creatures fight another in single-combat. Or, if need be, cycle it to draw a card.

  4. Leap. Jump up, too high for most opponents. Use it to essentially dodge and jump over opposing Fighters, or use it to leap into the air to stop an opposing Fighter from attacking you unblocked!

  5. Show of Confidence. Remain confident, and permanently increase the strength of a Fighter. Or, even better, storm off with other spells and either use this on multiple creatures or on one Fighter multiple times.

  6. Stun does what it suggests. Stun-lock an opponent and prevent them from interfering.

  7. Swift Kick is another Fighting effect. Lock your Fighter and another's in single-combat, while strengthening yourself, too...

  8. Raze the Effigy can remove a troublesome artifact... or, it can increase a Fighter's strength and defense by 2.

  9. Unleash Fury can be a devastating attack, especially when combined with other skills and spells. Double a Fighter's power at instant-speed to deliver devastation.

While being on the Offensive is nice, and key to winning a fight, you must also be prepared to defend yourself. Defensive tricks are very important, and blocking incoming attacks is key to surviving a Fight. Especially if it begins to look to be no longer in your favor.

  • Arcane Denial functions to draw a card, and stop an opponent from doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.

  • Boros Charm can work to strengthen a Fighter temporarily, deal some damage, or saving your battlefield from destruction.

  • Call to Heel can be used offensively or defensively. You can use it to save one of your Fighters in a pinch, or bounce one of your opponent's Fighters away. The target's controller draws a card, which is beneficial when used defensively, or an extra cost when used offensively.

  • Curfew. It's getting pretty late. Be rid of a Fighter on each player's battlefield.

  • Shelter protects a Fighter, while also drawing a card. Protection is important.

  • March of Swirling Mist is just like "Call to Heel" where it can be used offensively or defensively. Or, both, even. Phase-out Fighters to get an attack through, protect your own fighters, or a combination of the two.

  • Negate is another counterspell to be used when an opponent gets a little too comfortable.

  • Snap is another way to bounce a Fighter, either your own or an opponent's. Untapping lands/resources is also very nice.

  • Stubborn Denial is a special counterspell. Only 1 mana, as long as you've got Guile or another strong Fighter. Even without them, it could still be countered if the opponent doesn't pay the tax.

  • Timely Ward is an enchantment aura. It is most useful when targeting Guile, as then it can be cast at instant speed. Give your Fighter indestructible protection!

  • Repel the Abominable protects your Fighters from most sources of damage, while maintaining their own damage-dealing capabilities.

  • They say that knowledge is power, and doing reconnaissance is an important part of gathering information and knowledge to combat the enemy. Here, I'll detail how gathering intelligence is done. Of course, there are other ways to draw cards in the other categories, but here I'll lay out the cards specifically for card draw. Or, in layman's terms: Card Draw!

    1. Brainstorm draws several cards, and puts a few on top. With several ways to tutor/shuffle the library, this can be exceptionally nice.

    2. Frantic Search feels like a panic button. Draw, disard, and get your mana back.

    3. Jeskai Ascendacy functions to help draw and discard as you cast spells, and also helps pump and power-up your Fighters.

    4. Whirlwind of Thought functions specifically to draw you a card every time you do anything except cast a Fighter.

    5. Peek is true reconnaissance. See what an opponent is hiding for the near future, then draw a card.

    6. Tezzeret's Gambit helps to proliferate the counters on your Fighters, and draw some cards, too.

    7. Valakut Awakening   could be a land, sometimes... but otherwise, it helps be rid of several cards in your hand and replace them with hopefully better options.

    8. Windfall helps cycle everyone's hands, drawing replacements for everyone.

    9. Open the Armory is a tutor-effect that can get some very useful equipment or auras.

    10. Curiosity is an enchantment aura that helps you draw a card whenever the enchanted creature deals damage. Whether it be damage via combat, or Guile's ability, soon you'll be drawing consistently.

    If there's one thing that men like Guile know, being a part of the American Air Force, is that equipment and aid in combat can change the tides of a conflict. Maintaining your equipment, too, is very important. However, do not be mistaken! When I say Equipment, I mean far more than weapons to be wielded. This includes support gear to generate power, provide protection, and gather intelligence. There are even some magical abilities and enchantments to help out. This can be broken into several categories: Mana Support, Equipment, and Battlefield Support.

    Mana Support

    1. Sol Ring, the most infamous of Mana Support. Utilize this one-mana artifact to add two.

    2. Arcane Signet. It'll add a mana of any color you need. Perfect.

    3. Chromatic Lantern adds anything you need, while also balancing out your mana from your Stages.

    4. Mind Stone can be used to add a colorless mana, or can be broken to draw a card in a pinch.

    5. Gilded Lotus. It delivers a nice set of 3 mana of any color needed to boost your production.

    6. Wayfarer's Bauble aids in your Stage collection, and unlocks another for use. Very helpful!


    1. Sunforger is a bag full of tricks. A toolbox. Tutor out a number of instants, or just utilize its buff in damage for your equipped Fighter.

    2. Swiftfoot Boots provides swiftness for whoever has it equipped to them, while also protecting them from your opponents' movements and actions.

    3. Sword of the Animist buffs your Fighter, while also ramping you out and finding more basic Stages for your Battlefield.

    4. Heirloom Blade, Curiosity, Call to the Kindred, and Timely Ward were mentioned in other categories, and won't be focused upon here...

    Battlefield Support

    1. Fighter Class starts with a great ability: Tutoring for another form of Support Equipment. Then, it makes equipping weapons a little cheaper for you. Then, it can force your opponents to block and engage in combat against their will.

    2. Primal Amulet   gives a nice discount on the various tricks that you can do in the deck. It could be flipped into a land that copies a spell every turn... or, the probably better option: Keep it around for the discount.

    3. Thaumatic Compass   lets you guarantee a land every turn, then turns into a nice Maze of Ith to protect yourself and/or a Fighter of yours by stopping a Fighter's combat.

    4. Propaganda slows down attackers against you. Who will pay two mana for multiple creatures to attack you?

    5. The Ozolith is a nice support piece. With this in play, removal of Guile or other Fighters of yours with counters on them won't slow you down nearly as much as they'd hope.

    6. Triangle of War. A unique piece. An artifact that can be broken to cause a Fighter of yours and an opponent's of your choice to Fight!

    Now that various strategies within the deck have been covered, you've probably read several times that one of the goals of the deck is to gather your allies and use multiple Street Fighters on your path to victory. In order to do this, various tools have been given to help you call for your Back-Up.

    1. Divergent Transformations is especially powerful when you've generated reinforcements and tokens to sacrifice to the spell. Once used, watch as you pull your allies directly into play.

    2. Gamble can find an ally or another card to your hand. You gamble with the chance of discarding it, but it might work out...

    3. Search for Glory helps find a legendary card, which is either one of your Fighters, or one of the Legendary artifacts.

    4. Long-Term Plans is another tutor card. It won't go to your hand, but it'll bring it close to it. Draw spells will help you get there quickly.

    5. Heirloom Blade is an equipment that can be very useful for calling for allies. Use it on Guile, or a token, that's generated. Once the equipped creature dies, dig through your library for its replacement.

    Sometimes, things aren't simply going your way. That's why panic buttons exist! Other times, you don't need a panic button, but you need help. Here, I will explain ways to help remove problematic issues, press the panic button, or even how to bring back things you've lost...


    1. Generous Gift is a very versatile answer. Remove anything, and give an opponent a sad elephant. And what kind of elephant could ever stand up to a trained Fighter?!

    2. Wear / Tear. Rip and Tear apart an Artifact and/or Enchantment.

    3. Time Wipe is a boardwipe perfect for the deck. Save a Fighter and destroy the rest!

    4. Single Combat is the perfect boardwipe. It's a fight, so why should an opponent ever have that many creatures/Fighters? That's not fair, so let's fix that!


    1. Remember the Fallen. Take a moment and reflect on your past. Both on your Fighters, and their artifacts of the past.

    2. Past in Flames allows a full resurgence and reuse of previously spent spells. Remember your past, and burn through it a second time, if you really need it.

    3. Underworld Breach... Nothing really stays dead forever. It's time to replay and revive some cards.

    4. Sevinne's Reclamation is a great spell that can be reused again later. Good news: This works on each other Fighter in your deck, along with several other important cards.

    5. Invoke Justice is a great way to revive any permanent from your graveyard to the battlefield. Then, you get to strengthen your Fighter(s). What's not to love?!

    Finally, there's the ultimate move. The move to end all moves. The Ultimate Combo! THE SUPER COMBO

    Okay, maybe that's a little exaggerated, but still, it has the word ultimate in its name: Inspired Ultimatum. What more could you ask for? It heals you, it deals damage to something, and you draw cards! Plus, it takes a very specific way to cast it!

    Okay, okay, you want something a bit better? Well, try out Flying Crane Technique, a way to possibly finish the fight through damage, the Chun-Li could help you reuse in the future if it wasn't quite enough the first time.

    And that is the deck. In your Fight, will you win, or will you lose. If it's the latter, do not panic. There are multiple rounds, multiple fights, and always room to improve, grow, and train. Learn as you fight, and sooner or later you'll become a world warrior. And, now, to end the fight...


    That's all. Please, if you like the deck, let me know. Leave a comment on possible improvements, additions, and/or suggestions for the deck. I'd love to perfect this work of art as best as I can. Thanks!

    Also, this deck may change slightly. This is currently version 1.0, and I will be proxying the four Street Fighter cards to playtest the deck and see how well it runs. Stay tuned for possible updates!

    As with most games, including Street Fighter, there are going to be DLC additions to the deck... and by DLC Additions, I mean that they are either possible includes for the deck or definite includes for the deck, once I aquire them. (As in, once I get my Secret Lairs in a few months. Below, I'll dicuss the planned DLC "Roadmap" and why...


    No DLC Fighters are planned at this time... and probably won't be...

    Stage Selection

    • Raugrin Triome: A perfect triome tri-land, the only reason I don't have it in the decklist is simply because I don't have one yet. Soon, hopefully, I'll get one and put it in.

    • Boseiju, Who Shelters All: A very powerful land/Stage that I have never owned... ever... However, once I get my secret lairs, I'll have a copy, and it'll likely find its home here, in this deck!

    • Hall of the Bandit Lord: Just like Boseiju, above, I have never gotten ahold of this card before. Much like the above land as well, this Stage will be added when my Secret Lairs arrive.

    Offensive Attacks

    Stay tuned for possible new Offensive Attacks!

    Defensive Moves

    Stay tuned for possible new Defensive Moves!


    Stay tuned for possible new Reconnaissance Tactics!

    Support Equipment

    • Ghostly Prison: I plan to add this once I get my Secret Lairs. It will either replace Propaganda, or feature alongside it and replace a different card.

    Calling for Back-Up

    Stay tuned for possible new ways to Call for Back-Up!

    Emergency: Removal/Revival

    • Hadouken!: With the Lightning Bolt reskin being the bonus card of the Street Fighter Secret Lair, how can I not include this? Once I get it, it'll find a home somewhere.

    Ultimate Move: Super Combo

    Stay tuned for possible new Super Combos... maybe...

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    95% Casual


    Revision 1 See all

    (3 years ago)

    -1 Call to the Kindred main
    -1 Chaos Warp main
    -1 Jeskai Banner main
    -1 Opt main
    +1 Wayfarer's Bauble main
    Top Ranked
    Date added 3 years
    Last updated 2 years

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    1 - 0 Mythic Rares

    48 - 0 Rares

    19 - 0 Uncommons

    23 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.65
    Tokens Elephant 3-3 G, Human 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 C
    Folders deck, tribal, Cool, Street fighter, AwesomeJMS's Physical Decks, Fun Decks, EDH Decks
    Ignored suggestions
    Shared with