This deck's objective is to activate Allies abilities to cause damage to the opponent.

Kalastria Healer - for every ally that enters the battlefield the opponent takes 1 damage and you gain 1 life this activates Cliffhaven Vampire for more 1 damage = 1 life for you and 2 damage for the enemy. Multiple Kalastria Healers activates Cliffhaven Vampire again, so 4 Kalastria Healer and 1 Cliffhaven Vampire = 8 damage for each ally that enters.
Drana's Emissary - every upkeep activates Cliffhaven Vampire so more 1 life and 2 damage.
Lantern Scout - gives lifelink so you may atack and activate Cliffhaven Vampire.
Ondu Cleric - every ally that enter give you lots of life and activates Cliffhaven Vampire.
Hada Freeblade and Kazandu Blademaster - cheap mana allies that keep growing.
Hagra Diabolist- lots of damage when ally enters the battlefield.
Kabira Evangel - a bit of protection
Cliffhaven Vampire - explained above haha.
Captain's Claws - equipped creature attacks and an ally enters activating allies abilities
Cloudshift - can't bring a new ally to the field? use one already there to activate the abilities
March from the Tomb - sacrifice allies to defend without crying, then bring'em back from the dead and activate the abilities, i'd say it's an worth death
Retreat to Emeria - every time a you get a land you also get an ally and activate the abilities


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.85
Tokens Kor Ally 1/1 W
Folders Whishlist, Future builds
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