Ultra-Budget - Enchanting for Angels

Pioneer ruy343


ruy343 says... #1

So, after some playtesting with a similar deck, I've discovered:

While I have a lot of 2-cost spells in the deck, none of them are creatures, meaning that I have to wait until turn 3 to actually get creatures to enchant.

Helm of the Gods isn't all that helpful because the enchantments don't always stick around for long.

What can I do to make it better, but keep it modern? I just recently got back into the game, so I don't know previous sets very well.

July 27, 2015 12:59 p.m.

lazyrobot101 says... #2

Hey so i am running a similar deck right now and my deck started out almost identical to yours. Helm of the gods is a great card for its cost and i would run 3 of those if you can. On the other hand i would recommend taking out starfield of nyx, and all 4 of the Zendikar's Roil. You do not have enough non-aura enchantments to run starfield of nyx and there are far better cards than Zendikar's Roil. What i would recommend putting in in place of these cards are enchantment creatures like courser of kruphix, Eidolon of blossoms, and leafcrown dryad. Also i would take out the murder investigations and replace them with better enchantments like grasp of the hieromancer and mantle of webs.

Best of luck!

August 5, 2015 1:53 a.m.

Khans says... #3

I suggest Hopeful Eidolon because he is a 1 drop creature so he's there for all your enchantments and he also can enchant on another one late game and lets not forget he has lifelink so thats pretty fun

August 7, 2015 3:55 p.m.

Khans says... #4

replace Caustic Caterpillar with Hopeful Eidolon because you don't need the caterpillar too much he's a fine sideboard card but not the best in your deck

August 7, 2015 3:58 p.m.

Khans says... #5

Also 25 lands with no fetches is a little much maybe go to 22 or 20

August 7, 2015 4 p.m.

ruy343 says... #6

So, it's not standard anymore, but I tested this deck out against some friends last night. It was awesome.

After I got a Herald of the Pantheon into play, I was able to get a Sigil of the Empty Throne out on turn 4, followed by another on turn 5, granting me my first angel. The next turn, I played several low-cost enchantments (3 total) that granted me 6 angels, 3 life, and a fistful of cards (because one I had played was Elemental Bond). The game went long because my friend had a life gain deck, but by the time I finished, I had drawn half my deck, and had 23 4/4 flying angels on the board.

There's a real possibility of milling yourself to death with your Elemental Bond when you get 2-4 angels per turn, but it's entirely worth it to be able to play buckets of low-cost enchantments and get dozens of angels filling the skies.

Starfield of Nyx wasn't really that helpful, but it would be if I was up against a deck with enchantment destruction.

The inclusion of Shackles in the deck was also wonderful, because I could cast it multiple times per turn and get two angels per casting. Three mana for 2 4/4 Angels and the ability to cast again? Pure awesome. I happened to have some that I obtained through an e-bay bulk card purchase a year ago, and it turned out to be the best card combo in the deck. Too bad it's not standard legal anymore.

NOTE: it did take me 3 tries to get the engine working. But once it got going, it was very Timmy.

August 14, 2015 12:37 p.m.

Khans says... #7

just replace Shackels with Banishing Light

August 15, 2015 11:22 a.m.

ruy343 says... #8

Ahhh, but you miss the point, Khans; Shackles can come back to my hand on command to be replayed (and give me more angels), while Banishing light just once. In fact, I want more enchantments that can be played repeatedly. Are there any that are standard legal that I missed?

August 17, 2015 5:34 p.m.

Khans says... #9

no i get that shackles is good but its not worth making it modern unless you actually make it modern with like abunch of modern enchantments

August 17, 2015 7:42 p.m.

DKmain says... #10

Loved your deck, what do you think about Satyr Enchanter? He might be a great inclusion thanks to all our bouncing enchants and Hoofprints of the Stag.

Currently using this version - http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/wg-budget-enchanting-for-angels-1/.

July 18, 2018 4:11 p.m.

ruy343 says... #11

DKmain, I saw Satyr Enchanter, and while it's excellent, I don't know that it's worth it to bog down the deck with more non-enchantments (though it may beat out Herald of the Pantheon...). I wish that Kruphix's Insight was an enchantment (Vessel of Nascency doesn't come anywhere NEAR that level of value).

July 18, 2018 8:16 p.m.

ruy343 says... #12

Removed Herald of the Pantheon in favor of Satyr Enchanter per the suggestion above. It's worth it.

September 3, 2018 10:27 p.m.

Sweet deck, love enchantment strategies. Have you considered Idyllic Tutor ? It's still a bit on the pricey side, but the price has gone down considerably since it is getting a reprint.

January 10, 2020 12:06 p.m.

ruy343 says... #14

Barbarian_Sun_Pope: I had considered Idyllic tutor, and have run budget replacements for it in the past (such as Kruphix's Insight ), but over time, I've found that they're largely unnecessary. Basically, mulligan until you get something that'll give you card draw in exchange for enchantments, and you're usually well enough off.

That said, the cost of one copy of that card is more than the cost of the rest of the deck, so it'd be a little lopsided XD

January 10, 2020 3:21 p.m.

ruy343 says... #15

Even with the significant drop in price for Idyllic Tutor, I'm still not gonna run it. The deck pulls off victories often enough that it isn't necessary.

That said, if anyone has any Setessan Champions, I'd be happy to take them off of your hands.

February 13, 2020 5:33 p.m.

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