Explosive Vegetation is still the best ramp spell in standard. It gets you to seven mana on turn five, aka World Breaker mana. Also grabs two mountains to cast Chandra, Flamecaller and can even grab a Wastes if you want to.
Nissa's Pilgrimage Ramps you to five mana on turn four, but more importantly ensures you hit your next land drop. With spell mastery, you can use it late game to grab three lands out of your deck and smooth out your draws.
Ruin in Their Wake
is the turn two ramp spell we have access to. With Traverse the Ulvenwald, Evolving Wilds,
Oath of Nissa
, and actual Wastes, you have a good shot to enable this on turn two. If not, you grab a Wastes to enable your other ones.

World Breaker is our go to finisher. You cast it, crack any Sanctum of Ugins you have laying around, nuke a land, and absolutely dominate the battlefield. It even has graveyard recursion, to boot!
Chandra, Flamecaller is another great choice. She can easily come down on turn five, and even turn four. When she arrives, she sweeps the board and then starts slinging elementals at your opponent. She can also draw a bunch of cards if you have a good board state.
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is the big bad boy. It's easy to win without him, but when he comes down the game is over. He can win the game through any amount of chump blockers and exiles stuff when he is cast. Amazing.
Dragonlord Atarka is like mini-Ulamog, buy actually has to resolve. Still, she is a huge body with flying and can blow up anything except other ramp finishers.
Ulvenwald Hydra
can easily be very big, and fetches whatever land you need - Sanctum of Ugin for gas, Rogue's Passage for a big unblockable hydra, or even just a Mountain for color fixing.
The Rest
Tireless Tracker is seeing play elsewhere, but seriously he is ridicoulus in ramp! When the game goes late he makes sure every draw is a good one, and he can get huge and draw a ton of cards really fast. Combined with Explosive Vegetation and the other ramp spells, he can give you two to three clues a turn.
Oath of Nissa
and Traverse the Ulvenwald both help you find lands early, and threats late.
Sanctum of Ugin tutors for threats and makes sure you don't run out of gas.
Kozilek's Return can sweep the board of small dudes and than blow up the world when you cast a big spell.