pie chart





Creature (4)

Instant (4)


For KrazeyCaley's latest challenge.

Current 4 of non un card: Demonic Tutor, which lets your combos land much easier.

An early Farewell to Arms or Face to Face + Handcuffs via Blacker Lotus can be instant game (especially if you can play Handcuffs first), as at the very least it discards your opponent's entire hand, and can easily accidently cause them to sac their entire board.

The goal of this deck is to empty your opponents hand as quickly as possible, then controlling their creatures while you peck them away with Vile Bile and Deadhand. This irritating and effective deck will leave it quickly banned from friendly play. :P

Enter the Dungeon will bring your opponent a serious amount of grief, especially when Vile Bile is posed to 2-shot him, and any actions taken in that game that effect his ability to manage his hand, will then be applied to the real game!

Sideboard stuff:

Eye to Eye and Cheatyface work well together, sneak cheatyface into play during the staring contest, and if they notice, they must of broken eye contact, and you get to destroy the creature!

Wet Willie of the Damned good against many creatures as a kill spell, really good in Enter the Dungeon minimatches to get ahead.


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Date added 15 years
Last updated 14 years

This deck is not Unformat legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Rares

12 - 8 Uncommons

14 - 3 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.52
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