An Aristocrat-esque deck that involves sacrificing zombies.
Diregraf Captain is one of the main combo pieces, it gives a boost to your zombies and drains your opponent's life.
Blood Artist gives you life and drains your opponent's. An alternative combo piece to Diregraf Captain
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born gives you the sacrificing outlet and is an absolute powerhouse. It absolutely decimates your opponent.
Nantuko Husk is an alternative sacrificing outlet for when you don't seem to draw Grimgrin.
Gravecrawler is the best thing to sacrifice, because you can bring it right back and do it again.
Mikeus, The Unhallowed gives a slight boost to all your creatures and gives them undying, which is amazing. The human thing is kind of irrelevant, but it might come in handy.
Grave Titan supplies you with valuable zombies to either sac or attack.
Geralf's Messenger drains your opponent's life and has undying. A great creature in general.
Festering Goblin
can possibly kill a creature when it dies, so it works well with sacrificing it or just sending it into combat.
Sheoldred, Whispering One brings back creatures and makes your opponent sacrifice some.
Army of the Damned is to win on the spot out of the blue with the sac engines and either the Artist or the Captain.