When oh when will zombies become competitive? Dunno. But I’m setting out to make the most aggressive build possible. Zombies as a tribe obviously make graveyard a theme. Sacrifice your creatures and reanimate them. All routes grow the hoard.
• Carrion Feeder is an extremely efficient sacrifice outlet that can grow quickly. Easy way to enable triggers on death.
• Gravecrawler is the fuel that makes Carrion Feeder go. Every black mana can be an ETB and death trigger. This can start to create real production through Undead Augur, Diregraf Colossus and Champion of the Perished.
• Cryptbreaker is a nice utility one drop that can build our board by getting rid of dead draws, and eventually feed us draws (to feed itself).
• Champion of the Perished is probably stronger with its tribe than its Human counterpart, Champion of the Parish. The tribe itself may not be as strong overall but Champion of the Perished is surrounded by token production and reanimation. Pairing this with the Carrion Feeder/Gravecrawler engine makes every black mana grows Champion and Feeder +1/+1 permanently. Every zombie cast with Diregraf Colossus out yields two counters for Champion. So on and so forth. There’s a ton of body production to trigger Champion.
• Lasertip Reaper, I mean Lazotep Reaver is two bodies for one. Great with Cryptbreaker and Champion of the Perished. Splitting the bodies means higher yields with anthems. I think this is almost criminally undervalued amongst zombie lists.
• Relentless Dead is fairly resilient as it can eat a block or removal spell and come back to hand for the low cost of one mana. If you have some extra mana stocked up, you can even get a fallen ally back right to the board. This can emulate the Carrion Feeder/Gravecrawler engine but is more expensive.
• Undead Augur is a sweet draw engine and insurance (watch your life total) against wraths, removal, and combat.
• Death Baron is a very powerful anthem that makes combat a nightmare for the opposition. They’ll lose their creatures or lose their life. Their choice.
• Diregraf Colossus can spit out an army before long and comes in big in the late game.