

Creature (2)


  • Gravecrawler: A 2/1 for that can come back as long as you have a Zombie on the board. Can't block but this deck is about rushing damage.

  • Dread Wanderer: Another 2/1 for with potential to come back later on.

  • Relentless Dead: Not only does this guy have Menace and the ability to bring itself and a friend back from the dead, it also gives 2 Devotion! Also, the art is very fitting seeing as I used to run Endless Ranks of the Dead in this deck.

  • Tattered Mummy: Mainly here for the 2 damage upon death which could trigger multiple times if brought back by Relentless Dead, Lord of the Undead, or Ghoulcaller's Chant. Serves as a sac target for Bone Splinters or chump blocker for Tragic Slip.

  • Death Baron: Deathtouch for everyone (except himself, poor guy)! With the many ways things can come back, I'm ok smashing my into opponents creatures for a trade. Almost forgot he also pumps!

  • Diregraf Colossus: Good either early (2/2 Zombie triggers) or late (+1/+1 counters). Unfortunate he only provides 1 Devotion, but the possibility of getting a few zombies out of seems to be worth it.

  • Geralf's Messenger: Deals 2 damage when he shows up and 2 more when he shows up again! Not to mention that 3 Devotion! Another good sac target or chump blocker.

  • Lord of the Undead: Pumps his buddies and brings them back for .

  • Gray Merchant of Asphodel: Instant pain! Can easily hit for 10+ damage with all the symbols in this deck. Need more damage? Sac him and bring him back for another go!


  • Bone Splinters: Creature removal for and one of our creatures. No problem considering so many self reanimating zombies.

  • Ghoulcaller's Chant: Revive two zombies for a single .


  • Tragic Slip: Hard removal with -1/-1 (sorry Indestructibles!). Pretty easy to get something to die or can combo it with Bone Splinters.


  • Grave Pact: Possible 2 for 1 trades with Deathtouch and Bone Splinters. Another reason to smash my cost creature into something big. Also, 3 Devotion!

If you like this deck, please give it a thumbs up! I really appreciate it!


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Added some of the new fun zombies that have come out in the past couple years!

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 5 Rares

2 - 6 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Favorites, Themed Decks, Zomblies, Built Decks
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