ProgenitorX says... #3
Hashtag-Netdeck - Thought about it for a bit but I figured I'd be killing my opponent's creatures with either Deathtouch, Tragic Slip, or Bone Splinters, and playing this might end up hurting me more than helping. I considered Zombie Apocalypse but the CMC might be too much.
August 17, 2015 7:54 a.m.
ProgenitorX says... #5
maxami868 - I like the lashes in monoblack but they feel like win-more cards in this deck. I replaced my 4-drops with Geralf's Messenger to squeeze in final bits of damage if they have a strong defense line and was considering Consuming Vapors and Mogis's Marauder for the same reason. (I went with Geralf's Messenger to continue with the Zombie theme, but I think Mogis's Marauder is the better option.
August 20, 2015 2:58 p.m.
ockhamsrazor says... #6
Dark Betrayal and Deathmark go in the sideboard as 2-ofs.
Nantuko Husk for the mainboard, every time, as well as 2x gravepact.
Check out my legacy version of aggro zombies here: ZomBeatdown .
September 2, 2015 12:11 p.m.
Another guy who tries hard and builds up a zombie aggro! I'll give my help, even if its little.
First of all, all lords in 4x amount. Another suggested lord: Undead Warchief.
Second: consider to put the AEther Vial, great with the Lord of the Undead
Third: some cheap zombies (in case Diregraf Ghoul is not enough), here they come. Black Cat , Festering Goblin , Butcher Ghoul
Fourth: Fleshbag Marauder is mandatory. Consider also another big one, the Unliving Psychopath.
Fifth: Endless Ranks of Dead is too slow, Vile Rebirth is not always useful.
Sixth: To draw more cards, insert Dark Prophecy.
Seventh: to prevent the opponent to gain life, put in sideboard the Tainted Remedy
That's all for now. Good luck with the eat-brains guys.
September 2, 2015 12:26 p.m.
ockhamsrazor says... #8
For the record, almost all of Daedra117's advice is awful.
Only Undead Warchief and MAYBE Fleshbag Marauder are viable of all his suggestions.
I strongly suggest that you consider a more sacrifice-oriented strategy, only because it has worked very well for me personally. Even Mortician Beetle is an option when you are triggering several sacrifices per turn with Gravecrawler, and Mogis's Marauder makes Nantuko Husk a huge threat.
Lastly, some utility lands such as Mutavault, Leechridden Swamp and Bojuka Bog (for the mirror match) could be very useful.
September 2, 2015 12:39 p.m.
ProgenitorX says... #9
Thanks for the feedback ockhamsrazor! The Geralf's Messengers in my deck were Grave Pacts at one point. With your suggestion, I think I'll go ahead and order the one I'm missing to replace them. I think I'll also add in a Coat of Arms and see how that plays out (wanted to keep the 5 drops low). I'll keep your other suggestions in mind and experiment with them.
scruffie says... #1
put ["lord of the dead"] inside :)
February 22, 2014 5:37 p.m.