This is a deck I made with Loleth Giant in mind, so I added cards to the deck that interacted with the graveyard. I don't imagine this will be very competitive, but I'm still interested in any constructive criticism. Also, I made this deck for Magic Arena Standard format, so I only used cards from the more recent sets.
The idea is to use cards like Glowspore Shaman and Gorging Vulture (along with Cauldron's Gift) to send cards to the graveyard, and then eventuality get Loleth Giant onto the field, dealing damage with his ability. By the time I get him out, he usually averages 9-14 damage, with some variance. (I think 21 is the highest I’ve seen, going against a mill deck, bringing, the opponent to -19).
All the while, Rankle (along with Glowspore Shaman and Gorging Vulture early game) is there to put pressure on the opponent for damage as well as his special ability and control. Murderous Rider and Massacre Girl are there for removal.
Cauldron of Eternity is useful as well, but should be used with caution due to creatures being sent to the deck instead of the graveyard (although Cauldron’s Gift, Glowspore Shaman, and Gorging Vulture’s discard ability bypasses this).
Gorging Vulure, Murderous Rider’s lifelink, and Jungle Hollow’s life gain have all been really useful and helpful as well, to the point where I’ve considered adding 1 or 2 copies of the green legendary artifact from the Eldrane set. (Tap the artifact, get two green mana and 2 life).
Any suggestions on lands and sideboard deck are welcome as well, especially in regards to the sideboard. Personally, I wouldn’t mind having more assassins trophy and another Underrealm Lich, but do not currently have any more copies in my collection.
Note: After playtesting it quite a bit, I've been able to get to get to diamond tier with this deck, and still doing pretty well. Some of biggest problems are aggro, Ashiok, and Hushbringer, with minor problems from other decks.