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undying solemnity (formerly Marit thud)

Modern* Infinite Combo Jank RBW (Mardu)



Land (2)

Sorcery (4)

this is the old Marit thud deck i made. i realised that you could make the infinite combo much easier with fanatical firebrand. i left the stuff required for the turn two win in the maybeboard, so that the comments dont seound completly out of place.

mikaeus gives all my creatures undying, solemnity prevents the +1/+1 counter to be placed, so you can endlessly sacrifice your firebrands for damage.

turn 2 win:

  1. turn: Plains, exile simian spirit guide from hand, play solemnity.
  2. turn: dark depths (turns into marit lage due to no counters), exile another simian S.G. from hand, Thud=20 damage to the face

2 simian S.G's out of 4 and 6 cards in total required to pull this of are pretty unreliable i know.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

7 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
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