Unending Torment

Modern* VampireArmy

SCORE: 68 | 276 COMMENTS | 10183 VIEWS | IN 16 FOLDERS

Nixin72 says... #1

A card I've been playing arou da lot with: Isochron Scepter. You can get removal every turn with something like Terminate or Path to Exile, you can use use something like Dawn Charm to put the board into a standstill until you can draw a wincon with evasion. You can use spells that give you multiple choices of modes to increase effectiveness. You can create huge life swings with Lightning Helix. It's a more versatile Grim Lavamancer. It dies to Abrupt Decay, but decks that run decay or Kolaghan's Command arent hugely popular right now anyways.

On another note, besides the kiki-resto combo, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker could be hilariously good with any the creatures in here right now. Land destruction with Fulminator Mage, recurring spells with the goblins and a combo win with resto angel.

February 26, 2016 11:08 p.m.

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