This deck is intended to take full advantage of cards that are either no longer legal or limited in most formats, meaning it is meant for casual play.
Land: Unlike many decks, the chosen land is intended to interact to optimize mana. Since the deck is artifact based, Tolarian Academy will produce the most mana. If you are not able to draw it naturally, Tolaria West can be transmuted into Tolarian Academy.
Alternatively, if you already have Tolarian Academy, you can transmute Tolaria West into another higher yielding land, such as Mishra's Workshop, or into a land that compounds with Tolarian Academy, such as Seat of the Synod or Minamo School at Water's Edge.
Minamo School at Water's Edge is used to untap Tolarian Academy, allowing it to yield almost twice the mana per turn. Seat of the Synod counts as another artifact for Tolarian Academy or can be sacrificed for Tinker.
Mishra's Workshop is simply a source of colorless mana that is very useful in an artifact deck. Vesuva provides a way to copy Mishra's Workshop or Seat of the Synod, but cannot be used to copy any of the legendary lands. It could be used to copy Tolaria West, but there is little incentive to do so.
Game Play: The goal of the deck is to quickly acquire Platinum Angel and Darksteel Forge. The combination of both cards does not ensure victory, since there are many ways to remove indestructible permanents.
However, against most decks, it will at least cause the opponent to rely on drawing the right card. During this window, you can build up your mana and start using Prototype Portal to replicate Platinum Angels and attack.
Getting Platinum Angel and Darksteel Forge is rather easy, since Tinker can be used to convert cheaper artifacts into them. Mystical Tutor or Personal Tutor can be used to acquire Tinker.