So, knowing the power of the Solar Flare archetype (Sun Titan grabbing multiple Phantasmal Images, each of which become a copy of Sun Titan), it seemed like something that could be pretty stupid given the right shell in legacy. This build uses the dredge mechanic to fill your graveyard in a hurry for a quick Solar Flare. Though it doesn't happen often, the deck is capable of a turn 1 kill (as long as you start with 2 Lion's Eye Diamonds).
Ideally, you want your opening hand to have Lion's Eye Diamond, a loot effect, and a dredge card. An extra mana source doesn't hurt either, but you can win without one. Because we're not relying on discarding at end of turn, but instead using Diamond to discard our hand, we can afford to take a couple mulligans to find these pieces. Gamble can also help, as only a search for Diamond has a chance of backfiring, and even then, it's a low chance that doesn't necessarily cost you the game.
Use the mana from Diamond to use the flashback on one of your loot spells, and start filling your graveyard in a hurry (as well as getting free creatures into play).
Dakmor Salvage
plays well with Bloodghast to accelerate this. Sometimes it's worth making a couple land drops early before cracking the Diamond (if you have land at all), if you don't have a super quick kill hand. Lotus Petal also allows you to accelerate early, in case you try to go off more quickly.
Once you have enough little dorks in play, you can use Dread Return to reaminate a Sun Titan and start the solar flare. If this doesn't leave you with enough Titans to actually kill your opponent, use the last Titan trigger to grab back a Lion's Eye Diamond, then crack that to fire off another loot to dredge a lot more cards into your graveyard. Then Dread Return to Solar Flare again. Using this loop, you can get through most or all of your deck in a single turn. Do this until Anger is in your graveyard, then use the last Titan trigger to grab a mountain (if need be) to give your team haste and swing for a LOT of damage.
I have no idea what should be in the sideboard, other than Cabal Therapy seems like a no-brainer (and maybe should be main). Bear in mind you will have no hand for the vast majority of the game, so counterspells aren't helpful here.