Last Updated: ONE

Name: Unhallow's End
Commander: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
Colors: - Mono Black
Type: Tribal/Theme
Subtype: Zombies

Unlike most commander decks, my theme/tribal decks come with a deckbuilding challenge

Every card in the deck include the tribe on the Name, Type, Text, Flavor text, or Art.

Additionally cards that could have the Tribe written on it are permitted.

Lastly, Legendary creatures within the deck will allow me to play cards with their name on it.

PSA: Combos that result in infinite Zombie Cast Triggers, ETB's, LTG's, Sac Triggers, Death Triggers can be paired with a plethora of cards, some that give card advantage, others win the game, It's up to you which cards you wish to synergize the combos with.

Results: Win the Game

Video Example

Requires Rot Hulk in hand, Sac outlet on the battlefield All other cards in your graveyard and You have at least two opponents.

Cast Rot Hulk and target Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Phyrexian Delver with it’s etb and hold priority.

Sac the Rot Hulk Release priority resolving Rot Hulk’s ETB.

Phyrexian Delver etb targeting Rot Hulk and Gray Merchant of Asphodel's etb go on the stack.

Resolve Gary’s ETB draining your opponents for atleast 5 and gaining life 15 and once again Hold priority.

Sac the Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Phyrexian Delver.

Resolve Phyrexian Delver's ETB and rinse and repeat.

Results: Infinite Cast Triggers, ETB's, LTG's, Death Triggers

Video Example

Have Heartless Summoning and Haakon, Stromgald Scourge on the battlefield, and Universal Automaton in our hand or in the grave.

Cast Our Knight Zombie for 0, and it will enter and die as a state based action.

Rinse and repeat.

Results: Infinite ETB's, Sac Triggers, Death Triggers.

Video Example

Have an innocent Xathrid Necromancer on the battlefield and Conspiracy naming humans (Clerics with Rotlung Reanimator) or Maskwood Nexus

Sac our additional creature, triggering Xathrid Necromancer.

Rinse and repeat.

Results: Infinite Cast Triggers, ETB's, LTG's, Sac Triggers and Death Triggers

Video Example

We will need to have Liliana, Untouched By Death able to -3 to let us cast zombie spells from the grave this turn.

We will sac Shambling Ghast, creating a treasure token, and use that treasure for to recast Shambling Ghast.

Rinse and Repeat.

Results: Infinite ETB's, LTG's Sac Triggers & Death Triggers.

Video Example

Have all 3 pieces on the battlefield.

Sacrifice our Negative Sac Dummy to the Sac outlet.

When they return with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Trigger with a +1/+1 counter, they will have the -1/-1 counter or counters placed back on them, allowing for undying to be active once again.

rinse and repeat.

Now let's get to the master deckbuilder Cardi B's WAP.

My Favorite GIF

Basically self Explanatory. These are all the useful (even in niche situation) nonbasics that we had to currently work with.

Cavern of Souls

Cradle of the Accursed

Dunes of the Dead

Field of the Dead

Grasping Dunes

Secluded Courtyard

24x Swamp

Unclaimed Territory

Unholy Grotto

Unstable Frontier

Carrion Feeder : Sac Outlet

Conspiracy : Low Priority Combo Piece

Festering Mummy : Negative Sac Dummy

Gray Merchant of Asphodel : Lifegain Combo Piece

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge : Recursion

Heartless Summoning : Reduction

Liliana, Untouched By Death : Bomb

Maskwood Nexus : Token Generator

Nantuko Husk : Sac outlet

Phyrexian Delver : Recursion

Phyrexian Ghoul : Sac Outlet

Plague Belcher : Negative sac dummy, Die triggers

Putrid Goblin : Negative Sac Dummy

Rot Hulk : Recursion

Rotlung Reanimator : Token Generator

Shambling Ghast : Cheap Ramp/Removal

Skinrender : Negative Sac Dummy

Universal Automaton : Low Priority combo piece

Xathrid Necromancer : Token Generator

Black Market Connections : 6 life 3/2 Zombie, Card advantage, Ramp

Herald's Horn : Card advantage & Reduction

Undead Warchief : Reduction & Anthem

Command the Dreadhorde : Mass reanimation

Corpse Harvester : Tutor for a zombie and a swamp

Dark Petition : Tutor for anything

Disturbed Burial : Buyback grave recursion

Gravewaker : Reanimation

Haunting Voyage : Mass reanimation

Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer : nonlegendary reanimation

Lord of the Undead : Anthem + Grave recursion

Mausoleum Secrets : Tutor

Nim Deathmantle : reanimation

Relentless Dead : grave recursion // reoccur itself

Rise of the Dark Realms : Mass reanimation

Sidisi, Undead Vizier : Tutor

Tomb Tyrant : Anthem + Reanimation

Zombie Apocalypse : One-sided boardwipe+mass reanimation

These are your bombs, the cards you want to draw out removal for so people don't focus on your combo pieces.

Dreadhorde Invasion : Endless Zombie Army

Endless Ranks of the Dead : Endless Zombie tokens

Gravecrawler : Reoccurs itself

Liliana, Death's Majesty : Self mill & reanimation

Liliana, the Last Hope : Removal & grave recursion

Call to the Grave : Reoccuring Sacrifice each turn

Eastern Paladin : Repeatable Green Creature Removal

Helldozer : Repeatable Land Destruction

Kindred Dominance : One-sided boardwipe

Plaguebearer : Repeatable Non-Black Creature Removal

Rathi Assassin : Repeatable Tapped Non-Black Removal

Western Paladin : Repeatable White Creature Removal

Boneknitter : Regenerate Zombies

Zombie Master : Regenerate Zombies & Swampwalk

I also love putting my D into the WAP

Cryptbreaker : Tap three zombies to draw and lose 1 life.

Gravewaker:7 mana is too much to reanimate tapped.
Tormod, the Desecrator: Tapped zombies are bad. Poxwalkers: Not relevant.

3x Swamp: Mana Fixing


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92% Casual


Revision 2 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Attrition main
-1 Helldozer main
-1 Open the Graves main
+1 Vesper Ghoul main
+1 Victim of Night main
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.54
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Foretell, Morph 2/2 C, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie Army 0/0 B
Folders The Tribal Bible: Tribal decks built to win.
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