Unholy Communion

Standard vintr


Magiclover318 says... #1

Do you have mana issues before you get Crypt Ghast out? You really don't have that many lands.

September 2, 2013 10:39 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #2

Also remove Debt to the Deathless , too high mana cost.

September 2, 2013 10:39 p.m.

vintr says... #3

not really, I only have crypt ghast in there to pump lands just for debt to the deathless. should I up it by two lands you think?

September 2, 2013 10:48 p.m.

My deck is very similar, although not as thoroughly tested as I would like.

You have a lot of 5CMC. Take out a Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Archangel of Thune for 2 Crypt Ghast . Take out Debt to the Deathless for 2 Dark Favor . I feel like enchanting your Fiendslayer Paladin for a 5/3 on turn 4 would add more pressure and give you more life than a late game Debt to the Deathless .

September 2, 2013 11:08 p.m.

vintr says... #5

that makes sense, I hate to get rid of an angel or vampire though.. but the debts will come out for a trial.. ill add 2 more dark favors.

September 2, 2013 11:26 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #6

Don't get rid of BBoV Or AAoT, remove the Debt to the Deathless and Congregate . Congregate is not really meant for this deck. It is meant for a selesnya populate deck to obtain 100 life in one turn basically. That removes 4 cards, so I would recommend adding in two more Vizkopa Guildmage if you want more creatures. Other then that, I would go with Imposing Sovereign or Blind Obedience

September 3, 2013 8:42 a.m.

vintr says... #7

without the debts in there, theres not a whole lot of reason to keep liliana either huh? I use her to gather swamps for a debt to deathless finisher..And I have won several games with a congregate/sanguine bond combo.. thats actually brutal..5 creatures is half thier life.

September 3, 2013 9:45 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #8

Yeah, I spose, I just think that you should add Blind Obedience or Imposing Sovereign or both. You definitly want Liliana in there. She is such a great planeswalker, I personally love her.

September 3, 2013 12:11 p.m.

vintr says... #9

me too, she will still be useful, getting the swamps, and can either buff a lifelink or slay an enemy creature.. good stuff

September 3, 2013 5:34 p.m.

vintr says... #10

i actually have some Blind Obedience and took them out of this.. I will sideboard them, however.. for haste decks

September 3, 2013 5:35 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #11

Blind Obedience is amazing and you really need it in here.

September 3, 2013 9:06 p.m.

vintr says... #12

back and forth, rotating Lifebane Zombie out and Crypt Ghast back in.. I just love that extort and extra mana.. sets off the archangels..

September 12, 2013 10:56 a.m.

Thanks for keeping us updated vintr. Between your 8 dual lands and crypt ghasts, do you have mana issues?

September 12, 2013 1:16 p.m.

Also, do you have problems with draw cards/obtaining a card advantage? I'm having these issues and I was hoping you could share your playtest results.

September 12, 2013 1:18 p.m.

vintr says... #15

Very rarely do I have mana issues. And I hardly ever see the ghasts actually. Normally I get out a priest or two early to keep the early game fairly even. A lot of games are early creatures swapping hits until I decide to hold off and save a priest to block with.. At that point they either attack anyway just to get rid of the priet.. Or that they stop attacking so I dont destroy a permanent. In the meantime, I am building up to guildmage and/or sanguine bond, or I have much lifelike out.. I am actually supprised at how well it is working with this many 5mana spells in it. But it works well.. I try to get a dark favor on a paladin early as well. For a 5 power first strike. I have considered cutting back on a blood Baron and an angel. But honestly it is working very well. And until I go against an aggressive deck it is holding up nicely. I would like to run it against aggro though, just to see what happens.

September 12, 2013 2:15 p.m.

vintr says... #16

And in my game group, I haven't encountered many card drawing decks yet. So no problem there.

September 12, 2013 2:17 p.m.

vintr says... #17

any suggestions on countering Erebos, God of the Dead with this deck.. he pretty much shuts it down.

September 30, 2013 5:07 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #18

Turn one Thoughtseize to deal with Erebos?

Also, would you consider Tithe Drinker over Insatiable Harpy ? Two mana less to trade flying and 1 extra toughness for extort. Slims your curve down a little bit, and it's not a bad attacker early game either.

September 30, 2013 5:16 p.m.

vintr says... #19

sure will, it started long ago and had Tithe Drinker in it though. I want to try the flying lifelink out to see how it works.Celestial Flare and Thoughtseize may be my only hope against erebos

Thoughtseize is too expensive though

October 1, 2013 2:41 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #20

Flying is a definite bonus, so its worth trying the Harpy.

You're thinking an Erebos with or without devotion? It will be hard either way I think. There's a reason Thoughtseize is expensive. Unfortunately.

October 1, 2013 4:13 p.m.

vintr says... #21

either, with or without.. indestructible either way. so looking for all options to get rid of it.. then assess what will work best for me.

October 1, 2013 4:16 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #22

Without forcing them to discard it'll be hard to deal with the enchantment version. Liliana of the Dark Realms 's minus 3 would do it if you have 7 swamps out. No small order in a 2 color deck. Death's Approach if you're killing lots of their stuff. Devour Flesh and Slum Reaper work too, but it seems like if you're killing their stuff their devotion wouldn't be very high...

Banisher Priest ? Other than that, Angel of Serenity and Luminate Primordial would do the job too, but again, if they have devotion youve probably got your back against the wall already.

October 1, 2013 4:27 p.m.

vintr says... #23

i didnt realize that giving a creature -x (toughness) would kill a indestructible creature..now that i think of it, yeah that would work. and i recently took out liliana. may need to sideboard her and a few priests to deal with erebos.thanks man

October 1, 2013 4:57 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #24

No problem, those gods present a whole new bag of challenges don't they?

October 1, 2013 5:27 p.m.

vintr says... #25

they do, there are always answers though.. I just hate modifying my deck to achieve it! haha

October 2, 2013 11:18 a.m.

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