Unicorns! (My EDH Masterpiece)

Commander / EDH CavemanlyMan


Ravenrose says... #1

This deck is amazing! Crusade might be funny. Oath of Druids could be handy. Wheel of Sun and Moon is a decent addition. Seedtime is a fun spell. I think you should have some ramp spells added; Peregrination , Explosive Vegetation and Cultivate are useful in this regard.

Raven Rose

September 13, 2019 8:54 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m trying to keep the instant and sorcery count low because of Primal Surge . Oath of Druids seems like a card you’d play against a creature deck, and not in one. Crusade would be nice, but there are both white and green creatures in the deck and there are other cards that do the same thing but are better. I’ll keep looking in that regard. Lastly, I don’t understand your logic behind Wheel of Sun and Moon if you could explain that to me.

I may add Cryptolith Rite if it seems like it would be worth it, but as I said I need enchantments/artifacts that ramp instead of instants/sorceries.

September 15, 2019 7:19 p.m.

BlackSirius says... #3

Wheel of Sun and Moon is probably a card Ravenrose is suggesting you enchant yourself with, so that your creatures wouldn't go to the graveyard. They also gave you a few ways to dig out some lands to make your deck smaller so that Primal Surge could have a bigger impact, creature wise. From what I can see you're not running to much recursion, so that's probably why they suggested Wheel of Sun and Moon , but might I suggest another permanent card that is an artifact called Lifeline .

November 5, 2019 5:52 p.m.

Ravenrose says... #4

BlackSirius is entirely correct. I find the Wheel of Sun and Moon helps me keep my graveyard low, which in my own play group is useful indeed.

November 6, 2019 3:32 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #5

BlackSirius,Ravenrose, I suppose you're right in that I'm not running a whole lot of recursion. I feel like Wheel of Sun and Moon isn't exactly the way to go with recursion either though. Most of my creatures are not worth recurring, especially not from the bottom of the deck. I don't have any non land tutors(perhaps with the exception of Wild Pair , so putting them on the bottom of the deck does next to nothing for me unless my deck gets shuffled. Even then, why would I want one unicorn over another? I've gotten milled out maybe once or twice in my playgroup, so I don't see the need to keep my graveyard low either.

I seriously considered Lifeline for a long time, but I've come to the decision that it is much too two-sided for a 5 cost artifact. I think that what my deck lacks in recursion it makes up for with its card draw and ramp.

November 13, 2019 10:31 a.m.

xaarvaxus says... #6

Cathars' Crusade seems like it would be a decent fit here as does Icon of Ancestry . Privileged Position or Steely Resolve could give you much needed protection

Wayfarer's Bauble is decent ramp for land. It looks like you could benefit from a Krosan Verge as well as it would let you fetch up Temple Garden and the like so you could throw in a Hallowed Fountain or Irrigated Farmland to fetch to cast your one blue spell.

January 13, 2020 9:50 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #7

xaarvaxus I'll probably make some changes in regard to your land suggestions. There are definitely other U/W and G/U lands I could add, such as the beta duals as well as shock lands and fetch lands. I don't think it is so much of a problem that I neeeeeed to add more blue mana sources, because if worst comes to worst I can just put out morophon and name unicorn, and thus not have to pay any blue mana. It seems a shame to change my mana base too much to accommodate my one blue spell, but really there isn't much harm in adding a Krosan verge and maybe a Hallowed Fountain.

In regard to your other suggestions I struggle more with board wipes than targeted removal, because who is going to waste a Swords to Plowshares on a Revered Unicorn , so hexproof is slightly pointless in my eyes. Currently Kindred Boon is what is helping me against board wipes, but I can't help but feel there is a better way to do it out there.

Icon of Ancestry is definitely a flavorful tribal card, but it seems unconventional for a deck with 2 main creature types that often have mana costs of 2 or 3. They aren't really worth paying 3 mana to search the top 3 cards for.

Yes, Cathars' Crusade would probably, actually you know what, it would be really good, I just don't know what to switch out for it. Perhaps Door of Destinies accomplishes the same goal but to a lesser extent?

January 13, 2020 3:14 p.m.

TheHomelessBun says... #8

I would get rid of Rarity because it isn't legal and it is the only card in you deck that needs blue mana.

February 19, 2020 8:41 a.m.

TheHomelessBun says... #9

Also according to this article: https://mtg.gamepedia.com/Commander_(format) Rule 903.4 means that if Morophon is your commander, you cam only have colorless spells.

If I am reading or interpreting this wrong please let me know.

February 19, 2020 8:49 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #10

TheHomelessBunTheHomelessBun, indeed you are interpreting color identity incorrectly. Your link took me to a non-existent page, so I just look up the rule. Color Identity is not just composed of what kinds of mana it costs to cast the spell, but also based on what mana symbols show up in the rules text of the card. With Morophon, the Boundless there is a line of text that says "Spells of the chosen type you cast cost WUBRG less to cast." Since all five of the color symbols show up that means Morophon's color identity is 5 color. Here is a link to the page (on the same website) where I found that. Notice that it gives the example of Bosh, Iron Golem (which costs colorless mana to cast) as being a red card. https://mtg.gamepedia.com/Color_identity

The only reason this deck contains Rarity is because it is, in fact, a Unicorn, and the deck contains every unicorn in the game. I know that it isn't technically legal in the format, but I only play this deck in a casual play group, who doesn't care if I play a non-legal unicorn in a generally not hyper serious deck. Also, it doesn't matter that Rarity costs blue mana to play because Morophon can reduce its cost to 1 colorless mana. Therefore, I am willing to make the sacrifice of putting a blue card in the deck merely because it is, in fact, a unicorn, and unicorns must reign supreme in this world.

If you wanted to build this deck and were morally opposed to having silver-bordered cards in it, then all the power to ya.

February 19, 2020 12:12 p.m.

DarkHamlet says... #11

July 8, 2020 1:56 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #12

DarkHamlet I suppose it just hard for me to justify putting in Princess Twilight Sparkle because she isn’t a unicorn, a Pegasus, a win condition, or a card that makes the deck run. I’ve tried to be very slim on the creatures that aren’t either unicorns, or Pegasi, or cards that make Pegasi, such as Archon of Sun's Grace.

Sure, she’s a lord for the unicorn and Pegasi stampede, but in commander that doesn’t make quite as much of an impact. This deck wins by getting out tons of unicorns at once and overwhelming my opponents, instead of buffing up my unicorns. Thus, I don’t see +1/+1 being enough to justify a non-unicorn creature. It just isn’t as effective as something like Craterhoof Behemoth, Beast Whisperer, or Knight of the Reliquary

July 21, 2020 10:38 a.m.

vasarto77 says... #13

I might borrow some ideas for my own deck too. Thanks!

April 17, 2021 1:15 a.m.

Vessiliana says... #14

There can never be too many unicorn decks! I used to have Emiel the Blessed myself, but I did go ahead and make the jump to Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn .

You mention that you used to have knights in the deck. Would you find sufficient support for a knight/unicorn tribal in GW?

July 21, 2021 12:55 a.m.

CavemanlyMan says... #15

There are a couple good knight lords out there, as well as many cards that care about knights. There are definitely more cards that care about knights than unicorns. Sadly, Eldraine put a lot of stuff that cares about knights on cards in RWB. I'm sure using knights instead of changelings (what I am switching for the Pegasi) could yield fruitful results, however there really aren't a whole lot of green knights (just like there aren't a lot of green unicorns).

The flavor is there for sure, so hey, go for it.

The reason I prefer Emiel to Lathiel is because I have a whole lot more cards in my deck with ETB effects than I do cards with lifegain. In fact my whole strategy basically hinges on ETB triggers (mainly draw triggers).

July 21, 2021 5:30 p.m.

I obviously upvoted before, but I'll comment still. There aren't many more unicorns, but you could add a rhino just for the gag of rhinos being like unicorns, but fat. The best choices for that are Dauntless Escort, Thicket Crasher, Thundering Ceratok or Rhox Meditant.

August 23, 2021 3:39 p.m.

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