This deck revolves around undying creatures and cards that remove +1/+1 counters. It's capable of bringing out incredibly big creatures.
The Undying Menace
They form the core of the deck. They make up almost a third of my nonland cards, and all carry undying.
![strangleroot geist](
![geralf's messenger](
Removing the Counters
Why on earth would you want to get rid of +1/+1 counters? Usually you wouldn't, but removing them from undying creatures lets them come back from death once more. Once? No, I'll do it over again and again, and every time they bring back more dark power for me to utilize.
![ooze flux](
Sacrifice and Death Profiteers
So what if my opponent doesn't attack or refuses to block my creatures? What's immortality worth if there's nothing to die from? I summon the reaper and receive his payment. I also sacrifice creatures to prevent them from getting exiled or when they're about to die anyway. Other cards profit from death passively, inflicting harsh consequences on the opponent. I'm especially fond of
Savra, Queen of the Golgari
, because I have to deal with protected creatures quite often.
![Bloodflow connoisseur](
![blade of the bloodchkef](
![savra, queen of the golgari](
Sacrifice and Death Profiteers, Part 2 - the Sideboard
Ghave, Guru of Spores and Ashnod's Altar are parts of a combo that gives infinite tokens, counters or mana with any undying creature. Blood Artist is great, but it often finishes the game before it's really fun. For that reason, I keep these cards in the sideboard and change them in for use against competitive opponents.
![ghave, guru of spores](
![ashnod's altar](
![blood artist](
Improving Consistency
A searching engine is important for this deck, as it combines many different kinds of pieces. I'm quite satisfied with it, but it can always become better. Feel free to suggest additions, especially for searching black cards.
![dimir house guard](
The Undying wants you!
Well, not as a recruit, but your advice, suggestions and votes are welcome.