Unity (An Ally Tribal Deck)

Modern Nef

SCORE: 247 | 274 COMMENTS | 29669 VIEWS | IN 100 FOLDERS

Nef says... #1

Hey im in school so I only have mobile access at the moment and I can't really type a long message because it'll take forever. I'll talk about what you mentioned at the end of your comment. I am trying to do a vialless ally deck rn to get around Kolaghan's Command and because I can't afford them. I think coco is beastly because it bounces back from boardwipes and can do instant speed shenanigens and get two triggers. It provides card advantage where vial doesn't. It's also much much more impressive to top deck. I'll respond to the rest of your comment when I get home

February 16, 2016 12:24 p.m.

Nef says... #2

As for mirror entity; I am still considering it as a one of but it is just so frail by itself that it is easy to remove and doesn't really provide any immediate impact which is what we really want for this kind of deck. And I am currently testing out a Lantern Scout over a Firemantle Mage atm. Lantern Scout is good in an aggro matchup and aggro decks are popular lately. But Firemantle Mage is impressive vs eldrazi and affinity which are also popular so I may have to find room for 3 lanterns and 1 firemantle. As for Harabaz Druid; it can allow a T3 CoCo which is fantastic, it can help dump creatures from our hand to play on turn 3, but I do think that it does work well with Mirror Entity. as for Hardened Scales; it is a pretty good card and there are ally decks where I think it belongs. Sadly this is not one of them. Not enough of our cards use counters for it to be really good IMO. It is also impressively bad when top decked whereas Expedition Envoy can at least give us a trigger and get 2 power on the board.

February 16, 2016 2:08 p.m.

jtforkner says... #3

Thanks for the response! It was very insightful, as soon as the last couple cards come in I will be testing your deck out with an slightly different sideboard.

2x Boros Charm1x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar2x Kataki, War's Wage2x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben2x Ondu Cleric1x Gaddock Teeg2x Eidolon of Rhetoric1x Spellskite2x Wear / Tear

My reasoning being in my area I haven't seen a huge amount of enchantment-centric decks. Eidolon counters Storm hard and can be grabbed with CoCo. Gaddock Teeg shuts down a Return to Ranks and Abzan CoCo, among others. Thalia makes it hard for removal to go off counters Storm as well as Infect.

February 16, 2016 6:02 p.m.

Nef says... #4

Sounds reasonable! Boggles is a thing near me so enchantment hate helps va that. And it gets blood moon.

February 17, 2016 5:38 a.m.

jtforkner says... #5

I gotcha, if I start seeing Boggles show up I might add them back in, however I think Thalia does disrupt Boggles as well. I rarely see them get more than 3 lands in a game so it should make it hard for them to stack enchantments and race you when everything they do costs extra mana. The Blood Moon could be an issue though with twin gone the best deck that used moon is banned. As much as I think Blood Moon is an amazing card I can't really think of anyone who uses it at the moment other than Blue Moon, some Delver and some Jund lists. Though with the Eldrazi scourge dominating Modern, we might see a resurgence of Blood Moon.

February 17, 2016 9:58 a.m.

Nef says... #6

Have you seen the free win red deck? It uses moon. I need to get to my lgs when I can to test it. I've been so busy. What are your thoughts on Natural State over Wear / Tear

February 17, 2016 11:04 a.m.

jtforkner says... #7

I hadn't even thought of that! I love Wear/Tear, but in the Ally deck there aren't any Enchantments or Artifacts that really hurt you. Night of Souls' Betrayal and Batterskull could be problematic, but I don't think people will bring in Night and Batterskull doesn't have a home in any popular decks at the moment. The Leylines are all 4 CMC, but don't do anything to you, so no worries there. In this deck I think Natural State might be better.

February 17, 2016 12:24 p.m.

Johanson69 says... #8

The only relevant thing that springs to mind and doesn't get hit is Worship. Maybe Sphere of Safety. Ensnaring Bridge and Ghostly Prison are a bit more prevalent and shoudl get hit. I still wouldn't only play Natural State, but rather Reclamation Sage, Qasali Pridemage or Dromoka's Command on top of it.

February 17, 2016 2:59 p.m.

jtforkner says... #9

Though I don't think we will see to many people running Worship (I can think of one deck list I have seen run it and it's not popular) or Sphere of Safety at a GP or Pro Tour. Johanson has point you can hit Reclamation Sage and Qasali Pridemage with your Collected Company, which is pretty sweet. I think that your best option is Qasali Pridemage since he can stick around till you actually need to destroy an enchantment or artifact. Otherwise just stick with Natural State.

February 17, 2016 3:26 p.m.

Johanson69 says... #10

Well any white creature based deck can play Worship, heck I'd consider playing it in the board if it weren't for the prevalence of infect damage (at least Affinity + Infect itself).

But I agree that generally Sage and Pridemage can do good work. Depending on the meta, one could also rather go for Ray of Revelation and Ancient Grudge for card advantage, but that's just generally the case for SB choices.

February 17, 2016 6:54 p.m.

Nef says... #11

Nice little discussion. I was at work xD I have to see what my meta is but the reason I like Natural State over one of the creature options is that it is only 1 cmc and is instant speed. That can be very helpful.

February 17, 2016 7:57 p.m.

ehuez says... #12

dont you have problems with casting Ojutai's Command with your mana base?

February 23, 2016 12:26 p.m.

Nef says... #13

I very very VERY rarely ever have mana issues with this deck.

February 23, 2016 1:25 p.m.

Enganeer says... #14

If you have space for Ray of Revelation in your side, then you should run Back to Nature, no question. 3 mana screw your opponent hard vs 2 mana utter blowout. Unless you need to be able to cast it if forced to discard (I suppose if 8-rack's Shrieking Affliction really scares you).

December 11, 2017 12:36 p.m.

Nef says... #15

Honestly before today I haven't looked at this deck in a while so I'm not quite sure why I included Ray of Revelation. It could've been due to discard. I'd have to play more and get a feel for my local meta again to really edit my sideboard again.

December 11, 2017 1:39 p.m.

ehuez says... #16

Hi, I love your allies!

I miss Oran-Rief Survivalist Unclaimed Territory and Lantern Scout in your deck list.

Do you think it is good to play Reckless Bushwhacker together with Collected Company and Aether Vial? His ability is useless if you not cast him.

I am also interested how does Jwari Shapeshifter works for you? Is not it too risky to play her? If your opponent bolt / path / destroy etc. creature targeted with her you loose her too.

May 25, 2018 9:32 a.m.

Nef says... #17

Hey ehuez

I haven't really considered Unclaimed Territory yet but I'm unsure if it's better than having fetchables for my sideboard/ CoCos. I'll probably toy around with the landbase a lot in the future.

Jwari Shapeshifter doesn't really "target" a creature. While it is on the stack an opponent can remove a creature from your board but as long as you have another creature, it can become that one. If your opponent removes your LAST creature while shapeshifter is on the stack, THEN you're screwed. Also, my meta was fairly aggro heavy last time so I shouldn't have to worry about removal too much. The shapehshifter is crazy good when played on Akoum Battlesinger and it is the main reason for its inclusion. For the extra explosiveness. It is also the reason for Reckless Bushwhacker. Before I bought a play set of Aether Vial I didn't think the bushwhacker was really worth it. But now Bushwhacker potentially makes a vial not so much of a dead draw as it can help get the surge cost paid. It also isn't horrible off of CoCo as it is an ally trigger and it inherently has haste so it's a little more explosive than other allies.

With 3 Ondu Clerics i have found that I have enough lifegain and that Lantern Scout isn't necessary. Although I may test Lantern Scout as a 1-of instead of Mirror Entity.

May 25, 2018 10:37 a.m.

seiseises says... #18

I would swap some of the lands for 2-4x Unclaimed Territory , as more copies of almost-Ally Encampment. True that they don't thin the deck as the fetchlands, but they give all colors for your allies without pinching you. Since CC is your only colored non-Ally spell (plus a few more white/green spells in the sideboard), I think they could do more good than bad.

May 29, 2018 2:50 p.m.

Nef says... #19

@seiseises - Thanks for the comment. I will definitely be trying them out at some point. I'll likely use them as a test to see if investing in Cavern of Souls is worth it.

May 29, 2018 2:56 p.m.

KongMing says... #20

Seems like a great deck! I love playing Allies in Modern too. +1 from me.

What do you do with this deck against UB creature hate? I noticed you don't really have any post-boardwipe options, or ways to protect your field.

Some ideas for you that I use in my Ally deck: Eerie Interlude can not only bounce your whole field, since all the Allies re-enter at the same time you get to trigger all their abilites for as many times as you have Allies. This can get you some big Blademasters or gain you a lot of life with the Clerics.

Other options would be graveyard recursion, like March from the Tomb or Return to the Ranks. The big problem is having enough mana to cast them after your Druid dies - 20 land is too few to be consistent enough to get you the 5 land you need to recover by the time the opponent locks out the board post-wipe (not to mention counterspells...) This may mean splashing black, yes, but it also means you can add key Allies like Hagra Diabolist and Bala Ged Thief, who present alternate paths to victory that don't hinge on combat damage.

If you end up adding some of these spells for recursion's sake, then might I also recommend Bring to Light? If you Converge for 5, you can tutor for March from the Tomb and cast it for free, meaning you only need 1 copy of your recursion spell to have access to it. Then just pack as many Bring to Light's as you want in order to tutor out the spell you need. In fact, if you Converge for 5 with Bring to Light, you can tutor any Ally, Instant, or Sorcery out of your deck and cast them for free.

Last suggestion is Unified Front. It gets you up to 4 Ally ETBs for as little as 4 mana - as an Ally player you should know how swull that can make your board. If you have a Harabaz Druid out, Unified Front's creature generation pays for itself.

June 27, 2018 1:44 p.m.

KongMing says... #21

Oh, and here is a link to the Ally deck I use in Modern. It focuses on winning through Mill, rather than combat damage. I ran a Naya Ally deck similar to yours when Zendikar was in Standard, but later splashed Blue and Black and turned it into mill.

Here it is: Turn 4, Mill 600 Cards Please... [Primer]

June 27, 2018 1:48 p.m.

Nef says... #22

@KongMing - Sorry for the month late response. I do have a copy Return to the Ranks in the sideboard at the moment. The main way to bounce back from a boardwipe is CoCo. it allows two more allies at instant. Speed. My main problem with converge spells is that my 4 Ally Encampments don't provide a color for those types of spells.
I used to run an Abzan list that used black but the higher cmc allies usually were too much mana to be worth it, esepcially with CoCo in the list. A more midrange list may be interested in these cards but it isn't what this deck is trying to do. I'm just trying to burst down the opponent before they can really do much.
Thanks for the suggestions and comments :)

July 29, 2018 9:01 a.m.

FlintSR says... #23

Yiiiikes 2-0 vs Jund? And here I was about to comment 'looks like a fun casual deck'

September 26, 2018 4:01 a.m.

Nef says... #24

FlintSR - Yeah game 1 opponent didn't know what Ally Encampment did so I gottem good. Second game opponent kept a 1 lander with like 3 inquisitions but didn't draw a land for 2 turns. Allies can be pretty resilient with this build and people often don't expect the explosive turn 4 kills.

September 26, 2018 9:45 a.m.

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