Unity (An Ally Tribal Deck)

Modern Nef

SCORE: 247 | 274 COMMENTS | 29669 VIEWS | IN 100 FOLDERS

Croxy0 says... #1

+1 from me, Looks really funLooking for some feedback on my Selesnya deck I'm MakingSelesnya aggro, combo

April 28, 2015 7:48 a.m.

Nef says... #2

@poistapoista - yah AEther Vial will probably make it in here at some point in time. I just really like the list I have and the vial will require a 4-of.

April 28, 2015 7:51 a.m.

DBCooper says... #3

+1 to a cool deck.

April 29, 2015 12:35 a.m.

cmbr says... #4

Could Inspiring Call be of some use in here?

April 29, 2015 5:51 a.m.

Nef says... #5

Thanks DBCooper!
cmbr - I've tried inspiring call before but it didn't do that well over all. It will stay a consideration though.

April 29, 2015 7:07 a.m.

Nef says... #6

JLenzen!!!! Look at that deck price! I cheapened it a bit

April 29, 2015 7:40 p.m.

Senderoth says... #7

Love the deck, and especially love Allys! Always been a favorite of mine, especially the Conspiracy + Restoration Angel or Turntimber Ranger combo. Only advice I'd give is what someone else said, adding AEther Vial.

April 29, 2015 9:27 p.m.

RYNO_Ross says... #9

I give this deck +1 for the motivational power alone. Have you thought of adding more Abzan cards? Ainok Bond-Kin will allow your brothers in arms to strike first in combat, increasing the odds of them surviving. There are other cards, but their names are not coming to me. Check them out and see if there are any you would want.

April 30, 2015 1:43 p.m.

Nef says... #10

Thank you for checking out my deck! I'm happy you like it!
I have considered those cards before but the only problem is that they aren't allies. I'll take another look at them though, thanks. Bramblewood Paragon is better than the Abzan guy that gives trample by the way.

April 30, 2015 1:53 p.m.

RYNO_Ross says... #11

I can agree on Bramblewood Paragon for a pure warrior deck, but you only have one warrior in here, unless Mirror Entity works on cards in your hand. You already had Abzan Falconer so that's why I brought the Abzan up. It's your call at the end of the day.

April 30, 2015 1:59 p.m.

Nef says... #12

Yah the warrior part on her isn't really the important part, it's the trample.
Thanks for the suggestions.

April 30, 2015 8:05 p.m.

Dimitrius says... #13

Inspiring Call? Inspiring call. Inspiring call, inspiring call.

April 30, 2015 8:57 p.m.

Nef says... #14

Yah it's a consideration for the deck. It would probably be a sideboard card.

April 30, 2015 9:46 p.m.

MattDovah says... #16

What about Ghostway?

just blink all your alleys at instant speed to avoid mass removals and to let them trigger again all together

May 1, 2015 6:35 a.m.

Nef says... #17

Ghostway is a huge sideboard consideration.

May 1, 2015 7:21 a.m.

Mr.grizzly says... #18

I like your attitude +1! I think a person like you should consider a career helping the homeless or returning veterans, you seem to enjoy helping people. Good luck!

May 1, 2015 9:13 a.m.

Nef says... #19

Thank you Mr.grizzly!
I do enjoy helping people. I often look for newer tappedout and Magic players and try to help them.

May 1, 2015 10:34 a.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #20

Nice deck +1. Allies look fun to play!

May 4, 2015 12:11 a.m.

Nef says... #21

Pure_Insanity - yah allies are so much fun to play! You can get crazy high power/ toughnesses on like turn4

May 4, 2015 7:18 a.m.

Daxta says... #22

Have you considered Adaptive Automaton?

I have a similar deck to yours, only mono white. Was thinking of using it, just wanted to hear your thoughts on it

May 5, 2015 5:49 p.m.

Nef says... #23

@Daxta - When considering running a card you need to look at all other cards with the same cmc.

  • Abzan Falconer - While he doesn't pump our allies, he gives them the all important flying. It helps evade and gives us protection against decks that use a lot of flying.
  • Kabira Evangel - He procs all of the allies effects and gives pro color. This essentially gives my creatures evasion. This can be super important vs Lingering Souls.
  • Mirror Entity - Is a huge factor of the deck. It's an ally and it can buff all of my creatures. With Harabaz Druid on the field Mirror Entity's ability can get pretty nuts.
  • Oblivion Ring provides some useful removal. It is very versatile and hits tons of cards.
    So when considering Adaptive Automatons impact in the deck compared to these cards, it's actually pretty weak. He doesn't grow in power himself and all he provides is a bonus of one toughness and one power. That tends to be pretty insignificant. Adaptive Automaton tends to be better in tribal decks that have a lack of good lords which is kinda the opposite of allies. Every ally card is a lord in it's own way. I suppose it could work in certain strategies but in a token based one like this, it isn't too good.

  • May 5, 2015 8:06 p.m.

    Daxta says... #24

    @Nef - Very nice feedback and breakdown of the cards, thanks man :)

    I pretty much run all of those, xcept the Abzan Falconer, which I intend to pick up at some point.

    As I said I run mono white, and therefor use Cloudshift, and I find it works very well with Kabira Evangel. Any thoughts about it?

    May 6, 2015 9:21 a.m.

    uk00121 says... #25

    Can't stress enough how great Cloudshift works in an ally deck. Use it to bounce any of your allies that do not have counters (ie, Evangel / Druid / Cleric) to trigger everyone's enter the battlefield effects. If you have the Evangel out you can bounce someone on your opponents turn to suddenly give everyone protection from a color, or just pump them enough so that they survive the assault, not to mention they come back untapped and ready to block. Oh, and it can save the bacon of anyone getting specifically targetted.

    May 6, 2015 9:22 a.m.

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